Android ORM



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Build Status Android Arsenal

Shillelagh is an sqlite library. It was built to make life easier. The entire library was built around simplicity when using sqlite in Android.

Quick and dirty.

  • Create your model objects, the ones you want to persist
  • Add the @Table annotation to the model class, and make sure you have a field @Id long id
  • Create your SQLiteOpenHelper and use Shillelagh.createTable to make your tables
  • Create an instance of Shillelagh
  • Create and save your objects!

For how to use see the example or the JavaDocs.

Supported Types

Supported Types (and corresponding primitives)

  • Integer
  • Double
  • Float
  • Long
  • Short
  • String
  • Date
  • Boolean

One to Many and One to One

One to one and one to many relationships are supported. You will need to make sure that the child objects are annotated like any other tables. For one to many, make sure you use a list, arrays are currently not supported.


Byte arrays are supported with nothing out of the ordinary needing to be done. If you would like to save another object type as a blob, you will need to tell Shillelagh that it should be serialized by adding @Column(isBlob = true) to the annotation. These objects MUST also implement the Serializable interface.

Other Notes

  • Constructors must be provided at package protected level or higher (Put in a ticket if there is a legitimate use case for private).
  • Inner classes MUST be marked static.
  • Don't forget to update your database version if you change your models (Also create migration scripts).
  • For proguard just add -keep class **$$Shillelagh { *; } to your rules.
  • If you do not provide a defualt constructor, Shillelagh will attempt to use the constructor you provided and pass in null.


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.andrewreitz:shillelagh:0.5.0'
  provided 'com.andrewreitz:shillelagh-processor:0.5.0'


Copyright 2015 Andrew Reitz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
the License for the specific language governing permissions and
under the License.
  • Lower minimum dependency

    Lower minimum dependency

    Right now you are manually including API Level 15, but most of the functionality you're relying on has been present in Android since before that (at least up until API Level 10, where RXJava is supported). Previously, you would receive an error message like this if attempting to use this library on an earlier version;

    ERROR: Debug has an indirect dependency on Android API level 15, but minSdkVersion for variant 'Debug' is API level 10

    After this change, I was able to build a project and run it on an Android 2.3.7 device properly.

    Keep up the great work! This library shows a ton of promise.

    opened by iainconnor 11
  • Null Pointer from build

    Null Pointer from build

    at shillelagh.internal.TableObject.getSchema(
    at shillelagh.internal.TableObject.toString(   at shillelagh.internal.ShillelaghProcessor.process(

    Any idea what could cause this issue?

    opened by hongzhou85 10
  • Unable to create table for class, Are you missing @Table annotation?

    Unable to create table for class, Are you missing @Table annotation?

    Weirdly enough, the model does have the Table annotation...

    public class TestModel {
        @Id(name = Constants.COLUMN_ID)
        public long _id;
        @Column(name = Constants.COLUMN_TEST)
        public String testColumn;
        public TestModel (String testColumn) {
            this.testColumn = testColumn;

    The above error is followed by this one on the Logcat trace: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tests.shillelagh.models.TestModel$$Shillelagh

    Looks to me the annotation processor is having some issues...

    opened by mradzinski 5
  • Allow Named Tables and Columns

    Allow Named Tables and Columns

    Right now shillelagh uses the name of the field on the object. This is okay, but for more flexibility and consisness users should be able to name their tables and colmns.

    opened by AndrewReitz 5
  • Better Collection Support

    Better Collection Support

    The only real way to do collections of primitives is to mark them as a blob. The problem then becomes that Lists and Maps are not serializable by default. Update the project to try to cast any of these types to serializable.

    opened by AndrewReitz 1
  • Better constructor support

    Better constructor support

    Currently shillelagh will pass in null for each parameter of the constructor. This is works great if there are no constraint checks, but if there are you will need to either provide an empty constructor or remove the constraints.

    There is probably a better way of doing this, like how gson or objenesis does it.

    opened by AndrewReitz 1
  • Updated How Selects Are Done

    Updated How Selects Are Done

    Using Observables for Selects is fine until the select size gets very large.

    There should be better ways of limiting this to keep the time it takes down. Raw queries can be used but are really sloppy. There should be something better but is still relatively type safe and fast.

    opened by AndrewReitz 1
  • Add ability to choose if a parent should drop all childern

    Add ability to choose if a parent should drop all childern

    If you many a one to many or one to one relationship when you drop the parent it leaves the childeren. Add the ability to pass a flag to the drop function to drop the parent and all children.

    opened by AndrewReitz 0
  • v0.5.0(Nov 30, 2014)

    • Added ability to define column, id, and table names.
    • Renamed @Field annotation to @Column.
    • Removed @OrmOnly annotation and need for empty no arg constructors.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Nov 16, 2014)

Andrew Reitz
Android / Kotlin
Andrew Reitz
Android ORM

Shillelagh Shillelagh is an sqlite library. It was built to make life easier. The entire library was built around simplicity when using sqlite in Andr

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