A Common RecyclerView.Adapter implementation which supports all kind of items and has useful data operating APIs such as remove,add,etc.


##PowerfulRecyclerViewAdapter Bintray android-arsenal Apache 2

A Common RecyclerView.Adapter implementation which supports any kind of items and has useful data operating APIs such as remove,add,etc.


  • Operate on data set,for example ,remove,add,get,etc.
  • Bind Data(Model) and ViewHolder using DataBean,DataBean is a Wrapper of Data(Model);
  • DataBean controls creation of the ViewHolder and binds data to the ViewHolder;
  • Separate part of Adapter's responsibilities to DataBean,such as creating an instance of the ViewHolder and binding data to ViewHolder.Adapter only operate data;
  • Remove all switch..case statemens in onCreateViewHolder() or onBindViewHolder() taking advantage of Polymorphism;
  • You don't need to write any Recycler.Adapters after you use this powerful common adapter;
  • Your RecyclerView can have any kind of items(or viewHolders).

###New features

Added on 4/28/2016(dev branch):
1.add setListener() method in CommonRecyclerAdapter.Extend CommonRecyclerAdapter and override setListener() if you want set holder'listener outside of the ViewHolder,If not,you can use CommonRecyclerAdapter as your RecyclerView's adapter directly and set Listeners in each kind of ViewHolder

 Added on 4/25/2016:
1.add HolderAPI and HolderHelper which can be reused in all kinds of ViewHolders,even ListView,GridViews.

 Added on 4/16/2016:
1.add some useful apis in BaseRecyclerViewHolder,such as setText(id,text),setImageBitmap(id,bitmap),etc to simplify your ViewHolder coding;
2.add some useful and friendly apis in BaseRecyclerAdapter,such as removeData(data),removeFirst(),removeLast(),etc;
3.use a SparseArray to cache views in the ViewHolder,see BaseRecyclerViewHolder for detail.

Added on 4/10/2016:
1.@DataBean Annotation
Use apt(Annotation Processor Tool) like used in Dagger2 and DataBinding to process annotations and generate DataBean source code for you,you don't need to write databean classes anymore,that's a progress.
see [Use @DataBean] guide module

###Important classes:

class CommonRecyclerAdapter:common adapter whose super class is RecyclerView.Adapter,supports inserting and droping datas and supports any kind of items.

interface DisplayBean:used to create an instance of the ViewHolder

interface DataBean:extends from DisplayBean,used to bind data to viewholders

###How To:


  • add apt classpath dependencies to your project's gradle file:
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'
  • apply apt plugin to your app's gradle flie and must apply after application plugin:
apply plugin: 'com.neenbedankt.android-apt'
  • add PowerfulRecyclerViewAdapter dependencies to your app's gradle file:
compile 'com.creact:powerful-adapter-lib-release:1.0.0@aar'
provided 'com.creact:powerful-adapter-annotations-release:1.0.0'
apt 'com.creact:powerful-adapter-complier-release:1.0.0'//apt


  • Declare CommonRecyclerAdapter as your RecyclerView's adapter;
 protected CommonRecyclerAdapter adapter;
  • Extend BaseDataBean,create your DataBean;
public class BookTitleBean extends BaseDataBean<Book, BookTitleViewHolder> {

    public BookTitleBean(Book data) {

    public BookTitleViewHolder createHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
	    //create an instance of Your ViewHolder
        return new BookTitleViewHolder(getView(parent, BookTitleViewHolder.LAYOUT_ID));
  • Extend BaseRecyclerViewHolder,create your ViewHolder;
public class BookTitleViewHolder extends BaseRecyclerViewHolder<Book> {
	//declare LAYOUT_ID
    public static final int LAYOUT_ID = R.layout.item_book_title;

    public BookTitleViewHolder(View itemView) {

    public void setData(Book data) {
        if (data == null)
        setText(R.id.name, data.getName());
        setText(R.id.price, String.valueOf(data.getPrice()));
  • Construct DisplayBeans:convert data set to displaybean set
     * Convert normal DataSet to DisplayBeans
     * If the data set which  returned by the server in the same order as in the list on ui,
     * this process will be easy
    protected void initData() {
        //fake data
        Map<ICategory, List<Book>> sourceData = fetchSourceData();
        //display beans
        List<DisplayBean> displayBeans = new ArrayList<>(20);

        //Add a ProgressBar DisplayBean to show a ProgressBar in the top of the list
        CommonDisplayBean progressBean = new CommonDisplayBean(R.layout.item_progress);

        //add categories and books to the list
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<ICategory, List<Book>>> iterator = sourceData.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Map.Entry<ICategory, List<Book>> entry = iterator.next();
            ICategory category = entry.getKey();
            //add category to the list
            displayBeans.add(new CategoryBean(category));
            List<Book> books = entry.getValue();
            //add books to the category
            if (category != null && books != null) {
                for (Book book : books) {
                    BookTitleBean bookTitleBean = new BookTitleBean(book);
        //load data and show data in the list



  • For items have no data or only display static data,for example,just show a progressBar,use CommonDisplayBean which creates an instance of BaseRecyclerViewHolder


  • Reuse ViewHolder and DataBean

Use interface or abstract class (type parameter of BaseRecyclerViewHolder)to bind DateBean and ViewHolder

Demo: ####ICategory interface

* An interface represents an abstract category
public interface ICategory {

   String getName();
   long getId();


public class CategoryBean extends BaseDataBean<ICategory, CategoryViewHolder> {

   public CategoryBean(ICategory data) {

   public CategoryViewHolder createHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
       return new CategoryViewHolder(getView(parent, CategoryViewHolder.LAYOUT_ID));


public class CategoryViewHolder extends BaseRecyclerViewHolder<ICategory> {
    public static final int LAYOUT_ID = R.layout.item_book_catagory;
    public CategoryViewHolder(View itemView) {
    public void setData(ICategory category) {
        if (category == null)


Use @DataBean

Because BaseDataBean and its super classes have done much work for us,our DataBean's code is very simple,only have couple of lines.Simpler than Simpler,we use apt to genreate your DataBean source code.The tool is holder-compiler.Now you can use @DataBean on your ViewHolder,The apt will generate corresponding source code for you as you wanted,it's very convenient.

How to:take BookTitleViewHolder for example

//use DataBean annotation to annotate your ViewHolder
@DataBean(beanName = "BookTitleBean", data = Book.class)
public class BookTitleViewHolder extends BaseRecyclerViewHolder<Book> {

    public static final int LAYOUT_ID = R.layout.item_book_title;

    public BookTitleViewHolder(View itemView) {

    public void setData(Book data) {
        if (data == null)
        setText(R.id.name, data.getName());
        setText(R.id.price, String.valueOf(data.getPrice()));

1.Extend BaseRecyclerViewHolder to create your ViewHolder;

Notes:public field LAYOUT_ID of your ViewHolder is 
required ,and the name must be LAYOUT_ID(apt need this constant).

2.Use @DataBean on your ViewHolder(only for classes whose super class is BaseRecyclerViewHolder)

Elements of DataBean:

  • beanName->simple class name of the generated DataBean,String type;
  • data->type of data which wrapped by DataBean and used by ViewHolder,Class type.

3.build the project,apt will generated the DataBean code for you,and generated BookTitleBean like this: app\build\generated\source\apt\debug\ [package]\BookTitleBean.java

package com.steve.creact.powerfuladapter.presentation.viewholder.databean;

import android.view.ViewGroup;

import com.steve.creact.library.display.BaseDataBean;
import com.steve.creact.powerfuladapter.data.Book;
import com.steve.creact.powerfuladapter.presentation.viewholder.BookTitleViewHolder;

 * Generated DataBean for BookTitleViewHolder
 * Powered by Holder-Compiler

public class BookTitleBean extends BaseDataBean<Book, BookTitleViewHolder> {

    public BookTitleBean(Book data) {


    public BookTitleViewHolder createHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
        return new BookTitleViewHolder(getView(parent, BookTitleViewHolder.LAYOUT_ID));//that's why need LAYOUT_ID field in ViewHolder

Just like handwriting code!

One More Tip:

Use File Template function of IDE to create a common ViewHolder class template! Right click the package you want to put ViewHolders in, select "New" menu,then select "Edit File Template",add your custom ViewHolder class file template,my template is like this:

#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end
#parse("File Header.java")
@DataBean( beanName = "${DATA}DataBean",data = ${DATA}.class)
public class ${DATA}ViewHolder extends BaseRecyclerViewHolder<${DATA}> {

  public static final int LAYOUT_ID = R.layout.your_layout_id;

  public ${DATA}ViewHolder( View itemView ) {
    super( itemView );

  public void setData( ${DATA} data ) {
    if ( data == null ) return;

${DATA} is a placeholder which represents class name of your data. After creating a ViewHolder file template,every time you want write a ViewHolder, you can use the template to create it then modify the variable part.

problems may occur when you build:

  • can't delete holder-compiler.jar->open task manager,end process of java se,rebuild.

###Contact Me:





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    • Operate on data set,for example ,remove,add,get,etc.
    • Bind Data(Model) and ViewHolder using DataBean,DataBean is a Wrapper of Data(Model);
    • DataBean controls creation of the ViewHolder and binds data to the ViewHolder;
    • Separate part of Adapter's responsibilities to DataBean,such as creating an instance of the ViewHolder and binding data to ViewHolder.Adapter only operate data;
    • Remove all switch..case statemens in onCreateViewHolder() or onBindViewHolder() taking advantage of Polymorphism;
    • You don't need to write any Recycler.Adapters after you use this powerful common adapter;
    • Your RecyclerView can have any kind of items(or viewHolders);
    • @DataBean Annotation
    • Useful apis in BaseRecyclerViewHolder,such as setText(id,text),setImageBitmap(id,bitmap),etc
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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