4 Repositories
Android Earthquake Libraries
A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about earthquakes, and Turkey's earthquake map.
Recent-Earthquakes A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about ear
Earthquake - Earthquake app built with kotlin
Earthquake Earthquake app provides features below: Lists the recent 200 earthqua
Earthquake Android application for Indonesia region with data from BMKG
Awas Gempa Bumi Aplikasi yang menampilkan data gempa terbaru di Indonesia dengan sumber dari BMKG. Fitur : Menampilkan data gempa terbaru sesuai denga
This android app fetches the data from the USGS API in real time to display a list of earthquakes.
This android app fetches the data from the USGS API in real time to display a list of earthquakes. On clicking an earthquake it opens a browser window with the complete information of the earthquake along with the location on a map.