APK parser for Android

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Utility APKParser

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  • Retrieve basic apk metas, such as title, icon, package name, version, etc.
  • Parse and convert binary xml file to text
  • Classes from dex file
  • Get certificate metas and verify apk signature

Get apk-parser

Download the latest AAR or grab via Gradle:

compile 'com.jaredrummler:apk-parser:1.0.2'


The easiest way is to use the ApkParser class, which contains convenient methods to get AndroidManifest.xml, apk meta infos, etc. #####1. Apk meta info ApkMeta contains name(label), packageName, version, sdk, used features, etc.

PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo appInfo = pm.getApplicationInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0);
ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(appInfo);
ApkMeta meta = apkParser.getApkMeta();
String packageName = meta.packageName;
long versionCode = meta.versionCode;
List<UseFeature> usesFeatures = meta.usesFeatures;
List<String> requestedPermissions = meta.usesPermissions;

#####2. Get binary xml and manifest xml file

ApplicationInfo appInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo("some.package.name", 0);
ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(appInfo);
String readableAndroidManifest = apkParser.getManifestXml();
String xml = apkParser.transBinaryXml("res/layout/activity_main.xml");

#####3. Get dex classes

ApplicationInfo appInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo("com.instagram.android", 0);
ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(appInfo);
List<DexInfo> dexFiles = apkParser.getDexInfos(); // if size > 1 then app is using multidex
for (DexInfo dexInfo : dexFiles) {
  DexClass[] dexClasses = dexInfo.classes;
  DexHeader dexHeader = dexInfo.header;

#####4. Get certificate and verify apk signature

ApplicationInfo appInfo = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo("com.instagram.android", 0);
ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(appInfo);
if (apkParser.verifyApk() == ApkParser.ApkSignStatus.SIGNED) {

#####5. Get intent-filters from apk manifest:

ApkParser parser = ApkParser.create(getPackageManager(), "com.android.settings");
AndroidManifest androidManifest = parser.getAndroidManifest();
for (AndroidComponent component : androidManifest.getComponents()) {
  if (!component.intentFilters.isEmpty()) {
    for (IntentFilter intentFilter : component.intentFilters) {
      // Got an intent filter for activity/service/provider/receiver.

#####6. Locales Apk may return different infos(title, icon, etc.) for different region and language, which is determined by Locales. If the locale is not set, the "en_US" locale(Locale.US) is used. You can set the locale like this:

ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(filePath);
ApkMeta apkMeta = apkParser.getApkMeta();

The PreferredLocale parameter work for getApkMeta, getManifestXml, and other binary xmls. Apk parser will find best match languages with locale you specified.

If locale is set to null, ApkParser will not translate resource tag, just give the resource id. For example, apk title will be '@string/app_name' instead of 'WeChat'.

APK Parser is based on CaoQianLi's apk-parser

  • Questions about the library

    Questions about the library

    1. Can it parse Intent-Filters?
    2. How is it in terms of memory? I remember the original library (for PC) was quite memory consuming, which caused OOM sometimes when I tried it on Android: https://github.com/CaoQianLi/apk-parser/issues/19
    3. Can you please put a sample too, and not just a library? Also, can you split the code , so that it would be possible to use via gradle? Maybe via https://jitpack.io/ ?
    4. What about the license? Does it require to put info about the repo in the "about" screen of apps, or something?
    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 7
  • Request: allow to parse only needed things from the APK

    Request: allow to parse only needed things from the APK

    For example, if all I want to get from the APK is the intent-filters, if you remove the code of ApkParser.parseResourceTable() , it will save a lot of memory and time for parsing the APKs.

    For example, to demonstrate the time difference, I've ran this code on each of the apps that are installed on my device:

                    ApkParser apkParser = ApkParser.create(packageInfo.applicationInfo.publicSourceDir);
                    try {
                        AndroidManifest androidManifest = apkParser.getAndroidManifest();
                        for (AndroidComponent component : androidManifest.getComponents()) {

    This took 115,992 seconds to run the code on 241 installed apps (both system and user apps), yet it took 22,864 seconds when removing the code I've written about.

    This is about 5 times faster.

    It might even be possible to avoid calling other pieces of code, if all I want to get is the intent filters.

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 3
  • Use case of APKParser vs. getPackageManager().getPackageArchiveInfo()

    Use case of APKParser vs. getPackageManager().getPackageArchiveInfo()

    Hi @jaredrummler

    I was wondering what the advantages of are of this library in comparison to getPackageManager().getPackageArchiveInfo(). Can you make a small comparison? Currently I am wondering why APKParser exist. What are the drawbacks of getPackageArchiveInfo?

    opened by dschuermann 3
  • Added attribute for intent filter as now you can set android:autoverify=true for intent filters

    Added attribute for intent filter as now you can set android:autoverify=true for intent filters

    Added attribute for intent filter as now you can set android:autoverify=true for intent filters from android marshmallow onwards. It is a new feature by google called app links. The documentation is available here https://developer.android.com/training/app-links/index.html

    opened by rongjc 0
  • Question: is it possible to inspect code of APK using this library?

    Question: is it possible to inspect code of APK using this library?

    For example like this website:


    I tried to use the library to get to the dex files, hoping it's the classes, but I got Chinese/Japanese strings:

                val appInfo = packageManager.getApplicationInfo("com.whatsapp", 0)
                val apkParser = ApkParser.create(appInfo)
                val dexFiles = apkParser.dexInfos
                for (dexInfo in dexFiles) {
                    val dexClasses: Array<DexClass> = dexInfo.classes
                    val dexHeader: DexHeader = dexInfo.header
                    Log.d("AppLog", "")



    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 0
  • Bug and possible fix for parsing APK files manifest data

    Bug and possible fix for parsing APK files manifest data

    Example is of Chrome and Chrome beta:

    chrome and chrome beta.zip

    The issue with those seems that it causes attributes to have namespace missing, as such:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android:versionCode="398706833" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android:versionName="80.0.3987.68" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android:compileSdkVersion="29" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android:compileSdkVersionCodename="10" package="com.chrome.beta" platformBuildVersionCode="29" platformBuildVersionName="10">

    Here's the full output of parsing Chrome beta using ApkParser.create(file).manifestXml :


    This is considered as invalid XML.

    However, I've found a way to parse their manifest anyway. And it seems to fix this issue too .

    I made a test, and it seems that I got it right for manifest files of both normal APK files and split APK files. This code is based on this solution on StackOverflow :


    Please check it out.

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 1
  • Bug: unable to parse some split APK files

    Bug: unable to parse some split APK files

    Example attached:


    The crash exception:

        java.lang.Error: com.jaredrummler.apkparser.exception.ParserException: Unexpected chunk Type:203
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1173)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919)
         Caused by: com.jaredrummler.apkparser.exception.ParserException: Unexpected chunk Type:203
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.parser.ResourceTableParser.readChunkHeader(ResourceTableParser.java:204)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.parser.ResourceTableParser.readPackage(ResourceTableParser.java:96)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.parser.ResourceTableParser.parse(ResourceTableParser.java:67)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.ApkParser.parseResourceTable(ApkParser.java:417)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.ApkParser.transBinaryXml(ApkParser.java:269)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.ApkParser.parseManifestXml(ApkParser.java:207)
            at com.jaredrummler.apkparser.ApkParser.getManifestXml(ApkParser.java:126)
            at com.android.apkinstalltest.MainActivity$onCreate$1.run(MainActivity.kt:33)
            at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:289)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
            at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:919

    Looking at the manifest xml string that it tried to build, I can see that its result is:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:dist="http://schemas.android.com/apk/distribution" android:versionCode="11002120" android:versionName="1.1 (6007940)" android:isFeatureSplit="true" android:compileSdkVersion="29" android:compileSdkVersionCodename="10" package="com.google.pixel.livewallpaper" platformBuildVersionCode="11002120" platformBuildVersionName="1.1 (6007940)" split="delight" split="delight">
    	<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="28" android:targetSdkVersion="28" />
    	<dist:module dist:onDemand="true" dist:title="resourceId:0x7f0d006b">
    		<dist:fusing dist:include="false" />
    	<application android:hasCode="false">
    		<meta-data android:name="com.android.vending.derived.apk.id" android:value="1" />

    But according to some online tools, it should have been:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest android:versionCode="11002120" android:versionName="1.1 (6007940)" android:isFeatureSplit="true" android:compileSdkVersion="29" android:compileSdkVersionCodename="10" package="com.google.pixel.livewallpaper" platformBuildVersionCode="11002120" platformBuildVersionName="1.1 (6007940)" split="delight" split="delight"
        <dist:module dist:onDemand="true" dist:title="@2131558507">
            <dist:fusing dist:include="false" />
        <application android:hasCode="false">
            <meta-data android:name="com.android.vending.derived.apk.id" android:value="1" />

    Somehow it got </http://schemas.android.com/apk/distribution:module> instead of </dist:module> .

    So this makes it a non valid XML content. Also I noticed other differences, such as "resourceId:0x7f0d006b"

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 1
  • Request: allow to parse APK file without using File or file-path

    Request: allow to parse APK file without using File or file-path

    Use InputStream , DocumentFile or Uri instead.

    The reason: In the near future, Google will block storage permission, which requires developers to handle files outside of the scope of the current app, to use SAF instead of File and file-path. More information here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/128591846

    And yes, it's very devastating for many apps and libraries that need to access the files in a normal way. Even the Android framework isn't ready for it, as there are functions such as getPackageArchiveInfo (here) that uses a File or file-path, and have no other alternative.

    If you want to test your solution without the storage permission and using just the InputStream, here (the app assumes there is a file named "a.apk" on the root path of the normal storage) : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/132481545#comment5

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 0
  • Migrate to GradleMavenPush https://github.com/Vorlonsoft/GradleMavenPush

    Migrate to GradleMavenPush https://github.com/Vorlonsoft/GradleMavenPush

    Migrate to GradleMavenPush https://github.com/Vorlonsoft/GradleMavenPush


    • Old plugin don't have updates for 4 years
    • Better javadocs generation
    • Better pom file generation
    • Smaller gradle.properties
    • You can easy migrate from Maven Central to JCenter by adding to your code IS_JCENTER = true only and register at https://bintray.com/bintray/jcenter
    opened by AlexanderLS 0
Jared Rummler
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Jared Rummler
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