Android WiFi Tools
Android library for finding connected devices on the same WiFi network. It can provide IP Addresses, device names, MAC Address and vendor names.
Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tejmagar:AndroidWiFiTools:1.0.2'
Add Permission
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
Find Connected Devices
DevicesFinder devicesFinder = new DevicesFinder(this, new OnDeviceFindListener() {
public void onStart() {
public void onDeviceFound(DeviceItem deviceItem) {
public void onComplete(List<DeviceItem> deviceItems) {
public void onFailed(int errorCode) {
Set Timeout
Increasing timeout value may give you better results.
Get Mac Address from IP Address
String macAddress = MacAddressInfo.getMacAddressFromIp("");
Before running this code, make sure you have already run deviceFinder.start();
Returns device Mac Address. If not found, it will return "unknown" or Constants.UNKOWN
Get current device IP Address
String ipAddress = devicesFinder.getCurrentDeviceIpAddress();
Get current device Mac Address
String currentDeviceIpAddress = devicesFinder.getCurrentDeviceIpAddress();
String currentDeviceMacAddress = MacAddressInfo.getCurrentDeviceMacAddress(currentDeviceIpAddress);
Get vendor name from Mac Address
String vendorName = VendorInfo.getVendorName("94:17:00:3a:f9:09");
returns device Mac Address. If not found, it will return "unknown" or Constants.UNKNOWN
will be automatically called while starting the device finder. If not, make sure you have initialized it first.