Routing functionality for Jetpack Compose with back stack



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What's this?

Routing functionality for Jetpack Compose with back stack:

  • Helps to map your whole app structure using Compose — not just the UI parts
  • Supports a single-Activity approach — no Fragments, no Navigation component needed
  • Simply branch on current routing and compose any other @Composable
  • Back stack saves the history of routing
  • Can be integrated with automatic back press handling to go back in screen history
  • Can be integrated with automatic scoped savedInstanceState persistence
  • Supports routing based on deep links (POC impl)

Compatible with Compose version 1.0

Sample apps

  1. Sample module #1 - app-lifelike — Displays a registration flow + logged in content with back stack

  2. Sample module #2 - app-nested-containers — Displays nested screen history on generated levels.

  3. Jetnews - fork — Built with compose-router, adding proper screen history functionality.

  4. Pokedex - compose-pokedex — Using compose-router for app structure.


Available through jitpack.

Add the maven repo to your root build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Add the dependency:

implementation 'com.github.zsoltk:compose-router:{latest-version}'

How to use

On any level where routing functionality is needed, create a sealed class to represent your routing:

sealed class Routing {
    object AlbumList : Routing()
    data class PhotosOfAlbum(val album: Album) : Routing()
    data class FullScreenPhoto(val photo: Photo) : Routing()

Use the Router Composable and enjoy back stack functionality:

fun GalleryView(defaultRouting: Routing) {
    Router("GalleryView", defaultRouting) { backStack ->
        // compose further based on current routing:
        when (val routing = backStack.last()) {
            is Routing.AlbumList -> AlbumList.Content(
                onAlbumSelected = {
                    // add a new routing to the back stack:

            is Routing.PhotosOfAlbum -> PhotosOfAlbum.Content(
                album = routing.album,
                onPhotoSelected = {
                    // add a new routing to the back stack:

            is Routing.FullScreenPhoto -> FullScreenPhoto.Content(
                photo =

For more usage examples see the example apps.

To go back in the back stack, you can either call the .pop() method programmatically, or just press the back button on the device (see next section for back press integration).

Back stack operations:

  • push()
  • pushAndDropNested()
  • pop()
  • replace()
  • newRoot()

Connect it to back press event

To ensure that back press automatically pops the back stack and restores history, add this to your Activity:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val backPressHandler = BackPressHandler()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
                LocalBackPressHandler provides backPressHandler
            ) {
                // Your root composable goes here

    override fun onBackPressed() {
        if (!backPressHandler.handle()) {

Connect it to savedInstanceState

Router can automatically add scoped Bundle support for your client code.

Minimal setup:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            MaterialTheme {
                BundleScope(savedInstanceState) {
                    // Your root composable goes here

    override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {

In client code you can now use:

fun Content() {
    var counter by persistentInt("counter", 0)

    Clickable(onClick = { counter++ }) {
        Text("Counter value saved/restored from bundle: $counter")

Routing from deep links

Note: this is even more of a proof-of-concept only implementation than the other parts.

Example 1

Build and install app-lifelike on your device.

Open a console and type:

adb shell 'am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" -d "app-lifelike://go-to-profile?name=fake&phone=123123"'

This will open app-lifelike with skipped registration flow and go directly to Profile screen with fake user:

Example 2

Build and install app-nested-containers on your device.

Open a console and type:

adb shell 'am start -a "android.intent.action.VIEW" -d "app-nested://default/BGR"'

This will open app-nested-containers with (B)lue / (G)reen / (R)ed subtrees pre-selected as routing:

See MainActivity.kt, AndroidManifest.xml, and DeepLink.kt in both sample apps to see usage example.

  • Navigation screens seem to be duplicated

    Navigation screens seem to be duplicated

    I'm trying out your library (0.5.0) and it's great. But I ran into an issue. I will post code here to reproduce it. I might be using the library wrong though.

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        private val backPressHandler = BackPressHandler()
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            setContent {
                MaterialTheme {
                    Providers(AmbientBackPressHandler provides backPressHandler) {
                        MyRouter(startRoute = SplashRoute)
        override fun onBackPressed() {
            if (!backPressHandler.handle()) {
        override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) {
    sealed class MyRoute {
        object SplashRoute : MyRoute()
        object HomeRoute : MyRoute()
        object DetailsRoute : MyRoute()
    fun MyRouter(startRoute: MyRoute) {
        Router(contextId = "app", defaultRouting = startRoute) { backStack ->
            when (backStack.last()) {
                SplashRoute -> SplashRouteScreen(onInitialized = { backStack.newRoot(HomeRoute) })
                HomeRoute -> HomeRouteScreen(onShowDetails = { backStack.push(DetailsRoute) })
                DetailsRoute -> DetailsRouteScreen()
    fun SplashRouteScreen(onInitialized: () -> Unit) {
        onActive {
    fun HomeRouteScreen(onShowDetails: () -> Unit) {
        onActive {
            Log.d("HomeRouteScreen", "onActive ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
            onDispose {
                Log.d("HomeRouteScreen", "onDispose ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
        Center {
            Button(onClick = onShowDetails) {
                Text(text = "Show details")
    fun DetailsRouteScreen() {
        Center {

    So if you open the app and you navigate through screens everything is fine. Logs in HomeRouteScreen work as intended. But if you leave the app with back button (don't kill the app), then:

    1. Open app again
    2. Tap "Show details"
    3. Press back

    Logs will look like this:

    D/HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533598703
    D/HomeRouteScreen: onDispose 1582533600692
    D/HomeRouteScreen: onDispose 1582533600697
    D/HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533602550
    D/HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533602551

    If you leave the app again, and repeat those steps:

    HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533684493
    HomeRouteScreen: onDispose 1582533699006
    HomeRouteScreen: onDispose 1582533699009
    HomeRouteScreen: onDispose 1582533699011
    HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533699988
    HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533699989
    HomeRouteScreen: onActive 1582533699989

    Seems like every time you close the app with back button then reopen, something gets duplicated.

    opened by mvarnagiris 17
  • How do I save the state in a previous view?

    How do I save the state in a previous view?

    Assuming you have two destinations, A and B. A displays a long list. You click on an item in the list to navigate to B. Once in B you click on the back button. The A view is entirely recreated. The list is at the top again. I am unsure if this is by design or not.

    sealed class Routing {
      object A: Routing()
      data class B(val slug: String) : Routing()
    fun AppStore(routing: Routing = Routing.A) {
      Router(routing) { backStack ->
        val onItemClicked: (String) = { slug ->
        when (val value = backStack.last()) {
          is Routing.A-> AController(onItemClicked)
          is Routing.B-> BController(value.slug)

    I've already added a rememberLazyListState but this seems to be recreated entirely as well

    I am using version 0.24.2

    opened by zunjae 9
  • Support for compose 0.1.0-dev16

    Support for compose 0.1.0-dev16

    Hello, I noticed this library does not work on jetpack-compose dev16 (with errors like Composable functions can only be used from other Composable functions.). This is probably because @Composable annotation had been refactored to another package in dev16 and so the compiler cannot match the two different @Composable annotations.

    In this MR I have updated the dependency version to 0.1.0-dev16 and adjusted all the imports. It compiles on dev16 and works in my application.

    opened by dshatz 5
  • Top of Stack

    Top of Stack


    I'd find it really useful to know what the top item in the backstack is - I'm using bottom navigation and knowing the top item on the backstack would help in deciding which item at the bottom should be highlighted (even when a few destinations deep in that stack).

    Is there a reason this shouldn't be exposed?

    opened by notquiteamonad 5
  • update to dev13

    update to dev13

    Updates to dev13, update compile and target sdk to 30.

    I know you did not want the samples to reference the router module directly. And it should instead reference an existing release. But after being forced to update gradle, the only way I could get the lifelike module to compile was to update it to dev13. Which meant it needed access to router built with dev13.

    Also I couldn't get the nested sample to build using dev09 with the gradle update so I was able to update that one to dev12

    opened by luca992 5
  • Crash with Jetpack Compose Alpha07

    Crash with Jetpack Compose Alpha07

    Version of Jetpack Compose: alpha07 Version of Compose router: 0.21.0

    The following runtime error is thrown

     java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No field Companion of type Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotTable$Companion; in class Landroidx/compose/runtime/SlotTable; or its superclasses (declaration of 'androidx.compose.runtime.SlotTable' appears in /data/data/com.metamythlabs.theseries/code_cache/.overlay/base.apk/classes.dex)
            at com.github.zsoltk.compose.router.RouterKt.Router(Router.kt:105)
            at com.metamythlabs.theseries.screens.MainRouter$Companion.Content(MainRouter.kt:28)

    Usage of router (excerpt)

     companion object {
            fun Content(defaultRouting: Routing = Routing.Home) {
                Router("Main", defaultRouting) { backStack ->
                        AppNavigatorAmbient provides TheSeenNavigator(backStack)
                    ) {
                        when (val routing = backStack.last()) {
                            is Routing.Home -> HomeRouter.Content()
                            is Routing.MoviesDetail -> MovieRouter.Content(movieId = routing.movieId)
                            is Routing.SeriesDetail -> SeriesRouter.Content(seriesId = routing.seriesId)
                            is Routing.UniverseDetail -> UniverseRouter.Content(universeId = routing.universeId)

    Sadly I couldn't solve it quickly, hence I wanna report it.

    opened by johnnycube 4
  • Updated for Jetpack Compose dev15 and Android Studio 4.2 Canary 5

    Updated for Jetpack Compose dev15 and Android Studio 4.2 Canary 5

    I got everything working, however I can't figure out the correct way to handle the three unchecked casts properly. I left the @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") commented near each one.

    I guess this is something to do with Covariance / Contravariance etc, but I dont know enough about how to solve it. Seems theres a List and a Map with BackStack<*>. Would one solution be to have some kind of known Routing interface or class which is subclassed or implemented so that the type and its sub/super are known?

    I would be interested in knowing how this should be fixed so that I can understand this whole <*> thing in Kotlin.

    opened by madhavajay 4
  • [Proposal] Expose read access for BackStack#elements

    [Proposal] Expose read access for BackStack#elements

    I wonder if there is any way to retrieve all elements from BackStack? It can be useful in the following cases:

    1. We want to render all screens from BackStack on top of each other, so after navigating back we will not re-render some screens.
    2. Integration with compose-backstack (library for rendering animated transitions between backstacks of screens) would be much simpler, because nowadays it requires list of screens as one of args to its Composable. There are some workarounds, such as using Kotlin Reflection or using state/remember for maintaining backstack yourself, but it would be great to have read access directly to BackStack#elements.

    @zsoltk WDYT?

    opened by friendoye 3
  • Unable to import when built with > 4.1.0-alpha05

    Unable to import when built with > 4.1.0-alpha05

    I mentioned this bug in Probably needs to be reported to Google. It still does not work with 4.1.0-alpha09.

    For some reason with versions 4.1.0-alpha06 - 4.1.0-alpha08 the META-INF folder isn't added to the classes.jar in the .aar outputs

    Screenshot from 2020-05-11 16-30-42

    Screenshot from 2020-05-11 16-26-20

    My branch built with includes the META-INF folder and I can successfully build my project Screenshot from 2020-05-11 16-27-40

    opened by luca992 3
  • Update for compose release 0.1.0-dev07

    Update for compose release 0.1.0-dev07

    Update gradle to 4.1.0-alpha03 Change left/right to start/end Use new package for Surface component DrawImage -> Image LayoutFlexible -> LayoutWeight

    opened by cgudea 3
  • Implicit id for Router

    Implicit id for Router

    Right now Router needs an explicit unique id for back stack store/retrieval from parent. It would be nice to make this implicitly without having to ask client code to define id.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by zsoltk 3
  • ViewModels not cleared when navigation out

    ViewModels not cleared when navigation out

    The ViewModels provided in the composition by hilt, are never destroyed when a new root destination is selected. With compose navigation this is different because models are cleared as soon as the destination gets cleared from the back stack.

    opened by NestorPerez13 0
  • Support for Dynamic Features?

    Support for Dynamic Features?

    With deeplink I think it's support between Dynamice Feature navigation, cmiiw or does it requires any setup/configuration differences than using Deeplink?

    opened by mochadwi 0
  • How to handle TopAppBar navigation back event?

    How to handle TopAppBar navigation back event?

    Initial setup of BackPressHandler in the MainActivity works well with navigation but how to handle Appbar navback button click event? Now I've forked and created RootBackPressHandler Ambient which is set once in root Router and then I'm accessing it from anywhere

    opened by rustamsmax 0
  • Crash with 0.11.1

    Crash with 0.11.1

    Version 0.11.1 crashes withbackPressHandler is not initialized at a certain route depth. Downgrading to 0.9.0 fixes the issue. I'm having trouble reproducing this properly.

    opened by theolampert 0
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