Gradle plugin for adds support for integrating Carthage dependencies into a KMM project



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Adds support for integrating Carthage dependencies into a KMM project.


  1. Install the Carthage build tool.
  2. Create a Cartfile with the desired dependencies in the project root.
  3. Add a carthage entry for your target in the gradle file, for example:
ios() {
   carthage {

  1. The dependency will be exposed as carthage.AFNetworking by default.

Publishing to wire-maven

To publish the plugin for internal consumption (e.g. in kalium), checkout wire-maven side by side with this repository:

├─ carthage-gradle-pluging/
├─ wire-maven/


  • create a new branch in wire-maven with pattern chore/carthage-gradle-plugin/vX.Y.Z
  • run the publish task in carthage-gradle-plugin to generate the plugin's .jar
  • commit with message following the pattern chore: add carthage-gradle-plugin vX.Y.Z
  • create a pull request in wire-maven

Once the resulting pull request is merged in wire-maven a new version will be avalable for consumption.

  • chore: plublish to wire-maven

    chore: plublish to wire-maven

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [x] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    The publishing task is set to publish to ../local-maven which is inconvenient given that we want to temporarily publish to ../wire-maven/releases at wire-maven


    Change the publish uri to ../wire-maven/releases and correct the artifact's name

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by tmspzz 1
  • chore: add open source headers

    chore: add open source headers

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [x] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    Open source license headers are missing


    Add license headers

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by tmspzz 0
  • docs: update readme

    docs: update readme

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [x] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    The plugin should work for all Apple platforms


    Remove explicit restrictions to iOS

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by tmspzz 0
  • chore: update ARTIFACT and

    chore: update ARTIFACT and

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [ ] contains a reference JIRA issue number like SQPIT-764
      • [x] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    • Plugin name have the non-descriptive artifact name plugin
    • Project has the generic wire-gradle-plugin name


    Change artifact name to carthage-plugin Change project name to carthage-gradle-plugin



    PR Post Submission Checklist for internal contributors (Optional)

    • [ ] Wire's Github Workflow has automatically linked the PR to a JIRA issue

    PR Post Merge Checklist for internal contributors

    • [x] If any soft of configuration variable was introduced by this PR, it has been added to the relevant documents and the CI jobs have been updated.

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by typfel 0
  • chore: add GPL V3 License

    chore: add GPL V3 License

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [ ] contains a reference JIRA issue number like SQPIT-764
      • [ ] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    We need license before we make the repo public


    GPL V3



    PR Post Submission Checklist for internal contributors (Optional)

    • [ ] Wire's Github Workflow has automatically linked the PR to a JIRA issue

    PR Post Merge Checklist for internal contributors

    • [x] If any soft of configuration variable was introduced by this PR, it has been added to the relevant documents and the CI jobs have been updated.

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by typfel 0
  • feat: functioning Carthage plugin

    feat: functioning Carthage plugin

    PR Submission Checklist for internal contributors

    • The PR Title

      • [x] conforms to the style of semantic commits messages¹ supported in Wire's Github Workflow²
      • [x] contains a reference JIRA issue number like SQPIT-764
      • [x] answers the question: If merged, this PR will: ... ³
    • The PR Description

      • [x] is free of optional paragraphs and you have filled the relevant parts to the best of your ability

    What's new in this PR?


    We want to import Carthage dependencies into our KMM project.


    Build a Carthage Gradle plugin which:

    • run Carthage
    • configures the cInterop
    • copies the frameworks into the binary.


    PR Post Submission Checklist for internal contributors (Optional)

    • [x] Wire's Github Workflow has automatically linked the PR to a JIRA issue

    PR Post Merge Checklist for internal contributors

    • [x] If any soft of configuration variable was introduced by this PR, it has been added to the relevant documents and the CI jobs have been updated.

    3. E.g. feat(conversation-list): Sort conversations by most emojis in the title #SQPIT-764.
    opened by typfel 0
Wire Swiss GmbH
Wire open source secure messenger
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