Android library that regroup bunch of dateTime utilities



This library is a package of functions that let you manipulate objects and or java date string. it combine the most common functions used when managing dates under android, such as converting a mysql /sqlLite date to a Date object and vis-versa etc.

This library is available under the MIT License.


The DateTimeUtils library is available from JitPack.

First add JitPack dependency line in your project build.gradle file:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

And then simply add the following line to the dependencies section of your app module build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.github.thunder413:DateTimeUtils:3.0'

Javadocs are available here.



setTimeZone allow you to define your time zone by default it's UTC



formatDate is a method that allow you to convert date object to string or timeStamp to date and vice-versa.

Date string to Date object

// MySQL/SQLite dateTime example
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017-06-13 04:14:49");
// Or also with / separator
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017/06/13 04:14:49");
// MySQL/SQLite date example
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017-06-13");
// Or also with / separator
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate("2017/06/13");

Date object to date string MySQL/SQLite

String date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(new Date());

timeStamp to Date object

By default it will considere given timeStamp in milliseconds but in case you did retrieve the timeStamp from server wich usually will be in seconds supply DateTimeUnits.SECONDS to tell the fonction about

// Using milliseconds
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(1497399731000);
// Using seconds (Server timeStamp)
Date date = DateTimeUtils.formatDate(1497399731,DateTimeUnits.SECONDS);


formatWithStyle allow to parse date into localized format using most common style

Date object to localized date

DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.FULL); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.LONG); // June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM); // Jun 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle(new Date(), DateTimeStyle.SHORT); // 06/13/17

Date string to localized date

DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.FULL); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.LONG); // June 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM); // Jun 13, 2017
DateTimeUtils.formatWithStyle("2017-06-13", DateTimeStyle.SHORT); // 06/13/17


formatWithPattern allow to define your own parse pattern following SimpleDateFormat scheme

Date string as source

DateTimeUtils.formatWithPattern("2017-06-13", "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Date object as source

DateTimeUtils.formatWithPattern(new Date(), "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy"); // Tuesday, June 13, 2017


isToday Tell whether or not a given date is today date

// Date object as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isToday(new Date());
// Date String as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isToday("2017-06-15 04:14:49");


isYesterday Tell whether or not a given date is yesterday date

// Date object as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isYesterday(new Date());
// Date String as source
boolean state = DateTimeUtils.isYestrday("2017-06-15 04:14:49");

Get Previous next Week

getPreviousWeekDate/getNextWeekDate Return the next or a previous week date from a given date it also allow you to set the day of the week by using Calendar Constant

// Date object as source
Date date = DateTimeUtils.getPreviousWeekDate(new Date(), Calendar.MONDAY);
// Date String as source
Date date = DateTimeUtils.getNextWeekDate("2017-06-15 04:14:49",Calendar.SUNDAY);

Get Previous next month

getPreviousMonthDate/getNextMonthDate Return the next or a previous month date from a given date

// Date object as source
Date date = DateTimeUtils.getNextMonthDate(new Date());
// Date String as source
Date date = DateTimeUtils.getPreviousMonthDate("2017-06-15 04:14:49");


getDateDiff give you the difference between two date in days, hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds DateTimeUnits

// Dates can be date object or date string
Date date = new Date();
String date2 = "2017-06-13 04:14:49";
// Get difference in milliseconds
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.MILLISECONDS);
// Get difference in seconds
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.SECONDS);
// Get difference in minutes
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.MINUTES);
// Get difference in hours
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.HOURS);
// Get difference in days
int diff = DateTimeUtils.getDateDiff(date,date2, DateTimeUnits.DAYS);


getTimeAgo give ou the elapsed time since a given date, it also offer two print mode the full and short strings eg . 3 hours ago | 3h ago the strings are localized but at the moment only FR and EN language are available. If you need your langage to be add just let me know :)

String timeAgo = DateTimeUtils.getTimeAgo(context,new Date()); // Full string style will be used
// Short string style
String timeAgo = DateTimeUtils.getTimeAgo(context,"new Date()",DateTimeStyle.AGO_SHORT_STRING ); 


formatTime allow you to extract time from date by default it wont show the hours if equal to 0 but you can supply forceShowHours parameter to force hours display

String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime(new Date()); // 14:49 if hours equals 0 or 04:14:09 if hours witch is wrong when use it on time rather than a duration
// Solution >> force hours display
String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime(new Date(),true);
// And you can also supplie a date string
String time = DateTimeUtils.formatTime("2017-06-13 04:14:49"); // 04:14:49


millisToTime is usefull when your dealing with duration and want to display for example player duration or current playback position into human readable value.

String time = DateTimeUtils.millisToTime(2515); // It take millis as an argument not seconds


timeToMillis allow to convert time string to millseconds

int milliseconds = DateTimeUtils.timeToMillis("14:20"); // 860000



This project is licensed under the MIT License

  • How to get the previous week or month date using the given date ?

    How to get the previous week or month date using the given date ?


    Thanks you very much for this library,

    Is this library supports to get the get the previous week or month date using the given date?

    Eg: 1. Given date 2019-04-03 previous week date 2019-04-26 2. Given date 2019-04-29 previous 12 month date 2019-04-30

    opened by ArunVicky001 3
  • Getting Error while compiling library

    Getting Error while compiling library

    Error:A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.

    Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugApkCopy'. Could not find com.github.thunder413:DateTimeUtils:1.3. Required by: project :app

    opened by chnouman 3
  • Changing timezone india

    Changing timezone india

    Hey, Thanks for this beautiful library. I am not able to change the timezone to IST(Indian standard time) as the library has a default timezone UTC. I have added a line of code that you mentioned in the about section in my launcher activity. DateTimeUtils.setTimeZone("IST");

    opened by cybertronjc 2
  • The

    The "formatDate()" method does not return the time correctly.

    Hello, when I use the "formatDate()" method, the time that I send does not correspond to the time that it returns. The date is returned correctly. What would be the solution? Thanks.

    opened by bytevel 0
  • strings.xml error

    strings.xml error

    After using library, my app name changed to DateTimeUtil. I think there is a conflict in values xml files. I see en- strings xml and there is a string value with a key name app_name too.

    opened by kaungkhantsoe 0
  • DateTimeUtils Andoird change Name of Application

    DateTimeUtils Andoird change Name of Application

    I don't know if is an error, but when i use this library and i compile my projet, n-the name of my app change.

    implementation 'com.github.thunder413:DateTimeUtils:3.0'

    opened by Danielbaleba 1
  • Spanish support for getTimeAgo.

    Spanish support for getTimeAgo.

    Hello, first of all, thank you for this great library! =D.

    Im just asking if you can add suport for spanish in getTimeAgo, or where i can change that in the library.

    opened by Diegofr104 0
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