Important information

This repository contains source codes for old version of site. It is still available here: In spite of this, you can send pull requests or open issues here - they will be processed and the new site will be updated.
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If you want to make this world a little bit better you can:
- Check that the project(s) you want to suggest is (are) not already in the list.
- Fork this repository.
- Add some new interesting projects or fix mistakes. Modify file:
- projects/free.yml - for free projects
- projects/paid.yml - for paid projects
- or projects/demo.yml - for open source projects or demos
- Check your indentations in text to prevent possible problems with YAML parser.
- Send back a pull request.
Running server locally
To install needed dependencies, run this commands in the project directory:
gem install bundler
rvm install ruby-2.4.3
rvm use 2.4.3
bundle install
To check your changes in life, you can run server locally using the following command:
bundle exec rackup -p 8080
Server should be available on http://localhost:8080.
Thanks to all contributors that send to me information about libraries, tools, projects or just some useful feedback. You really help me in the development of the Android Arsenal.
If you'd like to support Android Arsenal development, you could make some donations here:
Thank you very much in advance!
Table of content
Free libraries and tools
2D Engines (7)
3D Engines (9)
Action Bars (6)
- ActionBarSherlock
- Extended ActionBar
- FadingActionBar
- GlassActionBar
- Header2ActionBar
- v7 appcompat library
Advertisements (7)
Analytics (2)
Animations (5)
Architecture (8)
Audio (8)
- aacdecoder-android
- Android Playlist File Parser
- Android Visualizer
- Audio Wife
- ExoPlayer2 Shoutcast Metadata Protocol (ICY) extension
- Patchfield
- PlayerHater
- Spotify Streamer
Background Processing (7)
Backward Compatibility (7)
- Android CalendarView
- Android NumberPicker
- HoloEverywhere
- NineOldAndroids
- PreferenceFragment
- Support Library
- Switch Widget Backport
Bar Codes (4)
Bluetooth (6)
- Android Bluetooth Library
- android-bluetooth
- Android-BluetoothSPPLibrary
- android-btxfr
- Bluetooth LE Library for Android
- SmartGattLib
Build Systems (7)
Buttons (17)
- Android Circle Button
- Android SocialButtons
- Android-ActionItemBadge
- Android-Bootstrap
- Circular Progress Button
- ExpandableButtonMenu
- FancyButtons
- Flat Button
- FloatingActionButton
- HamburgerMenuDrawable
- material-menu
- Process Button
- ProgressButton
- PSGradientButtons
- Skittles
- TH-ProgressButton
- View Badger
CSV (3)
Caching (5)
Cards (4)
Changelog (5)
Chrome Custom Tabs (1)
Cloud Storages (3)
Color Analysis (3)
Color Pickers (4)
Content Providers (7)
- Content Provider Helper
- CPOrm
- OrmLiteContentProvider
- ProviGen
- SimpleProvider
- Slim Repo
- SQLiteProvider
Crash Reports (2)
Credits (2)
Curl/Flip Effects (5)
Database (6)
- Android ContentProvider Generator
- Android SQLiteAssetHelper
- couchbase-lite-android
- CPOrm
- DatabaseCodeGenerator
- Skygear
Database Browsers (5)
Date Pickers (14)
- AgendaCalendarView
- android-betterpickers
- android-datepicker
- Android-RecurrencePicker
- Caldroid
- DateTimePicker
- DateTimePicker Android 4.0+
- DateTimeSeer
- ExtendedCalendarView
- FlexibleCalendar
- Material CalendarView
- MFCalendarView
- Roboto Calendar View
- TimesSquare for Android
Dependency Injections (7)
Design (8)
- Android 4.0 Design Startkit
- Android App Patterns
- Android Cheatsheet for Graphic Designers
- Android Niceties
- Android Patterns
- Google Android Design Guide
- HoloAccent
- ICS Apps
Dex Tools (3)
Dialogs (6)
Distribution Platforms (5)
EPUB (2)
Emoji (4)
Event Buses (3)
FRP (2)
File/Directory Choosers (5)
Floating Views (1)
Fonts (4)
Functional Programming (1)
Gestures (4)
Gradle Plugins (4)
Graphics (11)
- AChartEngine
- AFreeChart
- Android-Charts
- AndroidCharts
- Androidplot
- desCharts
- EazeGraph
- GraphView
- HoloGraphLibrary
- HzGrapher
- MPAndroidChart
Grid Views (8)
- AndroidStaggeredGrid
- AnimatedGridView
- DynamicGrid
- FreeFlow
- PagingGridView
- QuiltViewLibrary
- StaggeredGridView
- TwoWayGridView
HTML (4)
IDE (4)
IDE Plugins (8)
- ADT Templates
- Android for Maven Eclipse
- Android Holo Colors IntelliJ Plugin
- ButterKnifeZelezny
- Dagger IntelliJ Plugin
- Otto IntelliJ Plugin
- SelectorChapek
- StepBuilder generator
Image Croppers (5)
Image Loaders (7)
- Fresco
- Glide
- LazyList
- Novoda Image Loader
- Picasso
- Universal Image Loader for Android
- UrlImageViewHelper
Image Processing (8)
- Android GPUImage
- Android StackBlur
- android-image-filtering
- android-jhlabs
- AndroidFastImageProcessing
- openalpr-android
- picasso-transformations
Image Views (10)
- CircularImageView
- GifLib
- ImageViewZoom
- KenBurnsView
- PhotoView
- RoundedImageView
- Smart Image View
- SplitImageView
- Swipeable cards
- TouchImageView
JSON (5)
Job Schedulers (3)
Layouts (15)
- Android Constrained Widgets
- Android Empty Layout
- Android Slide Show Widget
- CircleLayout
- CircularView
- DraggablePanel
- DynamicBox
- FlatUI
- Game of Life View
- GridLayout
- ImageLayout
- MaskableLayout
- Material Ripple Layout
- ShowcaseView
- SwipeBackLayout
List View Adapters (6)
List View Sections (6)
- LetterSectionList
- ListviewFilter
- PinnedSectionListView
- StickyGridHeaders
- StickyListHeaders
- StickyScrollViewItems
List Views (13)
- Android-MultiStateListView
- Android-ScrollBarPanel
- DragSortListView
- EnhancedListView
- Flabby List View
- Horizontal Variable ListView
- ListViewAnimations
- PagingListView
- PlayView
- SlideExpandableListView
- SuperListview
- SwipeListView
- TreeViewList
Location (1)
Lock Patterns (1)
Logging (7)
MIME (2)
Mails (2)
Maps (7)
- Android Maps Extensions
- Clusterkraf
- Google Maps Android API utility library
- map-controller
- MapNavigator
- osmdroid
- Polaris
Markdown (3)
Material Design (2)
Mobile Web Frameworks (8)
Native Image Processing (6)
Navigation History (1)
Networking (13)
- AllJoyn Android
- Apache Commons Net
- Async Http Client
- GeoIp-android
- Ion
- Loopj
- OkHttp
- reyna
- RoboSpice
- Volley
- VolleyEx
- Wifi Connecter
OAuth (5)
OCR Engines (3)
ORM (14)
- ActiveAndroid
- ActiveRecord for Android
- Androrm
- CPOrm
- Cupboard
- DBFlow
- DbQuery
- greenDAO
- Orman
- OrmLite
- Persistence
- Sprinkles
- Sugar ORM
- Torch
Object Mocking (4)
Overlays (1)
PDF (4)
Parallax List Views (3)
Parcelables (6)
- Android AutoValue
- dallasgutauckis/parcelabler
- ParcelableCodeGenerator
- ParcelablePlease
- Parcelabler
- Parceler
Permissions (1)
Physics Engines (5)
Platforms (5)
Preferences (6)
- Complex Preferences
- IntegrationPreference
- RxSharedPreferences
- secure-preferences
- SimpleSharedPreferences
- UnifiedPreference
Progress Indicators (8)
- Android Process Button
- Android Progress Panel
- Android-ProgressFragment
- ContentLoadingProgressDialog
- ElasticProgressBar
- GoogleProgressBar
- ProgressWheel
- SmoothProgressBar
Protocol Buffer (4)
Pull To Refresh (4)
Purchases (5)
- Amazon in-app purchasing
- AndroidBillingLibrary
- Donations Library
- Google Play in-app billing
- Open In-App Billing
Push Notifications (2)
QR Codes (3)
REST (5)
RSS (4)
Radio Buttons (2)
Range Bars (5)
Ratings (5)
RecyclerView Adapters (6)
- Adapter support drag and load more items
- Adapter Wrapper
- Endless Adapter
- RecyclerView Multistate Section Endless WrapperAdapter
- Snappy Recycler Adapter
- States Adapter
SOAP (4)
SSH (3)
SVG (3)
Scripting (3)
Security (10)
- AndroidPinning
- AndroidTampering
- Conceal
- Devknox
- NetCipher (Onionkit)
- OpenPGP API library
- Secure-Preferences
- Spongy Castle
- SQLCipher
- Windows Azure ADAL
Sensors (6)
Sliding Panels (4)
Snackbars (2)
Social Networks (8)
- AndroidSocialFragment
- AndroidSocialNetworks
- Bitlyj
- Facebook SDK
- jReddit
- JTwitter
- Simple Social Sharing
- Twitter4J
Static Code Analysis (5)
Status Bars (2)
Styling (2)
Support Design Library (1)
System (5)
TDD & BDD (7)
Template Engines (5)
Testing (6)
Testing Tools (5)
Text Views (14)
- Android Floating Label
- android-flowtextview
- Android-RobotoTextView
- AnyTextView
- AutoFitTextView
- ChromaHashView
- CreditCardEditText
- EmailAutoCompleteTextView
- Float Labeled EditText
- HtmlTextView
- Justified
- PasscodeView
- Shimmer-android
- TokenAutoComplete
Text-to-Speech (2)
Theming (1)
Toasts (8)
Toolkits For Other PL (6)
Tools (10)
- Android Keystore Recovery
- Android Studio Templates
- AndroidAssetStudio
- DontCommit
- GridWichterle
- Madge
- ProGuard
- Raccoon
- Scalpel
- ViewPortSizes
USB (4)
Utils (12)
- Android Intents
- android-common-lib
- AndroidDynamicLoader
- AndroidUtils
- Apache Commons Codec
- Apache Commons IO
- AQuery
- Guava
- Joda Time
- libs-for-android
- NoTils
- Okio
Validation (6)
- Android Saripaar
- android-formidable-validation
- Android-Validator
- FormValidations
- HouseOfCards
- ValidationKomensky
Video (6)
View Pagers (10)
- AutoNotifyViewPager
- JazzyViewPager
- LoopingViewPager
- PagerSlidingTabStrip
- ParallaxHeaderViewPager
- ParallaxPager
- RecyclerPagerAdapter
- VerticalViewPager
- View Flow
- ViewPagerIndicator
Views (1)
Weather (4)
WebSockets (4)
XML (6)
YAML (3)
Demo projects
Accounts (2)
Animations (6)
- Activity Animation
- Android Animation Playground
- android-movies-demo
- android_page_curl
- Road Trip
- Transition Backport