Easy RecyclerView Adapter



Easy RecyclerView Adapter

Getting started


allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.JaredDoge:GenericAdapter:{latest_version}'


   recyclerview.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)

   adapter= GenericAdapter(list)
                onBindView { holder, view, pos, data, payloads ->
                    val tv:TextView = holder.find(R.id.tv)
            .addItemClick { view, position, data ->
                  //do someing



sealed class Data {

    data class Type1(val t1: String) : Data()

    data class Type2(val t2: String) : Data()


 adapter= GenericAdapter(list)
            .setTypeCondition { pos, obj ->
                //如果為multiType 則必須呼叫,Generic才能判斷type
                //這裡的type 對應你的TypeBinder 裡的 getViewType()
                if(obj is Data.Type1) 1 else 2
                onBindView { holder, view, pos, data, payloads ->
                   //type 1 bind view
                   val v1= holder.find<TextView>(R.id.tv)
                onBindView { holder, view, pos, data, payloads -> 
                    //type 2 bind view
                    val v2= holder.find<TextView>(R.id.tv2)

#State 提供三種狀態error、empty、loading顯示的畫面

   // ...
   .emptyBinder(R.layout.adapter_empty)//當dataList size為0時 會自動顯示emptyView
      onBindView { holder, v ->
                    val btn:Button = holder.find(R.id.btn_retry)
                    btn.setOnClickListener {


            object :LoadMore.Callback{
                override fun more() {
                  //load more
                  //get more data 











// etc...
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