Idiomatic statistical operators for Kotlin


Kotlin Statistics


Idiomatic math and statistical extensions for Kotlin

This library contains helpful extension functions to perform exploratory and production statistics in a Kotlin-idiomatic way.

Read the introductory blog post here


Join the #datscience community on Kotlin Slack for community discussion on this library as well as Kotlin for data science.

Build Instructions

You can use Gradle or Maven to pull the latest release from Maven.


dependencies {
    compile 'org.nield:kotlin-statistics:1.2.1'



You can also use Maven or Gradle with JitPack to directly build a snapshot as a dependency.


repositories {		
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.thomasnield:kotlin-statistics:-SNAPSHOT'



Kotlin-Statistics at KotlinConf

KotlinConf- Kotlin for Data Science

Basic Operators

There are a number of extension function operators that support Int, Long, Double, Float, BigDecimal and Short numeric types for Sequences, Arrays, and Iterables:

  • descriptiveStatistics
  • sum()
  • average()
  • min()
  • max()
  • mode()
  • median()
  • range()
  • percentile()
  • variance()
  • standardDeviation()
  • geometricMean()
  • sumOfSquares()
  • normalize()
  • simpleRegression()
  • kurtosis
  • skewness

Here is an example of using the median() extension function against a Sequence of Doubles:

val median = sequenceOf(1.0, 3.0, 5.0).median()
println(median) // prints "3.0"

Slicing Operators

There are also simple but powerful xxxBy() operators that allow you slice many of these statistical operators on a given key:

  • countBy()
  • sumBy()
  • averageBy()
  • geometricMeanBy()
  • minBy()
  • maxBy()
  • rangeBy()
  • varianceBy()
  • standardDeviationBy()
  • descriptiveStatisticsBy()
  • simpleRegressionBy()

Below, we slice a sequence of Item objects by their lengths and get the averages and standard deviations by each length.

class Item(val name: String, val value: Double)

val sequence = sequenceOf(
        Item("Alpha", 4.0),
        Item("Beta", 6.0),
        Item("Gamma", 7.2),
        Item("Delta", 9.2),
        Item("Epsilon", 6.8),
        Item("Zeta", 2.4),
        Item("Iota", 8.8)

// find sums by name length, using pairs or functional arguments
val sumsByLengths = sequence
       .map { to it.value }

val sumsByLengths = sequence
       .sumBy(keySelector = { }, doubleSelector = {it.value} )

println("Sums by lengths: $sumsByLengths")

// find averages by name length, using pairs or functional arguments

val averagesByLength = sequence
        .map { to it.value }

val averagesByLength = sequence
        .averageBy(keySelector = { }, doubleSelector = {it.value})

//find standard deviations by name length, using pairs or functional arguments

val standardDeviationsByLength = sequence
        .map { to it.value }

val standardDeviationsByLength = sequence
        .standardDeviationBy(keySelector = { }, valueSelector = {it.value})

println("Std Devs by lengths: $standardDeviationsByLength")


Sums by lengths: {5=20.4, 4=17.200000000000003, 7=6.8}
Averages by lengths: {5=6.8, 4=5.733333333333334, 7=6.8}
Std Devs by lengths: {5=2.1416504538945342, 4=2.619584360585134, 7=0.0}

These slicing operators are backed by a common groupApply() function, which can be used to implement other slicing operators easily.

Slicing Using Data Classes

You can slice on multiple fields using data classes with the xxxBy() operators as well. This is similar to using a GROUP BY on multiple fields in SQL. Below we slice a count and average defect of products by their category and section.

//declare Product class
class Product(val id: Int,
              val name: String,
              val category: String,
              val section: Int,
              val defectRate: Double)

// Create list of Products
val products = listOf(Product(1, "Rayzeon", "ABR", 3, 1.1),
        Product(2, "ZenFire", "ABZ", 4, 0.7),
        Product(3, "HydroFlux", "ABR", 3, 1.9),
        Product(4, "IceFlyer", "ZBN", 1, 2.4),
        Product(5, "FireCoyote", "ABZ", 4, 3.2),
        Product(6, "LightFiber", "ABZ",2,  5.1),
        Product(7, "PyroKit", "ABR", 3, 1.4),
        Product(8, "BladeKit", "ZBN", 1, 0.5),
        Product(9, "NightHawk", "ZBN", 1, 3.5),
        Product(10, "NoctoSquirrel", "ABR", 2, 1.1),
        Product(11, "WolverinePack", "ABR", 3, 1.2)

// Data Class for Grouping
data class Key(val category: String, val section: Int)

// Get Count by Category and Section
val countByCategoryAndSection =
        products.countBy { Key(it.category, it.section) }

println("Counts by Category and Section")
countByCategoryAndSection.entries.forEach { println(it) }

// Get Average Defect Rate by Category and Section
val averageDefectByCategoryAndSection =
        products.averageBy(keySelector = { Key(it.category, it.section) }, doubleSelector = { it.defectRate })

println("\nAverage Defect Rate by Category and Section")
averageDefectByCategoryAndSection.entries.forEach { println(it) }


Counts by Category and Section
Key(category=ABR, section=3)=4
Key(category=ABZ, section=4)=2
Key(category=ZBN, section=1)=3
Key(category=ABZ, section=2)=1
Key(category=ABR, section=2)=1

Average Defect Rate by Category and Section
Key(category=ABR, section=3)=1.4000000000000001
Key(category=ABZ, section=4)=1.9500000000000002
Key(category=ZBN, section=1)=2.1333333333333333
Key(category=ABZ, section=2)=5.1
Key(category=ABR, section=2)=1.1

Slicing by Ranges/Bins

You can also group by ranges (or known in statistics as "bins" or a "histogram").

Please note that in Kotlin-Statistics 1.2, the gapSize parameter was removed from all binBy() extension functions. A Range interface was implemented to accomodate a ClosedOpenRange needed for binning operations. Hopefully Kotlin will officially support different open range implementations and Kotlin-Statistics can migrate to them.

Slicing By Numbers

There are specialized bin operators that deal with numeric ranges for Int, Long, Double, Float, and BigDecimal. Below, we bin the sales items by increments of 20.0 for the value.

import java.time.LocalDate

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    data class Sale(val accountId: Int, val date: LocalDate, val value: Double)

    val sales = listOf(
            Sale(1, LocalDate.of(2016,12,3), 180.0),
            Sale(2, LocalDate.of(2016, 7, 4), 140.2),
            Sale(3, LocalDate.of(2016, 6, 3), 111.4),
            Sale(4, LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 5), 192.7),
            Sale(5, LocalDate.of(2016, 5, 4), 137.9),
            Sale(6, LocalDate.of(2016, 3, 6), 125.6),
            Sale(7, LocalDate.of(2016, 12,4), 164.3),
            Sale(8, LocalDate.of(2016, 7,11), 144.2)

    //bin by double ranges
    val binned = sales.binByDouble(
            valueSelector = { it.value },
            binSize = 20.0,
            rangeStart = 100.0



Bin(range=[100.0..120.0), value=[Sale(accountId=3, date=2016-06-03, value=111.4)])
Bin(range=[120.0..140.0), value=[Sale(accountId=5, date=2016-05-04, value=137.9), Sale(accountId=6, date=2016-03-06, value=125.6)])
Bin(range=[140.0..160.0), value=[Sale(accountId=2, date=2016-07-04, value=140.2), Sale(accountId=8, date=2016-07-11, value=144.2)])
Bin(range=[160.0..180.0), value=[Sale(accountId=7, date=2016-12-04, value=164.3)])
Bin(range=[180.0..200.0), value=[Sale(accountId=1, date=2016-12-03, value=180.0), Sale(accountId=4, date=2016-01-05, value=192.7)])

Slicing by Comparables

You can group any T items into bins composed of Comparable ranges. Below, we group up items by yearly quarters by mapping each item to a Month, and then setting the binSize to 3. We also have to provide an incrementer so the model knows how to build the bins incrementally.

import java.time.LocalDate

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    data class Sale(val accountId: Int, val date: LocalDate, val value: Double)

    val sales = listOf(
            Sale(1, LocalDate.of(2016,12,3), 180.0),
            Sale(2, LocalDate.of(2016, 7, 4), 140.2),
            Sale(3, LocalDate.of(2016, 6, 3), 111.4),
            Sale(4, LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 5), 192.7),
            Sale(5, LocalDate.of(2016, 5, 4), 137.9),
            Sale(6, LocalDate.of(2016, 3, 6), 125.6),
            Sale(7, LocalDate.of(2016, 12,4), 164.3),
            Sale(8, LocalDate.of(2016, 7,11), 144.2)

    //bin by quarter
    val byQuarter = sales.binByComparable(
            valueSelector = { },
            binIncrements = 3,
            incrementer = { }



Bin(range=JANUARY..MARCH, value=[Sale(accountId=4, date=2016-01-05, value=192.7), Sale(accountId=6, date=2016-03-06, value=125.6)])
Bin(range=APRIL..JUNE, value=[Sale(accountId=3, date=2016-06-03, value=111.4), Sale(accountId=5, date=2016-05-04, value=137.9)])
Bin(range=JULY..SEPTEMBER, value=[Sale(accountId=2, date=2016-07-04, value=140.2), Sale(accountId=8, date=2016-07-11, value=144.2)])
Bin(range=OCTOBER..DECEMBER, value=[Sale(accountId=1, date=2016-12-03, value=180.0), Sale(accountId=7, date=2016-12-04, value=164.3)])

Custom Binning Operations

If you want to perform a mathematical aggregation on a certain property for each item (rather than group up the items into a List for a given bin), provide a groupOp argument specifying how to calculate a value on each grouping. Below, we find the sum of values by quarter.

import java.time.LocalDate

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    data class Sale(val accountId: Int, val date: LocalDate, val value: Double)

    val sales = listOf(
            Sale(1, LocalDate.of(2016,12,3), 180.0),
            Sale(2, LocalDate.of(2016, 7, 4), 140.2),
            Sale(3, LocalDate.of(2016, 6, 3), 111.4),
            Sale(4, LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 5), 192.7),
            Sale(5, LocalDate.of(2016, 5, 4), 137.9),
            Sale(6, LocalDate.of(2016, 3, 6), 125.6),
            Sale(7, LocalDate.of(2016, 12,4), 164.3),
            Sale(8, LocalDate.of(2016, 7,11), 144.2)

    //bin sums by quarter
    val totalValueByQuarter = sales.binByComparable(
            valueSelector = { },
            binIncrements = 3,
            incrementer = { },
            groupOp = { }



Bin(range=JANUARY..MARCH, value=318.29999999999995)
Bin(range=APRIL..JUNE, value=249.3)
Bin(range=JULY..SEPTEMBER, value=284.4)
Bin(range=OCTOBER..DECEMBER, value=344.3)

Random Selection

Kotlin-Statistics has a few helpful extensions to randomly sample elements from an Iterable<T> or Sequence<T>.

  • randomFirst() - Selects one random element but throws an error if no elements are found.
  • randomFirstOrNull() - Selects one random element but returns null if no elements are found.
  • random(n: Int) - Selects n random elements.
  • randomDistinct(n: Int) - Select n distinct random elements.

Weighted Coin/Dice - Discrete PDF Sampling

Rather than do a pure random sampling, there may be times you want different values of type T to be assigned different probabilities, and then you want to sample a T randomly given those probabilities. This can be helpful for creating simulations or stochastic algorithms in general.

The WeightedCoin and WeightedDice assist in these purposes.

A WeightedCoin accepts a trueProbability from 0.0 to 1.0. If we provide a probability of .80, the coin will flip approximately 80% of the time to be true.

val riggedCoin = WeightedCoin(trueProbability = .80)

// flip coin 100000 times and print outcome counts
(1..100000).asSequence().map { riggedCoin.flip() }
        .also {


{false=20033, true=79967}

You can use the WeightedDice to manage outcomes mapped to any type T. For instance, if we have a dice with sides "A", "B", and "C" with probability outcomes .11, .66, and .22, we can create a WeightedDice effectively like this:

    val threeSidedDice = WeightedDice(
            "A" to .11,
            "B" to .66,
            "C" to .22

    // roll dice 1000 times and print outcome counts
    (1..1000).asSequence().map { threeSidedDice.roll() }
            .also {


{B=682, C=202, A=116}

Typically with WeightedDice, you may likely use an enumerable to assign outcome probabilites to discrete items:

enum class Move {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val gameDice = WeightedDice(
            Move.ATTACK to .60,
            Move.DEFEND to .20,
            Move.HEAL to .10,
            Move.RETREAT to .10

    val nextMove = gameDice.roll()


Naive Bayes Classifier

The NaiveBayesClassifier does a simple but powerful form of machine learning. For a given set of T items, you can extract one or more F features and associate a category C.

You can then test a new set of features F and predict a category C.

For instance, say you want to identify email as spam/not spam based on the words in the messages. In this case true (spam) or false (not spam) will be the possible categories, and each word will be a feature.

In idiomatic Kotlin fashion we can take a simple List<Email> and call toNaiveBayesClassifier(), provide the higher-order functions to extract the features and category, and then generate a model.

class Email(val message: String, val isSpam: Boolean)

val emails = listOf(
        Email("Hey there! I thought you might find this interesting. Click here.", isSpam = true),
        Email("Get viagra for a discount as much as 90%", isSpam = true),
        Email("Viagra prescription for less", isSpam = true),
        Email("Even better than Viagra, try this new prescription drug", isSpam = true),

        Email("Hey, I left my phone at home. Email me if you need anything. I'll be in a meeting for the afternoon.", isSpam = false),
        Email("Please see attachment for notes on today's meeting. Interesting findings on your market research.", isSpam = false),
        Email("An item on your Amazon wish list received a discount", isSpam = false),
        Email("Your prescription drug order is ready", isSpam = false),
        Email("Your Amazon account password has been reset", isSpam = false),
        Email("Your Amazon order", isSpam = false)

val nbc = emails.toNaiveBayesClassifier(
        featuresSelector = { it.message.splitWords().toSet() },
        categorySelector = {it.isSpam }

fun String.splitWords() =  split(Regex("\\s")).asSequence()
         .map { it.replace(Regex("[^A-Za-z]"),"").toLowerCase() }
         .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }

We can then use this NaiveBayesClassifier model to predict the spamminess of new emails.

 // TEST 1
val input = "discount viagra wholesale, hurry while this offer lasts".splitWords().toSet()
val predictedCategory = nbc.predict(input)
Assert.assertTrue(predictedCategory == true)

// TEST 2
val input2 = "interesting meeting on amazon cloud services discount program".splitWords().toSet()
val predictedCategory2 = nbc.predict(input2)
Assert.assertTrue(predictedCategory2 == false)

Here is another example that categorizes bank transactions.

class BankTransaction(
        val date: LocalDate,
        val amount: Double,
        val memo: String,
        val category: String? = null

val bankTransactions = listOf(
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,13),
                amount = 12.69,
                memo = "WHOLEFDS HPK 10140",
                category = "GROCERY"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,13),
                amount = 4.64,
                memo = "BIGGBY COFFEE #370",
                category = "COFFEE"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,13),
                amount = 14.23,
                memo = "AMAZON SALE",
                category = "ELECTRONICS"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,13),
                amount = 7.99,
                memo = "AMAZON KINDLE EBOOK SALE",
                category = "BOOK"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,10),
                amount = 5.40,
                memo = "AMAZON VIDEO ON DEMAND",
                category = "ENTERTAINMENT"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,10),
                amount = 61.27,
                memo = "WHOLEFDS PLN 10030",
                category = "GROCERY"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,12),
                amount = 61.27,
                memo = "STARBUCKS COFFEE #370",
                category = "COFFEE"
        BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,7),
                amount = 2.29,
                memo = "REDBOX VIDEO RENTAL #271",
                category = "ENTERTAINMENT"

val nbc = bankTransactions.toNaiveBayesClassifier(
        featuresSelector = { it.memo.splitWords().toSet() },
        categorySelector = { it.category!! }

// TEST 1
val input1 = BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,31),
        amount = 13.99,
        memo = "NETFLIX VIDEO ON DEMAND #21"

val result1 = nbc.predictWithProbability(input1.memo.splitWords().toSet())
Assert.assertTrue(result1?.category == "ENTERTAINMENT")

// TEST 2
val input2 = BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,6),
        amount = 17.21,

val result2 = nbc.predictWithProbability(input2.memo.splitWords().toSet())
Assert.assertTrue(result2?.category == "COFFEE")

If you want to add more observations to your Naive Bayes model, just call addObservation() and it will update its probability model.

val nbc = NaiveBayesClassifier<String,String>()
nbc.addObservation("GROCERY", "COSTCO WHOLESALE #545".splitWords().toSet())


There are a few clustering algorithms available in Kotlin-Statistics. These algorithms attempt to group up items that are closely related based on their proximity on a 2-dimensional plot. Currently there are three methods of clustering available that are implemented with Apache Commons Math

  • KMeans
  • Fuzzy-KMeans
  • Multi-KMeans

Below, we cluster Patients by their age and white blood cell count. Note that the xSelector and ySelector arguments currently must map to a numeric type.

import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    //cluster patients by age and white blood cell count
    val clusters =  patients.multiKMeansCluster(k = 3,
			    maxIterations = 10000,
			    trialCount = 50,
			    xSelector = { it.age.toDouble() },
			    ySelector = { it.whiteBloodCellCount.toDouble() }

    // print out the clusters
    clusters.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
        println("CENTROID: $index")
        item.points.forEach {

data class Patient(val firstName: String,
                   val lastName: String,
                   val gender: Gender,
                   val birthday: LocalDate,
                   val whiteBloodCellCount: Int)  {

    val age = ChronoUnit.YEARS.between(birthday,

val patients = listOf(
        Patient("John", "Simone", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1989, 1, 7), 4500),
        Patient("Sarah", "Marley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1970, 2, 5), 6700),
        Patient("Jessica", "Arnold", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1980, 3, 9), 3400),
        Patient("Sam", "Beasley", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1981, 4, 17), 8800),
        Patient("Dan", "Forney", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 9, 13), 5400),
        Patient("Lauren", "Michaels", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1975, 8, 21), 5000),
        Patient("Michael", "Erlich", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 12, 17), 4100),
        Patient("Jason", "Miles", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 11, 1), 3900),
        Patient("Rebekah", "Earley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 2, 18), 4600),
        Patient("James", "Larson", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1974, 4, 10), 5100),
        Patient("Dan", "Ulrech", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 7, 11), 6000),
        Patient("Heather", "Eisner", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1994, 3, 6), 6000),
        Patient("Jasper", "Martin", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1971, 7, 1), 6000)

enum class Gender {


	Patient(firstName=Dan, lastName=Forney, gender=MALE, birthday=1985-09-13, whiteBloodCellCount=5400)
	Patient(firstName=Lauren, lastName=Michaels, gender=FEMALE, birthday=1975-08-21, whiteBloodCellCount=5000)
	Patient(firstName=James, lastName=Larson, gender=MALE, birthday=1974-04-10, whiteBloodCellCount=5100)
	Patient(firstName=Dan, lastName=Ulrech, gender=MALE, birthday=1991-07-11, whiteBloodCellCount=6000)
	Patient(firstName=Heather, lastName=Eisner, gender=FEMALE, birthday=1994-03-06, whiteBloodCellCount=6000)
	Patient(firstName=Jasper, lastName=Martin, gender=MALE, birthday=1971-07-01, whiteBloodCellCount=6000)
	Patient(firstName=Sarah, lastName=Marley, gender=FEMALE, birthday=1970-02-05, whiteBloodCellCount=6700)
	Patient(firstName=Sam, lastName=Beasley, gender=MALE, birthday=1981-04-17, whiteBloodCellCount=8800)
	Patient(firstName=John, lastName=Simone, gender=MALE, birthday=1989-01-07, whiteBloodCellCount=4500)
	Patient(firstName=Jessica, lastName=Arnold, gender=FEMALE, birthday=1980-03-09, whiteBloodCellCount=3400)
	Patient(firstName=Michael, lastName=Erlich, gender=MALE, birthday=1985-12-17, whiteBloodCellCount=4100)
	Patient(firstName=Jason, lastName=Miles, gender=MALE, birthday=1991-11-01, whiteBloodCellCount=3900)
	Patient(firstName=Rebekah, lastName=Earley, gender=FEMALE, birthday=1985-02-18, whiteBloodCellCount=4600)

Here, we use TornadoFX to display the clusters in a ScatterPlot.

import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis
import tornadofx.*
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit

class MyApp: App(MyView::class)

class MyView : View() {
    override val root = scatterchart("WBCC Clustering by Age", NumberAxis(), NumberAxis()) {

                patients.multiKMeansCluster(k = 3,
                    maxIterations = 10000,
                    trialCount = 50,
                    xSelector = { it.age.toDouble() },
                    ySelector = { it.whiteBloodCellCount.toDouble() }
                .forEachIndexed { index, centroid ->
                    series("Group ${index + 1}") {
                        centroid.points.forEach {
                            data(it.age, it.whiteBloodCellCount)


Aggregating Multiple Fields

Using the Kotlin let() operator, it is easy to take a collection of items and aggregate multiple fields into another "summary" object. Below, we take a collection Email objects and find the distribution of instances of subject and sender.

package org.nield.kotlinstatistics

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    class Email(val subject: String, val sender: String)

    val data = listOf(
            Email("I make u offer", ""),
            Email("Congratulations!", ""),
            Email("Your Inheritance is waiting!", ""),
            Email("Hey", "")

    data class FieldDistributions(val subject: Map<String,Int>, val sender: Map<String,Int>)

    val distributions = data.let {
                subject = it.countBy { it.subject },
                sender = it.countBy { it.sender }



FieldDistributions(subject={I make u offer=1, Congratulations!=1, Your Inheritance is waiting!=1, Hey=1}, sender={,,})

You can also do various transformations for each field, such as splitting words and lowercasing them before getting a distribution.

package org.nield.kotlinstatistics

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    class Email(val subject: String, val sender: String)

    val data = listOf(
            Email("I make u offer", ""),
            Email("Congratulations!", ""),
            Email("Your Inheritance offer is waiting!", ""),
            Email("Hey", "")

    data class FieldDistributions(val subjectWords: Map<String,Int>, val sender: Map<String,Int>)

    val distributions = data.let {
                subjectWords = it.asSequence()
                        .flatMap { it.subject.split(Regex(" ")).asSequence() }
                        .filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
                        .map { it.toLowerCase() }
                sender = it.countBy { it.sender.toLowerCase() }



FieldDistributions(subjectWords={i=1, make=1, u=1, offer=2, congratulations!=1, your=1, inheritance=1, is=1, waiting!=1, hey=1}, sender={,,})

Reusing Logic with Extension Functions

Here is another example that demonstrates code reuse using Kotlin extension functions. Here is a data set of white blood cell counts for a sample of patients:

import java.time.LocalDate

data class Patient(val firstName: String,
                   val lastName: String,
                   val gender: Gender,
                   val birthday: LocalDate,
                   val whiteBloodCellCount: Int)

val patients = listOf(
        Patient("John", "Simone", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1989, 1, 7), 4500),
        Patient("Sarah", "Marley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1970, 2, 5), 6700),
        Patient("Jessica", "Arnold", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1980, 3, 9), 3400),
        Patient("Sam", "Beasley", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1981, 4, 17), 8800),
        Patient("Dan", "Forney", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 9, 13), 5400),
        Patient("Lauren", "Michaels", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1975, 8, 21), 5000),
        Patient("Michael", "Erlich", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 12, 17), 4100),
        Patient("Jason", "Miles", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 11, 1), 3900),
        Patient("Rebekah", "Earley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 2, 18), 4600),
        Patient("James", "Larson", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1974, 4, 10), 5100),
        Patient("Dan", "Ulrech", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 7, 11), 6000),
        Patient("Heather", "Eisner", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1994, 3, 6), 6000),
        Patient("Jasper", "Martin", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1971, 7, 1), 6000)

enum class Gender {

Say you wanted to find the 1st, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th percentiles by gender. We can tactically use a Kotlin extension function called wbccPercentileByGender() which will take a set of patients and separate a percentile calculation by gender. Then we can invoke it for the five desired percentiles and package them in a Map<Double,Map<Gender,Double>>, as shown below:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    fun Collection<Patient>.wbccPercentileByGender(percentile: Double) =
                    percentile = percentile,
                    keySelector = { it.gender },
                    valueSelector = { it.whiteBloodCellCount }

    val percentileQuadrantsByGender = patients.let {
        mapOf(1.0 to it.wbccPercentileByGender(1.0),
                25.0 to it.wbccPercentileByGender(25.0),
                50.0 to it.wbccPercentileByGender(50.0),
                75.0 to it.wbccPercentileByGender(75.0),
                100.0 to it.wbccPercentileByGender(100.0)



1.0={MALE=3900.0, FEMALE=3400.0}
25.0={MALE=4200.0, FEMALE=4000.0}
50.0={MALE=5250.0, FEMALE=5000.0}
75.0={MALE=6000.0, FEMALE=6350.0}
100.0={MALE=8800.0, FEMALE=6700.0}

Kotlin makes it easy to reuse code while remaining nimble, so spend some quality time with the Kotlin Reference to discover features you can leverage for expressing business logic.

Linear Regression

Linear regression is being implemented as well. You can get a SimpleRegression on a Sequence or Iterable emitting Double pairs, for instance.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val r = sequenceOf(
            1.0 to 3.0,
            2.0 to 6.0,
            3.0 to 9.0

    //prints the slope "3.0"

You can also select the x and y on any arbitrary type T. Below, we plot a regression against sale numbers across calendar dates:

import java.time.LocalDate

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    class SaleDate(val date: LocalDate, val sales: Int)

    val salesDates = listOf(
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,1), 1080),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,2), 2010),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,3), 1020),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,4), 907),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,5), 805),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,6), 2809),
                SaleDate(LocalDate.of(2017,1,7), 2600)

    val regression = salesDates.simpleRegression(
                xSelector = { },
                ySelector = { it.sales }

    //print slope of regression

Related Projects

  • Kmath - Kotlin math API in development
  • Apache Commons Math - Math and statistical Java library
  • Koma - Scientific computing library for Kotlin
  • Krangl - Tabular data wrangling library for Kotlin
  • Gradle Build fails

    Gradle Build fails

    Hi Thomas,

    I tried to use your project. Unfortunatly your artifact is available on maven central or similary. It is theoretically available on JitPack. But Jitpack (same as me) can't build your project (I think its the same reason)

    JitPack build log:

    My failing tries are at the end of this posting.

    If you would have a pom, I would be able to look at it. But I have not much clue about gradle, as maven works fine for me.

    Best regards, Dieter

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    • Where: Build file 'C:\temp\kotlin-statistics-1.1.3\build.gradle' line: 61

    • What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating root project 'kotlin-statistics-1.1.3'.

    Could not get unknown property 'ossrhUsername' for object of type org.gradle.api.publication.maven.internal.deployer.DefaultGroovyMavenDeployer.

    • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


    Total time: 1.14 secs

    opened by dibog 6
  • Several extensions functions are ambiguous/unusable

    Several extensions functions are ambiguous/unusable

    Several extension functions provided by kotlin-statistics are ambiguous/unusable. Suggest either removing these extensions, or suffxing them with the type to be selected (Double|Float|Int|Long) to resolve the ambiguity.


    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline doubleSelector: (T) -> Double)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline doubleSelector: (T) -> Double)
    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline doubleSelector: (T) -> Double)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline doubleSelector: (T) -> Double)


    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline floatSelector: (T) -> Float)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline floatSelector: (T) -> Float)
    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline floatSelector: (T) -> Float)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline floatSelector: (T) -> Float)


    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline intSelector: (T) -> Int)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline intSelector: (T) -> Int)
    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline intSelector: (T) -> Int)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline intSelector: (T) -> Int)


    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline longSelector: (T) -> Long)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.sumBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline LongSelector: (T) -> Long)
    inline fun <T,K> Sequence<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline longSelector: (T) -> Long)
    inline fun <T,K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K, crossinline longSelector: (T) -> Long)
    opened by hudsonb 4
  • Simple example of averageBy does not compile in Intellij IDEA

    Simple example of averageBy does not compile in Intellij IDEA


    I trying to run a simple example of your library taken from here The example is only a Main.kt with the following code:

    package com.example
    import org.nield.kotlinstatistics.averageBy
    import java.time.LocalDate
    data class Patient(val firstName: String,
                       val lastName: String,
                       val gender: Gender,
                       val birthday: LocalDate,
                       val whiteBloodCellCount: Int)
    val patients = listOf(
            Patient("John", "Simone", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1989, 1, 7), 4500),
            Patient("Sarah", "Marley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1970, 2, 5), 6700),
            Patient("Jessica", "Arnold", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1980, 3, 9), 3400),
            Patient("Sam", "Beasley", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1981, 4, 17), 8800),
            Patient("Dan", "Forney", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 9, 13), 5400),
            Patient("Lauren", "Michaels", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1975, 8, 21), 5000),
            Patient("Michael", "Erlich", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 12, 17), 4100),
            Patient("Jason", "Miles", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 11, 1), 3900),
            Patient("Rebekah", "Earley", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1985, 2, 18), 4600),
            Patient("James", "Larson", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1974, 4, 10), 5100),
            Patient("Dan", "Ulrech", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1991, 7, 11), 6000),
            Patient("Heather", "Eisner", Gender.FEMALE, LocalDate.of(1994, 3, 6), 6000),
            Patient("Jasper", "Martin", Gender.MALE, LocalDate.of(1971, 7, 1), 6000)
    enum class Gender {
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val averageWbccByGender = patients.averageBy(
                keySelector = {  it.gender },
                intMapper = { it.whiteBloodCellCount }

    Both "it" in the lambdas of averageBy are unresolved and Intellij cannot find the correct averageBy to call with those arguments. The complete error is as follows:

    None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied. Iterable<Patient>.averageBy((Patient) → K, (Patient) → BigDecimal)   where K cannot be inferred; T = Patient for   inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) → K, crossinline bigDecimalSelector: (T) → BigDecimal): Map<K, BigDecimal> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Patient>.averageBy((Patient) → K, (Patient) → Double)   where K cannot be inferred; T = Patient for   inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) → K, crossinline doubleSelector: (T) → Double): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Patient>.averageBy((Patient) → K, (Patient) → Int)   where K cannot be inferred; T = Patient for   inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) → K, crossinline intSelector: (T) → Int): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Patient>.averageBy((Patient) → K, (Patient) → Long)   where K cannot be inferred; T = Patient for   inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.averageBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) → K, crossinline valueSelector: (T) → Long): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Pair<K, BigDecimal>>.averageBy()   where K cannot be inferred for   fun <K> Iterable<Pair<K, BigDecimal>>.averageBy(): Map<K, BigDecimal> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Pair<K, Double>>.averageBy()   where K cannot be inferred for   fun <K> Iterable<Pair<K, Double>>.averageBy(): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Pair<K, Int>>.averageBy()   where K cannot be inferred for   fun <K> Iterable<Pair<K, Int>>.averageBy(): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics Iterable<Pair<K, Long>>.averageBy()   where K cannot be inferred for   fun <K> Iterable<Pair<K, Long>>.averageBy(): Map<K, Double> defined in org.nield.kotlinstatistics

    Mi version of IDEA is 2017.2.5, I'm using JDK 1.8.0_121, Kotlin plugin version 1.1.51 and the following maven dependency in my project:


    I think your library looks very promising, but currently I cannot even run a simple example. Thanks in advance for any comments that you may have!!

    opened by EpineiroBumeran 4
  • Bin In Sequence

    Bin In Sequence

    It would be nice to be able to bin items in groups based on a certain order. So the user could pass in a sort and then it could bin every n items.

    For example: I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and I want it binned by 2 in order it could return bin 1 - 1,2 bin 2 - 3,4 bin3 - 5

    opened by bfkelsey 4
  • Added tests, comments, Integer .median() and .range()

    Added tests, comments, Integer .median() and .range()

    Hey there.

    I just had a look at the code, tried to understand it and started adding some tests / comments to make things more clear (to me at least).

    I also started work on the IntegerStatistics.

    I added kluent for testing and updated the gradle wrapper (now with incremental build).

    If you have any issues with my style of implementation, just tell me.

    opened by AndreasVolkmann 4
  • Migration to Kotlin 1.4

    Migration to Kotlin 1.4

    Because Kotlin 1.5 is already out, it might become dangerous for users to keep depending on a lib compiled with 1.3.


    • mapValues will skip creating an intermediate collection and a Pair per entry
    • sumOf also avoids an intermediate collection
    opened by mauhiz 2
  • Implement Exclusive DoubleRange to Simplify Binning API

    Implement Exclusive DoubleRange to Simplify Binning API

    A lot of binning API that uses double ranges could be simplified by using a range implementation for doubles that end exclusively. This would remove need for gap arguments.

    opened by thomasnield 2
  • Consider a Tuple API

    Consider a Tuple API

    Sometimes it can be helpful to quickly use Tuples for keying operations for groups and not having to create data classes.


    data class Tuple2<out A, out B>(val a: A, val b: B)
    data class Tuple3<out A, out B, out C>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C)
    data class Tuple4<out A, out B, out C, out D>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D)
    data class Tuple5<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E)
    data class Tuple6<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F)
    data class Tuple7<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F, out G>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F, val g: G)
    data class Tuple8<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F, out G, out H>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F, val g: G, val h: H)
    data class Tuple9<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F, out G, out H, out I>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F, val g: G, val h: H, val i: I)
    data class Tuple10<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F, out G, out H, out I, out J>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F, val g: G, val h: H, val i: I, val j: J)
    data class Tuple11<out A, out B, out C, out D, out E, out F, out G, out H, out I, out J, out K>(val a: A, val b: B, val c: C, val d: D, val e: E, val f: F, val g: G, val h: H, val i: I, val j: J, val k: K)
    fun <A,B> t(a: A, b: B) = Tuple2(a,b)
    fun <A,B,C> t(a: A, b: B, c: C) = Tuple3(a,b,c)
    fun <A,B,C,D> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) = Tuple4(a,b,c,d)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) = Tuple5(a,b,c,d,e)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) = Tuple6(a,b,c,d,e,f)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F,G> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G) = Tuple7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H) = Tuple8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I) = Tuple9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J) = Tuple10(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
    fun <A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K> t(a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J, k: K) = Tuple11(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)

    Usage example:

    myItems .selectMaxBy( 
            key = { t(it.categoryId, it.groupId, it.regionId, it.customerId) }, 
            comparable = { it.createdDate }
    ) .forEach { println(it) } 
    opened by thomasnield 2
  • Full Numerical Type Support

    Full Numerical Type Support

    Currently, most of the API returns Double due to the implementation of Apache-Common-Math. There already is support to input Int, Long, BigDecimal, Float, etc and handle all the necessary conversion. But the same type needs to be outputted as well even if the implementation uses Double.

    This way type-specific implementations can be used down the road if we decide to scrap Apache-Common-Math for something else.

    opened by thomasnield 2
  • Add , C>">

    Add "By" extension functions to BinModel, C>

    Added the following "By" functions as extensions on BinModel:

    • sumBy
    • averageBy
    • rangeBy
    • geometricMeanBy
    • medianBy
    • percentileBy
    • varianceBy
    • sumOfSquares
    • normalizeBy
    • descriptiveStatisticsBy

    Resolves #37

    opened by hudsonb 1
  • Add extension functions supporting groupBy results

    Add extension functions supporting groupBy results

    Adds extension functions supporting the calculation of statistics on the results of the groupBy method provided by the Kotlin standard library.

    Two styles of extensions were added.

    First, if the groupBy is performed on an array or collection of Double, Float, Int or Long, the following extensions are provided:

    • sum
    • average
    • xxxRange (where xxx is one of double, float, int or long)
    • geometricMean
    • median
    • percentile
    • variance
    • sumOfSquares
    • normalize
    • descriptiveStatistics

    Here is a simple example of what these extensions enable:

    val list = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
    val sums = list.groupBy { it % 2 }

    Output: {1=9, 0 = 12}

    Secondly, a set of "By" methods were added. Using Double as an example:

    • sumByDouble
    • averageByDouble
    • doubleRangeBy
    • geometricMeanByDouble
    • medianByDouble
    • percentileByDouble
    • varianceByDouble
    • sumOfSquaresByDouble
    • normalizeByDouble
    • descriptiveStatisticsByDouble

    Unfortunately, the type suffix is needed here to resolve ambiguity ((V) -> Double and (V) -> Int boil down to the same thing). Note that "range" was already prefixed by the type so I left that as is.

    Here is an example of what these extensions enable: (see for a comparison)

    class Item(val name: String, val value: Double)
    val sequence = sequenceOf(
            Item("Alpha", 4.0),
            Item("Beta", 6.0),
            Item("Gamma", 7.2),
            Item("Delta", 9.2),
            Item("Epsilon", 6.8),
            Item("Zeta", 2.4),
            Item("Iota", 8.8)
    // find sums by name length
    val sumsByLengths = sequence.groupBy { }
                                .sumByDouble { it.value }
    println("Sums by lengths: $sumsByLengths")

    Output: Sums by lengths: {5=20.4, 4=17.200000000000003, 7=6.8}

    opened by hudsonb 1
  • Add possibility to choose the random instance on random methods

    Add possibility to choose the random instance on random methods

    From WeightedCoin class:

        fun flip() = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(0.0, 1.0) <= trueProbability

    When testing or using implementations that don't use ThreadLocalRandom.current(), one should be able to specify the random provider.

    opened by LeoColman 0
  • Are classifiers within the scope of this project?

    Are classifiers within the scope of this project?

    Should classifiers (like decision tree classifiers, k-neighbors classifiers, etc.) be within the scope of this project? I assume many people (myself included) would wholeheartedly use this library instead of Python's Pandas for data mining tasks such as classification. I could try to implement some basic decision tree algorithms, and k-neighbors classifier is pretty simple to implement.

    opened by aleksandar-stefanovic 0
  • Add support for hierarchical clustering

    Add support for hierarchical clustering

    Since we have support for both K-Means clustering, as well as DBSCAN clustering, I thought we might implement hierarchical clustering. I'm just asking for an opinion on this, and I'm willing (to try) to implement agglomerative hierarchical clustering.

    P.S. I know that there hasn't been much activity on this project lately, so it's a bit odd to create this issue at this point, but I want for this project to continue growing and not get stale.

    opened by aleksandar-stefanovic 0
  • Add implement of `loess`, `glm` and `gam` smoothing algorithms

    Add implement of `loess`, `glm` and `gam` smoothing algorithms

    Would be great to see some smoothing algorithms implemented in common module and deployed as a multi-platform library.

    We are working on a multi-platform plotting library and are very interested in the following smoothing algorithms: loess, glm and gam.

    Our library: What do we need these smoothing algorithms for:

    opened by alshan 0
  • Consider adding support for PCA

    Consider adding support for PCA

    PCA is principal component analysis, a linear method of reducing the dimensionality of data. other forms of dimensionality reduction could also be considered if PCA is acceptable. PCA calculations are dependent upon a matrix library so that might impact cross-platform goals for 2.0.

    opened by alexanderdrm 0
  • 1.2.1(Dec 27, 2018)

  • 1.2.0(Dec 27, 2018)

  • 1.1.3(Jul 11, 2018)

    This release contains some practical features for randomness and weighted probabilities.

    Kotlin-Statistics now has a few helpful extensions to randomly sample elements from an Iterable<T> or Sequence<T>.

    • randomFirst() - Selects one random element but throws an error if no elements are found.
    • randomFirstOrNull() - Selects one random element but returns null if no elements are found.
    • random(n: Int) - Selects n random elements.
    • randomDistinct(n: Int) - Select n distinct random elements.

    Also available are WeightedCoin and WeightedDice utilities which can be helpful to assign probabilities to discrete true/false or T outcomes. This can be helpful for games, stochastic programming, simulation, and optimization.

    enum class Move {
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        val gameDice = WeightedDice(
                Move.ATTACK to .60,
                Move.DEFEND to .20,
                Move.HEAL to .10,
                Move.RETREAT to .10
        val nextMove = gameDice.roll()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.2(Apr 15, 2018)

  • 1.1.1(Apr 14, 2018)

    This release includes some minor fixes to the NaiveBayesClassifier as well as some new operators that will return ranges.

    • Sequence<T>.toNaiveBayesClassifier()
    • Sequence<C: Comparable<C>>.range()
    • Iterable<C: Comparable<C>>.range()
    • Sequence<C: Comparable<C>>.rangeBy()
    • Iterable<C: Comparable<C>>.rangeBy()
    • Sequence<Int>.intRange()
    • Iterable<Int>.intRange()
    • Sequence<T>.intRangeBy()
    • Iterable<T>.intRangeBy()
    • Sequence<Long>.longRange()
    • Iterable<Long>.longRange()
    • Sequence<T>.longRangeBy()
    • Iterable<T>.longRangeBy()
    • Sequence<Double>.doubleRange()
    • Iterable<Double>.doubleRange()
    • Sequence<T>.doubleRangeBy()
    • Iterable<T>.doubleRangeBy()
    • Sequence<Double>.doubleRange()
    • Iterable<Double>.doubleRange()
    • Sequence<T>.doubleRangeBy()
    • Iterable<T>.doubleRangeBy()
    • Sequence<Float>.floatRange()
    • Iterable<Float>.floatRange()
    • Sequence<T>.floatRangeBy()
    • Iterable<T>.floatRangeBy()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Apr 7, 2018)

    This release has a new NaiveBayesClassifier, as well as some generic projection fixes for the Bin and BinModel types.

    See README for examples.

            val nbc = bankTransactions.toNaiveBayesClassifier(
                    featuresSelector = { it.memo.splitWords().toSet() },
                    categorySelector = { it.category }
            val input = BankTransaction(date = LocalDate.of(2018,3,31),
                    amount = 13.99,
                    memo = "NETFLIX VIDEO ON DEMAND #21"
            val result = nbc.predict(input.memo.splitWords().toSet())
            println(result)   // prints "ENTERTAINMENT"
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0(Oct 29, 2017)

    I'm excited to announce that I've settled on a base set of features and released Kotlin-Statistics 1.0. There have been some major refactorings from the pre-1.0 versions.

    • Maven artifact is now called kotlin-statistics, not kotlinstatistics
    • Most operators have been consolidated to target Number, rather than overloads for every numeric input type.
    • Many higher order function parameters have been renamed. Please see README for examples.
    • Unit tests have been written for approximately 96% of the codebase.

    I've decided to focus this library primarily on statistics, and steer away from linear algebra and other data science tasks. There are a few exceptions I've decided to keep, such as clustering and linear regression. I'll conservatively expand on these non-statistical features possibly, but I may spin off other projects.

    If you have any ideas, please contribute and I'll be happy to consider adding features. Thank you for the enthusiastic support and usage of this library. What started as an experiment to see if Kotlin could be idiomatic for analytical tasks ended up becoming much more than I anticipated. I hope these patterns continue to gain traction and help make Kotlin a platform for data science.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.0(Jul 8, 2017)

    There are some exciting new features in this release, including clustering algorithms.

    • KMeans and other clustering algorithms are now included. See README for details.

    • binMapper parameters are now called valueMapper.

    • Apache Commons Math 3 is now a dependency.

    • Operators related to Short types have been removed, deemed uncommon and out-of-scope.

    On the roadmap, operators will get better Pair support, and I will explore idiomatic linear algebra with vertices and matrices.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2.1(May 28, 2017)

    This includes some breaking refactors to ensure naming consistency:

    • All references to bucket are now called bin, including parameter names
    • Support for Iterable and Sequence now exist for binByXXX() operators
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.1(May 26, 2017)

  • 0.1.0(May 26, 2017)

Thomas Nield
Author, researcher, AI and system safety. Too busy to maintain my libraries, please fork and support.
Thomas Nield
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Kotter (a KOTlin TERminal library) aims to be a relatively thin, declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API that provides useful functionality for writing delightful console applications.

Varabyte 348 Dec 21, 2022
Repo: Programming problems with solutions in Kotlin to help avid Kotlin learners to get a strong hold on Kotlin programming.

Kotlin_practice_problems Repo: Programming problems with solutions in Kotlin to help avid Kotlin learners to get a strong hold on Kotlin programming.

Aman 0 Oct 14, 2021
Mocking for Kotlin/Native and Kotlin Multiplatform using the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP)

Mockative Mocking for Kotlin/Native and Kotlin Multiplatform using the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP). Installation Mockative uses KSP to generate

Mockative 121 Dec 26, 2022
Kotlin-oop - Repositório criado para ser utilizado pelo projeto de Kotlin OOP desenvolvido em Kotlin nas aulas feitas através da plataforma Alura.

Projeto React OOP Repositório criado para ser utilizado pelo projeto de Kotlin OOP desenvolvido em Kotlin nas aulas feitas através da plataforma Alura

Marcos Felipe 1 Jan 5, 2022
Kotlin-koans - Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with the Kotlin Syntax

kotlin-koans-edu Kotlin Koans are a series of exercises to get you familiar with

null 1 Jan 11, 2022
Kotlin TodoMVC – full-stack Kotlin application demo

Kotlin full stack TodoMVC This project is an example implementation of the TodoMVC app written in Kotlin. More specifically, it's the Kotlin port of t

Gyula Voros 22 Oct 3, 2022
Integration Testing Kotlin Multiplatform Kata for Kotlin Developers. The main goal is to practice integration testing using Ktor and Ktor Client Mock

This kata is a Kotlin multiplatform version of the kata KataTODOApiClientKotlin of Karumi. We are here to practice integration testing using HTTP stub

Jorge Sánchez Fernández 29 Oct 3, 2022
Small kotlin library for persisting _single instances_ of kotlin data classes

PerSista Small library for persisting single instances of kotlin data classes. NB: PerSista uses typeOf() internally which is marked as @ExperimentalS

Eric Donovan 5 Nov 13, 2022
Kotlin Leaning Notes from Udacity Course | Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers by Google

Kotlin Beginners Notes These are all personal notes taken from the Udacity Course (ud9011) of Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers by Google as well as oth

Süha Tanrıverdi 34 Dec 10, 2022
Saga pattern implementation in Kotlin build in top of Kotlin's Coroutines.

Module Saga Website can be found here Add in build.gradle.kts repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation("io.github.nomisr

Simon Vergauwen 50 Dec 30, 2022
Kotlin microservices with REST, and gRPC using BFF pattern. This repository contains backend services. Everything is dockerized and ready to "Go" actually "Kotlin" :-)

Microservices Kotlin gRPC Deployed in EC2, Check it out! This repo contains microservices written in Kotlin with BFF pattern for performing CRUD opera

Oguzhan 18 Apr 21, 2022
A sample skeleton backend app built using Spring Boot kotlin, Expedia Kotlin Graphql, Reactive Web that can be deployed to Google App Engine Flexible environmennt

spring-kotlin-gql-gae This is a sample skeleton of a backend app that was built using: Spring Boot(Kotlin) Reactive Web Sprinng Data R2DBC with MYSQL

Dario Mungoi 7 Sep 17, 2022
Modular Android architecture which showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack compose, Retrofit, Unit test and Kotlin Gradle DSL.

SampleCompose Modular Android architecture which showcase Kotlin, MVVM, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack compose, Retrofit, Unit test and Kotlin

Mohammadali Rezaei 7 Nov 28, 2022
Learn-kotlin - Learning more about Kotlin in various content

Kotlin study roadmap Getting Started Basi

Danilo Silva 0 Jan 7, 2022
Mis experimentos con Kotlin para JetBrains Academy, certificación de Kotlin donde voy resolviendo proyectos de evaluación y haciendo actividades de cada tema.

Kotlin Academy Mis experimentos con Kotlin para JetBrains donde voy resolviendo proyectos de evaluación y haciendo actividades de cada tema. Acerca de

José Luis González Sánchez 1 Jan 10, 2022
Repositório criado para ser utilizado pelo projeto de Kotlin Collections desenvolvido em Kotlin nas aulas feitas através da plataforma Alura.

Projeto Kotlin Collections Repositório criado para ser utilizado pelo projeto de Kotlin Collections desenvolvido em Kotlin nas aulas feitas através da

Marcos Felipe 1 Jan 17, 2022
Kotlin-GraphQL-Apollo - Sencillo cliente para consumir una API GraphQL con Apollo usando Kotlin

Kotlin GraphQL Apollo Sencillo cliente para consumir una API GraphQL con Apollo

José Luis González Sánchez 2 Jan 25, 2022