Spinwheel for Android using Jetpack Compose.



SpinWheel in Android using Jetpack Compose.

How it looks


val textList by remember { 
        listOf("Pie 1", "Pie 2", "Pie 3", "Pie 4", "Pie 5", "Pie 6", "Pie 7", "Pie 8")
DefaultSpinWheel(isSpinning = true){ pieIndex ->
    Text(text = textList[pieIndex])


  1. Open the file settings.gradle (it looks like that)
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        // add jitpack here 👇🏽
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Sync the project
  2. Add dependency
dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.commandiron:SpinWheelCompose:1.0.3'


val iconList by remember {
var isSpinning by remember { mutableStateOf(false)}
        dimensions = SpinWheelDefaults.spinWheelDimensions(
            spinWheelSize = 180.dp,
            frameWidth = 20.dp,
            selectorWidth = 10.dp
        colors = SpinWheelDefaults.spinWheelColors(
            frameColor = Color(0xFF403d39),
            dividerColor = Color(0xFFfffcf2),
            selectorColor = Color(0xFFdc0073),
            pieColors = listOf(
        animationAttr = SpinWheelDefaults.spinWheelAnimationAttr(
            pieCount = 4,
            durationMillis = 4000,
            delayMillis = 200,
            rotationPerSecond = 2f,
            easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing,
            startDegree = 90f
        isSpinning = isSpinning,
        onClick = { isSpinning = !isSpinning },
        onFinish = { isSpinning = false }
    ){ pieIndex ->
            imageVector = iconList[pieIndex],
            tint = Color.White,
            contentDescription = null
    Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(32.dp))
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  • Default values

    Default values

    I think some of the default behaviour is not obvious without looking through the code:

    • When not providing resultDegree, the spin should be random
    • When not providing autoResetDelay, the spinner should not reset.
    bug enhancement 
    opened by MadSoeDK 2
  • 1.1.0


    • re write most of the codes.
    • bugs fixed.
    • spinWheelState added so code made more elegant and readable
    • Now the animation will be started with the animate() suspend function.

    Functions added;

    • For spin and reset -> animate()

    • For spin -> spin()

    • For reset -> reset()

    • resultDegree default value is null and this means random value.

    • autoSpinDelay default value is null and this means no auto spin.

    • startDegree bug fixed.


    opened by commandiron 0
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