Custom wheel widget for android

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UI/UX AndroidWheel

Wheel widget for Android

To include the wheel widget in the current layout, you should add in the layout xml this lines:

            sephiroth:ticks="28" />

Where numRotations is the max number of rotations the wheel can perform and ticks is the total number of ticks the wheel will display.

In your activity you can add a OnScrollListener listener to the wheel widget, in this way:

	mWheel = (Wheel) findViewById( );
	mWheel.setOnScrollListener( new OnScrollListener() {
		public void onScrollStarted( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
		public void onScrollFinished( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
		public void onScroll( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
	} );

Where float value is a value between -1.0 and 1.0 of the current indicator position and int roundValue is a value between -(ticksnumRotations) and (ticksnumRotations)

###Change the Wheel value The wheel position and value chan be changed programmatically at runtime using the Wheel's method setValue:

public void setValue( float value, boolean fireScrollEvent );
  • value is the new wheel value, a float between -1.0f and 1.0f, where 0.0f it's the center of the wheel.
  • fireScrollEvent: if true, once this method is called the onScrollFinished method will be called.

Screen Shots

Wheel running on ICS

  • Error importing android wheel to my project

    Error importing android wheel to my project

    Hey there! I just imported this project to Eclipse to use it as library, but when I added this library to my project, a lot of errors appeared suddenly in my project... Errors were like this: R cannot be resolved to a variable. So, which is the correct way to import android wheel?

    opened by bamsbamx 7
  • Set wheel position from code

    Set wheel position from code

    Thank you for making this very useful widget. I need to set its starting position to something other than halfway - e.g. the total range is 0 to 100, but I want it to start at 30 rather than 50.

    How can this be done?

    opened by bmb6agb 2
  • Adding support for Android 2.1 and 2.2

    Adding support for Android 2.1 and 2.2

    Your wheel looks great & funny. But, I must set API to >= 9 when build because in line 1084 you define a OverScroller (which only from API 9+). This mean I cannot run this app on Android 2.1 and 2.2.

    Can you take time to add support for 2.1 and 2.2?


    opened by anticafe 1
  • Use with minimal XML

    Use with minimal XML

    Specifically, I'm trying to move the lines


    to code, so that I can externalize the wheel and change it at will in my app. However, I can't find a way to control these via java rather than xml.

    opened by jamrader 0
  • SetValue causes a

    SetValue causes a "divide by 0" exception.

    Using the setvalue method gives me a divide by zero exception.

    My code is as follows:

                mWheel = (Wheel) v.findViewById(;
                mWheel.setOnScrollListener( new Wheel.OnScrollListener() {
                    public void onScrollStarted( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
                        Log.i("SPINZ", "STARTED: f: " + value + " / i: " + roundValue);
                    public void onScrollFinished( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
                        Log.i("SPINZ", "FINISHED: f: " + value + " / i: " + roundValue);
                        roundValue *= -1;
                        roundValue += 40;
                        if (roundValue >= 0 && roundValue < sections.length)
                    public void onScroll( Wheel view, float value, int roundValue ) {
                        roundValue *= -1;
                        roundValue += 40;
                        if (roundValue >= 0 && roundValue < sections.length)
                } );
                mWheel.setValue(1.0f, true);

    If I take mWheel.setValue(1.0f, true) and move it to right after mWheel = (Wheel) v.findViewById(, then I don't get the divide by zero exception, but the method doesn't do anything either.

    opened by jamrader 0
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