Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar.


AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar -- PROJECT IS NOT SUPPORTED

Android Arsenal

Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar. Project use Appcompat library for material design.

Project Contain

  • Material Design Theme

  • Toolbar

  • NavigationDrawer

  • New SlidingTabLayout

  • ViewPager

  • Material FloatingActionButton

  • Material CircularProgressBar

  • SwitchCompat from Appcompat

  • EditText from Appcompat

  • Checkbox from Appcompat

alt tag


Copyright 2015 Tekinarslan

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:-

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT "WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS" OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Error inflating class

    Error inflating class

    Thank you for sharing.

    I got this error, but I couldn't figure out what's wrong. I use Android L device.

    Besides, when I initially import your project, I need to change <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> to <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item> in styles.xml to get rid of an error.

    opened by tomcataa 4


    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.tekinarslan.material.sample/com.tekinarslan.material.sample.SampleActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: AppCompat does not support the current theme features

    opened by sphairo 1
  • navigation drawer should be over the toolbar

    navigation drawer should be over the toolbar

    If you look at the guidelines you should have seen that the drawer should be over everything except for the status and navigation bar... Also the burger to arrow animation is for when adding fragments to the backstack or animating between activities... Google have been doing this wrong them self but that shouldn't mean that we shouldn't follow the guidelines... Especially when your project title contains "material design" ;)

    opened by alirahimpour89 1
  • General code quality fix-1

    General code quality fix-1

    This pull request is focused on resolving occurrences of Sonar rules squid:S1125 - Literal boolean values should not be used in condition expressions. squid:S1197 - Array designators "[]" should be on the type, not the variable. squid:S2293 - The diamond operator ("<>") should be used. You can find more information about the issues here:

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Faisal Hameed

    opened by faisal-hameed 0
  • Code quality fix - The members of an interface declaration or class should appear in a pre-defined order.

    Code quality fix - The members of an interface declaration or class should appear in a pre-defined order.

    This pull request is focused on resolving occurrences of Sonar rule squid:S1213 - The members of an interface declaration or class should appear in a pre-defined order. You can find more information about the issue here:

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Faisal Hameed

    opened by faisal-hameed 0
  • Fixed some bugs

    Fixed some bugs

    Fixed some bugs that can crash the demo .

    1. Change old widgets in support.v7.internal.widget to new ones in file page.xml
    2. Change attrs name android:windowNoTitle to windowNoTitle
    opened by thesadabc 0
  • scrollable tabs padding

    scrollable tabs padding

    Hi! As you can see here: scrollable tabs should have a padding on the left and right side of the scrollable pane so people know that the tabs are scrollable and not fixed.

    opened by alirahimpour89 0
  • Watch out for import bug

    Watch out for import bug

    This line was removed automatically by Android Studio from modules.xml when I opened this project on my machine.
    module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/app/app.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/app/app.iml"

    Cost me an hour. Put it back in and it built.

    This is a good project, needs a better readme though. A how to use would be nice.

    opened by ericwjr 0
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