[Deprecated] Android Library that implements Snackbars (former known as Undobar) from Google's Material Design documentation.

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UI/UX UndoBar


Build Status

This lib is deprecated in favor of Google's Design Support Library which includes a Snackbar and is no longer being developed.

Thanks for all your support!

Android Library that implements Snackbars (former known as Undobar) from Google's Material Design documentation.

UndoBar Sample UndoBar Sample UndoBar Sample UndoBar Sample UndoBar Sample

How to use this library

  • Download this library, import to your IDE (eclipse...) as a library project.

  • Using Gradle(from 0.5)

    compile 'com.cocosw:undobar:1.+@aar' 
  • Using Maven



  • You can also use UndoBar with builder style.

    new UndoBar(getActivity()).message("Undo-bar title").listener(listener).show();
  • Or you can use UndoBar by just one line code (Deprecated from 1.4)

    UndoBarController.show(getActivity(), "Undo-bar title" , listener, undoToken);
  • UndoBar support customize style with background/icon/duration/animation attribution.

  • UndoBar will determine if tranlucent mode(4.4) is using and adjust its position.


  • UndoBar provides 3 default styles. You can use them for different purposes like undo,refresh, or just use it as replacement of toasts. For example, you can use retry style in this way.

    new UndoBarController.UndoBar(this).message(loader.getException().getMessage()).style(UndoBarController.RETRYSTYLE).listener(this).show();
  • UndoBar will switch to KitKat L&F in API-19 target and Material design in API20+.

  • You can set theme in your appliation to change the look and feel. For example, you can use following lines in your style.xml to always use material style UndoBar.

    <style name="MaterialTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light">
        <item name="undoBarStyle">@style/UndoBarMaterialStyle</item>
  • You can change undobar style completely by define your own style

        <style name="UndoBarClassicStyle">
            <item name="containerStyle">@style/UndoBarClassic</item>
            <item name="messageStyle">@style/UndoBarMessageClassic</item>
            <item name="buttonStyle">@style/UndoBarButtonClassic</item>
            <item name="dividerStyle">@style/UndoBarDividerClassic</item>
            <item name="inAnimation">@anim/undobar_classic_in_anim</item>
            <item name="outAnimation">@anim/undobar_classic_out_anim</item>

Advanced usage

  • Using UndoBarController.AdvancedUndoListener if you need to get notification when UndoBar was cleared or hidden.
  • UndoBar is designed to dynamically add to activity viewgroup, so you need to handle screen-rotation by your self. Check this example to see more.


  • Feel free to fork it


Copyright 2011, 2015 Kai Liao

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Red line below

    Red line below "Undo" text


    if Undobar is called the second time on a device with Android 5 it shows a red line below the "Undo" text. Any idea where this is coming from? First time it shows the Undobar without a red line.


    opened by peah90 10
  • Listener for UndoBar Hidden/Finished

    Listener for UndoBar Hidden/Finished

    Is it possible to get a listener hook for when the Undo Bar vanishes after the time limit? This could be used to clean up state when an action is NOT Undone.

    For example:

    • User selects "delete item"
    • Item is flagged deleted
    • Undo bar is shown
    • IF Undo selected:
      • Un-flag item as deleted
    • IF Undo bar completes with nothing selected [new listener]
      • Fully delete item

    This could be done by extending the current listener to support an extra function. eg; void onUndo(Parcelable token, Boolean undone);

    ...and then implementations could check "undone" to determine if, for the token, the action was undone, or can proceed with committing the action.

    opened by dortamur 9
  • onHide() is not executed when UndoBar is cleared prematurely

    onHide() is not executed when UndoBar is cleared prematurely

    OnHide() is not called when a new UndoBar is created before a previous UndoBar has time to time out and execute OnHide().

    For example, I have an UndoBar come up every time I swipe away a list item. If I swipe away one list item, an UndoBar appears. If I then swipe away another list item immediately after, not giving the first UndoBar time to time out and animate out, then the first UndoBar's onHide() is not executed, and a new UndoBar comes up for the second item swiped away, replacing the first.

    If I swipe two items away, I need the onHide callback to run for both items. Is this the intended functionality?

    opened by jakis39 8
  • Compile error with support-v7 22.1

    Compile error with support-v7 22.1

    When I try to compile with the new v7 support library, I get the following error:

    Error: Attribute "buttonStyle" has already been defined

    I do not get this error with 22.0. I assume this caused by the definition in attrs.xml conflicting with one introduced in the new support library version.

    opened by cheeplusplus 7
  • UndoBar with translucent Navigationbar

    UndoBar with translucent Navigationbar

    When implementing the translucent Navigationbar, the Undobar pops up behind this bar.

    I'd suggest changing the position depending on whether it is used or not.

    (e.g. by passing a boolean to the constructor and switching the position depending on this boolean)

    opened by homj 7
  • No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@android:id/mask')

    No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@android:id/mask')

    I get this "No resource found that matches the given name (at 'id' with value '@android:id/mask')" error in "UndoBar / library / res / drawable-v21 /undobar_material_button.xml" resource file. Do I need to add a new dependency? I did not face this any time before. I see you have updated the lib few hours back. Please help.

    opened by supareek 5
  • Get height UndoBar to move Floating Action Button out of the way

    Get height UndoBar to move Floating Action Button out of the way

    I really like the UndoBar, works great! I just have one problem. I'm using the new Material Design UndoBar and want to move my Floating Action Button out of the way. The thing is that I only know its max height is 80dp, but I want to know the exact height for the best animation. Thanks in advance!

    opened by kevinvanmierlo 4
  •  java.lang.NullPointerException



    I downloaded the code and add the project as an Android library to my eclipse project.

    When trying to invoke the undobar from my adapter I got the following error

        at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController.<init>(UndoBarController.java:89)
        at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController.ensureView(UndoBarController.java:272)
        at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController.show(UndoBarController.java:259)
        at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController.show(UndoBarController.java:251)
        at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController.show(UndoBarController.java:305)
        at rainstudios.kelo.ui.FavoriteAdapter$1.onDismiss(FavoriteAdapter.java:64)
        at androidextras.widget.SwipeDismissTouchListener$2.onAnimationEnd(SwipeDismissTouchListener.java:228)
        at com.nineoldandroids.animation.ValueAnimator.endAnimation(ValueAnimator.java:1034)
        at com.nineoldandroids.animation.ValueAnimator.access$900(ValueAnimator.java:43)
        at com.nineoldandroids.animation.ValueAnimator$AnimationHandler.handleMessage(ValueAnimator.java:669)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5017)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:779)
        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:595)
        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    It seems that the inflation fails and the mButton variable is null.

    I don't understand what is wrong with my application (API 11 and using AndroidAnnotations).

    Here's the code I use to invoke undobar

    public class FavoriteAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements UndoListener {
        List<Favorite> items = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        Activity context;
        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            FavoriteItemView view;
            if (convertView == null) {
                view = FavoriteItemView_.build(context);
            } else {
                view = (FavoriteItemView) convertView;
            final int pos = position;
            // Create a generic swipe-to-dismiss touch listener.
            view.setOnTouchListener(new SwipeDismissTouchListener(view, null,
                    new SwipeDismissTouchListener.OnDismissCallback() {
                        public void onDismiss(View view, Object token) {
                            Favorite item = items.get(pos);
                            db.deleteFavorite(FavoriteType.Subreddit, item.title);
                            UndoBarController.show(context, "Undo-bar title",
                            FavoriteAdapter.this, null);
            return view;
    opened by PerfectCarl 4
  • New button highlight colour for KitKat

    New button highlight colour for KitKat

    Currently the button highlights when pressed are the old Holo blue colour. It would be nice to also have the new Holo gray colour when running on KitKat.

    opened by pushbit 4
  • UndoBar crashes if you hold Undo button and the Undobar disappears

    UndoBar crashes if you hold Undo button and the Undobar disappears


    if you press on the "Undo" button of Undobar and hold your press on the button, the Undobar disappears after the specified timeout. This is still correct. If you release your press on the button now (AFTER Undobar disappeared) the Undobar crashes.

    We reproduced the bug on a device with Android 4 and Android 5.

    See stacktrace:

    11-25 14:26:03.830    3058-3058/de.whs.moa.app E/AndroidRuntime﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        Process: de.whs.moa.app, PID: 3058
        java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'android.os.Parcelable com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController$Message.undoToken' on a null object reference
                at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController$Message.access$200(UndoBarController.java:775)
                at com.cocosw.undobar.UndoBarController$2.onClick(UndoBarController.java:127)
                at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:4756)
                at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:19749)
                at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
                at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
                at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
                at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5221)
                at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
                at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:899)
                at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:694)
    opened by peah90 3
  • UndoBar doesn't save it's instance state.

    UndoBar doesn't save it's instance state.

    Hi! First of all thanks for your work and very useful library!

    My problem is that on device rotation a visible undo bar is not restored. It seems UndoBar instance state is not saved.

    I tried to debug and noticed that onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState are not being invoked on device rotation.

    May it happen because UndoBar view is added dynamically?

    opened by makovkastar 3
  • CountDown style like in ListViewAnimations (https://github.com/nhaarman/ListViewAnimations)

    CountDown style like in ListViewAnimations (https://github.com/nhaarman/ListViewAnimations)

    Thanks for your library. I've modified it and added possibility to have UndoBar with countdown (like in ListViewAnimations/SwipeToDismiss demo). Perhaps this will be useful for somebody



    • UndoBarController: removed mHideRunnable field
    • UndoBarController: added new fields mDismissStartMillis, mCountDownRunnable, mMessageCountdownView
    • UndoBarController: added mCountDownRunnable, mMessageCountdownView fields initialization to the constructor
    • UndoBarController: updated runnable reference for the removeCallback call in the undoBar method
    • UndoBarController: modified showUndoBar to adjust visibility and text of mMessageCountdownView if countDownFormatter is present in the style
    • UndoBarController: updated hide handler logic in the showUndoBar method
    • UndoBarController.CountDownRunnable: added
    • UndoBarStyle: added countDownFormatter field and its setter method
    • UndoBarStyle: added countDownFormatter support to parcelable implementation
    • res/layout/undobar.xml: reworked TextView part, added hidden countdown view below it
    • res/values/styles.xml: added UndoBarMessageContainer, UndoBarMessageCountdown, UndoBarMessageContainerClassic, UndoBarMessageCountdownClassic, UndoBarMessageContainerKitKat, UndoBarMessageCountdownKitKat styles


    • MainActivity: added onClick handling for the button5
    • UndoCountdownStyle: added
    • res/layout/activity_main.xml: added button5 declaration
    • res/values/strings.xml: added couple of string constants
    • res/values/styles.xml: added definition for the UndoBarMessageContainer and UndoBarMessageCountdown styles
    • AndroidManifest.xml: added UndoCountdownStyle activity declaration
    opened by httpdispatch 3
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