Provides feign request interceptors to sign http requests using AWS Signature V4.
Usage with SDK V1
Include the following dependency in your project:
val awsCredentialsProvider = DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain()
val service = "execute-api"
val region = Region.getRegion(Regions.EU_CENTRAL_1)
val awsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor = AwsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor(awsCredentialsProvider, service, region)
.target(YourClient::class.java, url)
final AWSCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain();
final String service = "execute-api";
final Region region = Region.getRegion(Regions.EU_CENTRAL_1);
final RequestInterceptor awsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor = new AwsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor(awsCredentialsProvider, service, region);
.target(YourClient.class, url);
Usage with SDK V2
Include the following dependency in your project:
val awsCredentialsProvider = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create()
val service = "execute-api"
val region = Region.of("eu-central-1")
val awsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor = AwsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor(awsCredentialsProvider, service, region)
.target(YourClient::class.java, url)
final AwsCredentialsProvider awsCredentialsProvider = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create();
final String service = "execute-api";
final Region region = Region.of("eu-central-1");
final RequestInterceptor awsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor = new AwsSignatureV4RequestInterceptor(awsCredentialsProvider, service, region);
.target(YourClient.class, url);
How to build it locally
mvn clean install
How to execute Integration Tests locally
In order to run Integration Tests locally, you'll have to set up the necessary infrastructure in one of your AWS Accounts. This can be done by applying the Terraform CDK project found in integration-tests/infrastructure
. Here's how you do it:
- Make sure that no state file exists in
. If it exists, see if the state file is empty. If so, delete it. Otherwise, perform Step 7 or 8. - Synthesize the Terraform CDK Stack by running:
# cd into /integration-tests/infrastructure cd integration-tests/infrastructure npm ci npm run synth
- Obtain Credentials for your AWS Account. This step highly depends on how the AWS Account is set up. You'll need permissions for API Gateway, Lambda and IAM.
- Apply the synthesized Terraform CDK Stack by running:
# cd into /integration-tests/infrastructure/cdktf.out/stacks/feign-aws-sigv4-integration-tests cd cdktf.out/stacks/feign-aws-sigv4-integration-tests terraform init terraform apply
- Confirm with
after checking the Terraform Plan output. - Wait until everything is set up. This should only take a few seconds.
- Execute the Tests by running:
# cd back to / export API_GATEWAY_URL=$(terraform output -raw api-gateway-url) cd ../../../../.. mvn -B -ntp clean install failsafe:integration-test failsafe:verify -DapiGatewayUrl=$API_GATEWAY_URL
- Clean up the necessary infrastructure by running:
# cd into /integration-tests/infrastructure/cdktf.out/stacks/feign-aws-sigv4-integration-tests cd integration-tests/infrastructure/cdktf.out/stacks/feign-aws-sigv4-integration-tests terraform destroy
- Confirm with
after checking the Terraform Destroy output.