A library that provides an implementation of the banner widget from the Material design.


MaterialBanner Download License Android Arsenal

A banner displays a prominent message and related optional actions.

MaterialBanner is a library that provides an implementation of the banner widget from the Material design.

Banners - Material Design.

MaterialBanner animation



You can download the sample app here.


Add the gradle dependency

implementation "com.sergivonavi:materialbanner:1.2.0"

Check your theme

In order to use this banner your app theme should inherit from a Material Components theme.

More about that: Getting Started - Material Components for Android.

Create your banner

In your layout.xml:

    android:visibility="gone" // don't hide if you want to show this banner everytime
    app:buttonRightText="Turn on wifi"
    app:messageText="You have lost connection to the Internet." />

then in your Activity/Fragment:

Banner banner = findViewById(R.id.banner);
banner.setLeftButtonListener(new BannerInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(BannerInterface banner) {
        // do something
banner.setRightButtonListener(new BannerInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(BannerInterface banner) {
        // do something
// show when needed

// and later on

From the code using Builder:

Banner banner = new Banner.Builder(context).setParent(rootView)
    .setMessage("You have lost connection to the Internet. This app is offline.")
    .setLeftButton("Dismiss", new BannerInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(BannerInterface banner) {
    .setRightButton("Turn on wifi", new BannerInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(BannerInterface banner) {
            // do something
    .create(); // or show() if you want to show the Banner immediately

DO NOT forget to call Builder#setParent(...). Pass here a ViewGroup that will be a parent for your banner.

Or you can use:

  • setParent(ViewGroup, int) to specify the index of the banner in ViewGroup's hierarchy;
  • setParent(ViewGroup, int, ViewGroup.LayoutParams) to change the default LayoutParams.


You don't need to set both left and right buttons: you can set one of them (doesn't matter which one).

Additional setup

Add listeners

If you want to know when your banner was shown or dismissed you can set appropriate listeners from BannerInterface:

banner.setOnDismissListener(new BannerInterface.OnDismissListener() {
    public void onDismiss() {
        // do something
banner.setOnShowListener(new BannerInterface.OnShowListener() {
    public void onShow() {
        // do something

Or chain these calls to the Builder:

new Banner.Builder(context)
    .setOnDismissListener(new BannerInterface.OnDismissListener() {
        public void onDismiss() {
            // do something
    .setOnShowListener(new BannerInterface.OnShowListener() {
        public void onShow() {
            // do something


For the style guidelines read Banners - theming.

Changing style of a single banner

In your layout.xml

Available attributes:

  • backgroundColor
  • iconTint
  • messageTextAppearance
  • messageTextColor
  • buttonsTextAppearance
  • buttonsTextColor
  • buttonsRippleColor
  • lineColor
  • lineOpacity


    app:lineOpacity="0.8" />

From the code

Available methods:

  • setBackgroundColor
  • setIconTintColor
  • setMessageTextAppearance
  • setMessageTextColor
  • setButtonsTextAppearance
  • setButtonsTextColor
  • setButtonsRippleColor
  • setLineColor
  • setLineOpacity


banner.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.custom_background));

Global style

You can change style of your banner globally.

Add bannerStyle attribute to your theme:

<style name="CustomTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="bannerStyle">@style/CustomBanner</item>

And create your custom style (you can inherit from the provided default banner styles):

<style name="CustomBanner" parent="@style/Widget.Material.Banner">
    <!-- change what you want --> 
    <item name="messageTextAppearance">@style/BannerMessageTextAppearance</item>
    <item name="buttonsTextAppearance">@style/BannerButtonsTextAppearance</item>

<style name="BannerMessageTextAppearance" parent="TextAppearance.Banner.Message">
    <item name="android:textSize">16sp</item>

<style name="BannerButtonsTextAppearance" parent="TextAppearance.Banner.Button">
    <item name="android:textStyle">bold</item>

Change padding of the banner's content to fit your layout

If you want to do something like this: Banner in wide layout You can change the content's padding using provided attributes or methods:

  • attr: contentPaddingStart
  • attr: contentPaddingEnd
  • setContentPaddingStart
  • setContentPaddingEnd

But account for the default padding:

  • the end padding is always 16dp (a distance between the button's last character and the end edge of a banner)
  • the start padding depends on a user's device

On mobile:

  • the start padding is always 16dp regardless if icon set or not

On tablet (sw720dp):

  • the start padding depends whether icon set or not
    • if set then 16dp
    • otherwise 24dp

See Banners - specs for visualisation.


  1. If the content of your screen has 32dp margin from both sides and you set an icon then you can set 16dp padding for your banner:


  1. Everything is the same but no icon:
  • for mobile devices - 16dp padding from both sides;
  • for tablets
    • 16dp end padding
    • 8dp start padding (32dp margin - 24dp margin of the message)

See the sample app for example.


DO NOT set padding directly using the default padding attributes or methods. It will break the appearance of the widget.


Copyright 2019 Sergey Ivanov

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Use MaterialBanner with Theme.AppCompat

    Use MaterialBanner with Theme.AppCompat

    In order to use this banner your app theme should inherit from a Material Components theme.

    Is it possible to use Material banner without changing the basic application theme to Theme.MaterialComponents for example importing only required styles/resources from MaterialComponents?

    Banner component is working as expected, but I cannot afford to change all styles in my app...

    opened by Remicek 2
  • Migrate to mavenCentral

    Migrate to mavenCentral

    Since 'jcenter' is deprecated "JCenter Maven repository is no longer receiving updates: newer library versions may be available elsewhere" i think it's a good idea to migrate to mavenCentral.

    For those who don't want to use jcenter for their other libraries just add jcenter this way in you build.gradle :

    // jcenter will be used only for "com.sergivonavi"
    jcenter {
        content {
            includeGroup "com.sergivonavi"
    opened by Damien-L 0
  • Library is safe to use for production?

    Library is safe to use for production?

    Hey there can I use this library for production on playstore. I wanted to know that if I use it in one of my apps on playstore, than the library will work fine? is there any charges of using this library or is it free?

    opened by kushalsharma12 0
  • No way to set text with Spannable

    No way to set text with Spannable

    The setMessage method should take a CharSequence instead of a simple String.

    This will allow to set text with links or other decoration, like this :

        .setMessage(Html.fromHtml("Lorem <a href=\"https://google.com\">ipsum</a>", Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY))
    opened by DayS 0
  • Font


    • update gradle and appcompat
    • add attribute font path(messageView and buttons)
    • add method set font path or typeface(messageView and buttons)

    issuse #8

    opened by FarshidRoohi 0
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