Third application for Big Brain Kotlin book, will be pokemon collection app


Big Brain Kotlin : Application #3 - PokemonHurddle

Third application for Big Brain Kotlin book, will be pokemon collecting app 11285 Pokemon and become Pokemon Master!




Image Image


  • Explore Screen
    • Player could find - Poke`Coins, PokeBalls and Berries
    • Player could encounter Pokemons
    • Pokemons can be tamed through Berries and captured using Pokeballs
  • Pokemon Screen
    • Display list of Pokemon user has captured
  • PokeMart
    • User can buy berries, pokeball and Rare Pokemons
  • Bag
    • User can see inventory of berries and balls he have

Android APIs Used

  • Fragments
  • Constraint Layout
  • CardView
  • Recycler View API - ListAdapter & DiffUtil API
  • TabLayout
  • ViewPager
  • Android Styles and Themes
  • Custom Fonts
  • Jetpack Room DB - Entity, DAO
  • Jetpack ViewModels
  • Jetpack Hilt Dependency Injection
  • Jetpack Navigation Components

Kotlin APIs Used

  • Coroutines for Concurrency - scope, context, dispatcher
  • Flows for observable states and reactive apis - onEach, collect
  • Higher order functions -> Lambdas
  • Language primitives
    • if/else
    • variables
    • dataTypes - Primitive and UserDefined
  • Data classes
  • Enums
  • Collection operation - map,filter
  • Extension functions
  • Scoped operation

Other Patterns and APIs

  • MVVM pattern
  • Usecases pattern
  • Repositoru pattern
  • DataSources Pattern
  • Base-Classes etc

👮 License

Shield: CC BY-SA 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0

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