UE Capability Parser
Warning Work In progress
UE Capability parser used by smartphonecombo.it and cacombos.com
$ java -jar uecapabilityparser.jar --help
usage: ueCapabilityParser
-c,--csv <arg> Output a csv, if no file specified the csv will
be output to standard output.
Some parsers output multiple CSVs, in these
cases "-LTE", "-NR", "-EN-DC", "-generic" will
be added before the extension.
-d,--debug Print debug info.
-h,--help Print this help message.
-i,--input <arg> Main capability file.
-inputENDC <arg> ENDC UE Capability file.
-inputNR <arg> NR UE Capability file.
-j,--compactJson <arg> Output a Compact Json (used by
smartphonecombo.it), if no file specified the
json will be output to standard output.
-l,--uelog <arg> Output the uelog, if no file specified the
uelog will be output to standard output.
-multi,--multiple0xB826 Use this option if input contains several
0xB826 hexdumps separated by blank lines and
optionally prefixed with "Payload :".
-nr,--defaultNR Main capability input is NR (otherwise LTE).
-t,--type <arg> Type of capability.
Valid values are:
H (UE Capability Hex Dump)
W (Wireshark UE Capability Information)
N (NSG UE Capability Information)
P (CellularPro UE Capability Information)
C (Carrier policy)
CNR (NR Cap Prune)
E (28874 nvitem binary, decompressed)
QNR (0xB826 hexdump)
-T,--TsharkPath <arg> Custom tshark path. (Tshark is used for H type)