xposed安卓虚拟摄像头 android virtual camera on xposed hook




感谢https://github.com/wangwei1237/CameraHook 提供的HOOK思路!!


具体的使用方法(English version is below):

4、若需要拦截拍照事件,请在/sdcard/DCIM/Camera1/目录下放置 1000.bmp 用于替换,(前置摄像头需要水平翻转后右旋90°保存,需要匹配分辨率)







Detailed usage :

  1. Install this moudle. enable it in Xposed. Framework which has a scope list need to choose target app, but needn't to choose system framework.
  2. Create virtual.mp4 and put it under /sdcard/DCIM/Camera1/ ,(if use front camera ,image should be Flip horizontal and right rotation 90 degrees, if you want to hook onPreviewFrame ,the resolution should be matched)
  3. If you wants to hook image capture event, you should create 1000.bmp under /sdcard/DCIM/Camera1/ for replace. (if use front camera ,image should be Flip horizontal and right rotation 90 degrees, the resolution should be matched)
  4. authorize the target app to access local storage in system.
  5. Reboot your phone or shutdown target app.

bugs with camera2 api, need to disable it?

create disable.jpg under /sdcard/DCIM/Camera1/ to disable this method hook.

how to get resolution ??(only hook onPreviewFrame and image capture need it)?

open camera in target app, and you can find resolution in toast message.

Needn't mute?

Create no-silent.jpg under /sdcard/DCIM/Camera1/, and it will play sounds.


GitHub: https://github.com/w2016561536/android_virtual_cam/blob/master/app/release/app-release.apk
gitee(中国大陆建议此点): https://gitee.com/w2016561536/android_virtual_cam/blob/master/app/release/app-release.apk



  • 安卓11微信无法直接读取data文件夹下文件


    已经在气泡提示的 /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.mm/files/Camera1/

    新建camera1文件夹且放入virtual.mp4文件 但由于安卓11的缘故 微信依然无法读取到 请问这种情况怎么解决.. 在特殊应用权限的访问所有文件里 也没能找到微信进行授予权限

    opened by Ceiso1 19
  • 软件扫码黑屏


    描述:同一个手机其他的软件Qq, WeChat, zfb都可以替换视频正常扫码,但这个软件打开扫码一片黑,也没有任何提示。手机摄像头坏了,想用虚拟相机扫码😂希望作者解答一下,十分感谢 软件链接:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.coquan.hd

    Screenshot_2021-09-16-14-29-37-970_org lsposed manager

    opened by noname9528 10
  • openCamera(String cameraId, Executor executor, CameraDevice.StateCallback callback)有问题

    openCamera(String cameraId, Executor executor, CameraDevice.StateCallback callback)有问题

    openCamera(String cameraId, Executor executor, CameraDevice.StateCallback callback) 这个从Android P开始才有的,之前的版本都没有。

    如果不做处理的话,会报以下错误: submitRequestList - cannot use a surface that wasn't configured


    opened by bad-copy 7
  • setPreviewTexture处理有遗漏


    setPreviewTexture传入的参数可能是null(Android 6.0.1): android/hardware/camera2/legacy/RequestThreadManager.java 在configureOutputs函数中有如下代码片段: try { mCamera.setPreviewTexture(/*surfaceTexture*/null); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to clear prior SurfaceTexture, may cause GL deadlock: ", e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { 这样就会造成HookMain.msurf = new Surface(HookMain.msurftext);抛出异常IllegalArgumentException

    opened by bad-copy 6
  • 放置virtual.mp4显示本机摄像头


    您好, 我安卓了以后在/sdcard/DCIM/Camera1放了个virtual.mp4,但是打开摄像头还是本机摄像头。我又看教程然后又创建了1000.bmp,但是依旧为本机摄像头。我已确定模块已经启动,但我区看日志并没有找到android_virtual_cam相关内容。 以下是日志文件 EdXposed_Verbose_20220326_164958.txt


    opened by zhihuiyuze 5
  • Latest version bug

    Latest version bug

    After updating to the latest version, work profile apps can't read files inside work space storage. Instead it shows toast to put files in main directory. But the apps doesn't use the files stored in main directory.

    opened by girlofparadise 5
  • video playback problem on meet gmail

    video playback problem on meet gmail

    Vcam v3.0 | Virtual cam meet on gmail, i have 2 minutes video but the video does not play full video, the video only plays for 13 seconds and then returns to the beginning, After looping the third time the video will be stuck and the camera will automatically turn off, And while i turn camera back on the virtual cam only appears for 1 second and camera automatically turn back off, I have screen record the problem, here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mj3o_kne-9zhKHQ_sh9KsQPGSIbEQUKx/view

    And on chrome the camera is black? Screenshot_20210922-161155873

    Does this problem occur on your phone?

    opened by adamelegord 5
  • App crash when access to camera

    App crash when access to camera

    Some apps like google meet and chrome will crash when access to camera. There is the log https://hastebin.com/ijoyuyicox In previous versions vcam v2.5 it runs normally and doesn't crash, And when in v2.6 and v2.7 the app crash, I've tried disabling and enabling cam2api.

    opened by adamelegord 5
  • Cam video is streched

    Cam video is streched

    Could anyone try to help me fix the problem with my cam video? The video image is always stretched when using camera no matter what resolution I download video. I can't see any toast I can change resolution. Has anyone got idea what I do wrong? In video player the video plays well however when using vcam it is always stretched. My device is xiaomi 11. I appreciate for any help. Thank you

    opened by robkor26 4
  • Triggering read

    Triggering read

    Thank you for this great module.......

    I got a qr-reading app, replacing input works and displays correct image but it does not 'trigger' the app to decode the qr.

    Any idea how to activate the triggering?

    感谢你的代码库 我现在有个问题如下:我有一个gr-reading app, 二维码可以不用扫描 然后直接播放一个二维码的视频来代替, 这个正常运行,但它然后好像就不行激活app来解析二维码。简单来说,它识别到了二维码,但是不知道怎么去处理二维码。


    opened by kababoom 4
  • 需要针对视频校验app的改进建议。


    有些做人脸验证的app的,在视频播放时,会连续拍摄多张照片,然后比对这几张照片,如何发现都是相同的那张1000.bmp,肯定就被判定为作弊了。 能否改进下功能,可以放入多张静态图片的,比如 1001.bmp 1002.bmp 1003.bmp 然后每次发现拍照时候循环读,这样就能解决app连续拍摄多张照片的困局了。

    opened by macenjie 4
  • I want to buy working version

    I want to buy working version

    Hi, i want to buy working version of virtual camera with support android camera API v2. Budget 5k$. i can pay in bitcoin. Who have solution, please contact me on reptiloid258@protonmail.com best regards.

    opened by reptiloid8825 0
  • How to use 1000.bmp

    How to use 1000.bmp

    It can work the virtual video in whatsapp, however, when i put the 1000.bmp into the whatsapp folder, it cannot display the bmp, what should i do? can anyone help, thank you.

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