A Zero-Dependency Kotlin Faker implementation built to leave you fully satisfied
How to Install Satisfaketion publishes all releases to Maven Central. As such, using the stable version of Satisfaketion
is as simple as declaring it as an implementation dependency in your build.gradle.kts
repositories {
dependencies {
// other (less cool) dependencies
The last two dependencies are optional, as they are the out-of-the-box generators and mutators that Satisfaketion provides, but they are by no means mandatory. However, if you write an awesome generator or mutator that you think the community would love, please open an issue here to discuss adding it to the repository
If you want to get a little spicy
// 1 Setup a helper function to import any Github Repository Package
// This step is optional but I have a bunch of stuff stored on github so I find it useful 😄
fun RepositoryHandler.github(packageUrl: String) = maven {
name = "GithubPackages"
url = uri(packageUrl)
credentials {
username = java.lang.System.getenv("GITHUB_USER")
password = java.lang.System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
// 2 Add the repo in question (in this case Kompendium)
repositories {
// 3 Add the package like any normal dependency
dependencies {
In Depth Satisfaketion is broken into three main library modules
- Core
- Generators
- Mutators
The engine that powers Satisfaketion. Instantiating a satisfaketion object is as easy as declaring the helper function.
Once a class has been registered, type-safe generators can be associated with each member of the class.
val satisfaketion = satisfaketion {
register(SimpleDataClass::class) {
SimpleDataClass::a { TestPhoneGenerator }
SimpleDataClass::b { SmolIntGenerator }
val example = satisfaketion.generate<SimpleDataClass>()
A Generator
is a functional interface that declares a single method generate
fun interface Generator<R> {
fun generate(): R
An example generator for a naive phone number could be
object TestPhoneGenerator : Generator<String> {
override fun generate(): String {
val first = Random.Default.nextInt(100..999)
val second = Random.Default.nextInt(100..999)
val third = Random.Default.nextInt(1000..9999)
return "$first-$second-$third"
Another concept that is at the core of Satisfaketion
is the Mutator
A Mutator
is another functional interface
fun interface Mutator<R, RR> {
fun mutate(generator: Generator<R>): Generator<RR>
Mutators allow you to take an existing Generator
and mutate it, allowing for expansive reuse of base generators.
Let's say you have a data class MyPerson
data class MyPerson(
val firstName: String,
val lastName: String,
val prefix: String?,
val suffix: String?,
using the existing EnglishName
generator, you can declare a satisfaketion instance, with mutators to add weighted mutability to the prefix
and suffix
val satisfaketion = satisfaketion {
register(MyPerson::class) {
MyPerson::firstName { nameGenerator.firstName }
MyPerson::lastName { nameGenerator.lastName }
MyPerson::prefix { nameGenerator.prefix.mutate(WeightedNullabilityMutator(0.25, seed)) }
MyPerson::suffix { nameGenerator.suffix.mutate(WeightedNullabilityMutator(0.25, seed)) }
This would cause approximately 25% of generated objects to have a null field for prefix
and/or suffix
Generators ♺
Collection of useful generators to create fantastic fake data
The current list of pre-existing generators is
- English Names
- United States Address
- Beer
- Barcodes
If you would like to add a generator, please first open an issue here explaining the use case.
Mutators Collection of useful mutators
: Given a weight between 0 and 1, will mutate a generator to provided interspersed null values in accordance with the provided weightCollectionMutator
: Takes a standard generator and converts it to aList
Limitations Due to the reflective operations that satisfaketion performs, it will not work on non-public data classes.
With that said, for internal classes, individual generators can still be used and applied directly to members