:ribbon: The simple way to implement a beautiful ribbon with the shimmering on Android.



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🎀 The simple way to implement a beautiful ribbon with the shimmering on Android. 中文語


Maven Central Jitpack


Add below codes to your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file).

allprojects {
    repositories {

And add a dependency code to your module's build.gradle file.

dependencies {  
    implementation "com.github.skydoves:androidribbon:1.0.3"


Add following XML namespace inside your XML layout file.


RibbonView in layout

     app:ribbon_rotation="-45" // set rotation
     app:ribbon_background_color="@color/colorPrimary" // set background color
     app:ribbon_ribbonRadius="4dp" // set radius
     app:ribbon_drawable="@drawable/ribbon03" // set drawable, not background color

create using Builder

This is how to create RibbonView's instance using RibbonView.Builder class.

new RibbonView.Builder(context)
      .setRibbonBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.bright_lavender))
      .setRibbonDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ribbon03))

create using kotlin dsl

This is how to create RibbonView's instance using kotlin dsl.

val ribbonView = ribbonView(this) {


ShimmerRibbonView lets you implement shimmer animation easily.

ShimmerRibbonView in layout


create using Builder

This is how to create ShimmerRibbonView's instance using ShimmerRibbonView.Builder class.

new ShimmerRibbonView.Builder(context)

create using kotlin dsl

This is how to create ShimmerRibbonView's instance using kotlin dsl.

val shimmerRibbonView = shimmerRibbonView(context) {
      ribbon = ribbonView(context) {
          text = "Android-Ribbon"
          textColor = Color.WHITE
          textSize = 13f
          textStyle = Typeface.BOLD
          ribbonRotation = -45
          ribbonDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.ribbon02)
      shimmer = alphaShimmer {


This library using shimmer-android by Facebook.
Here are the detail shimmer-instruction about shimmer or you can reference below examples.

create using Builder

This is how to create Shimmer's instance using Shimmer.Builder class.

new Shimmer.AlphaHighlightBuilder()

create using kotlin dsl

This is how to create Shimmer's instance using kotlin dsl.

val shimmer_alpha = alphaShimmer {
val shimmer_color = colorShimmer {
      setBaseColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimary))
      setHighlightColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.colorPrimaryDark))


RibbonLayout lets RibbonViews overlap with other child views.

RibbonLayout in layout



And should set ribbonHeader or ribbonBottom using RibbonView or ShimmerRibbonView instance.



RibbonRecyclerView lets you implement RecyclerView has RibbonView items easily.

RibbonRecyclerView in layout


Add or remove RibbonView items.

recyclerView.addRibbon(2, ribbonView);

RibbonView Attributes

Attributes Type Default Description
ribbonBackgroundColor Color #e254ff sets ribbon background using color.
ribbonRadius Float 10f sets ribbon corner's radius. It's only active using with ribbonBackgroundColor.
ribbonDrawable Drawable null sets ribbon background using drawable. ribbonBackgroundColor and ribbonRadius will be ignored.
ribbonRotation Int 0 sets ribbon rotation. Only between 1 to 90 or -90 to -1 degree.
paddingLeft Float 8f sets left padding of the text.
paddingTop Float 4f sets top padding of the text.
paddingRight Float 8f sets right padding of the text.
paddingBottom Float 4f sets bottom padding of the text.
text String "" sets text. It is same as android:text attribute.
textColor Color Color.WHITE sets text color. It is same as android:textColor attribute.
textSize Float 12f sets text size. It is same as android:textSize attribute.
textStyle Int Typeface.NORMAL sets text style. It is same as android:textStyle attribute.

ShimmerRibbonView Attributes

Attributes Type Default Description
ribbon RibbonView RibbonView(context) sets RibbonView on the frame.
shimmer Shimmer AlphaHighlightBuilder(context).build() sets Shimmer on the frame.

ShimmerLayout Attributes

Attributes Type Default Description
ribbonHeader RibbonView RibbonView(context) sets header RibbonView on the frame.
ribbonBottom RibbonView RibbonView(context) sets bottom RibbonView on the frame.
ribbonHeaderAlign Gravity Gravity.START sets an align of the header ribbon.
ribbonBottomAlign Gravity Gravity.CENTER sets an align of the bottom ribbon.

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And follow me for my next creations! 🤩


Copyright 2019 skydoves

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • RibbonView changes x/y position when being recreated

    RibbonView changes x/y position when being recreated

    Please complete the following information:

    • 1.0.2
    • Likely all, but tested on an Emulator with Android 11

    Describe the Bug:

    When using RibbonView in e.g. a RecyclerView, clicking on an item in the RecyclerView, and then returning to the RecyclerView after a few times the position of the ribbon will change.

    The likely reason for this is a missing check in onLayout(changed: Boolean, ...) whether the layout actually did change. Only then the rotation code should be applied which also changes x/y values of the View.

    I'll provide a PR with a fix.

    Expected Behavior:

    Postition of the ribbon always stays stable.

    opened by ubuntudroid 2
  • ShimmerRibbonView moving when Keyboard opens

    ShimmerRibbonView moving when Keyboard opens

    • Library-Version [1.0.2]

    Describe the Bug:

    My Layout having CoordinatorLayout -> (In Top) AppBarLayout-> CollapsingToolbarLayout-> MaterialToolbar-> ConstraintLayout-> AppCompatEditText and RecyclerView inside CoordinatorLayout. Used ShimmerRibbonView in the RecyclerView Item. Whenever the keyboard opens for AppCompatEditText, the ShimmerRibbonView is moves toward left

    Expected Behavior:

    ShimmerRibbonView should not move.

    opened by mahendravijay 2
  • RibbonView DrawableTint is not Working

    RibbonView DrawableTint is not Working

    Hi sir, I am using your library and its awesome. Currently I am facing issue with RibbonView Drawable tint is not working with SVG.

    <com.skydoves.androidribbon.RibbonView android:id="@+id/rbView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="@dimen/_33sdp" android:text="Active" android:textColor="@color/white" android:textSize="@dimen/_10ssp" app:ribbon_rotation="40" android:fontFamily="@font/montserrat_medium" app:ribbon_drawable="@drawable/ic_ban_horizontal" app:ribbon_ribbonRadius="@dimen/_4sdp" app:drawableTint="@color/colorBlue" />

            here us the code that I am using.
    opened by waleedkalyar 1
  • RecyclerView ShimmerRibbonView Auto Resize

    RecyclerView ShimmerRibbonView Auto Resize

    Hi, I have used ShimmerRibbonView in recyclerview and the parent is constraint layout. In UI Editor and app deployed, view working good. But after navigating to a new Activity by clicking on the card where ShimmerRibbonView is placed, returning back to the current activity view automatically positions itself down. If tried three times, each time view goes down to its height. I tried to fix it by placing it in a container with some width and height even though, view appears to be resizing itself. Adapter was not refreshed at that time onResume().

    opened by perusudroid 1
  • #4 Fix RibbonView changing position even if layout didn't change

    #4 Fix RibbonView changing position even if layout didn't change

    Fixes #4 by always checking for actual changes in layout before applying rotation and positional updates.

    Types of changes

    What types of changes does your code introduce?

    • [x] Bugfix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
    opened by ubuntudroid 0
Jaewoong Eum
Android software engineer. Digital Nomad. Open Source Contributor. ❤️ Love coffee, music, magic tricks and writing poems. Coffee Driven Development.
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