4 Repositories
Android HackerNews Libraries
HackerNews reader app for Wear OS
HNReader Install by importing to Android Studio, building the apk, and Google the official Android documentation for loading the apps to Wear OS and f
An app for catching up on things.
CatchUp An app for catching up on things. https://www.zacsweers.dev/catching-up-on-catchup-introduction/ Motivations There's a lot of services I like
HackerNews with Kotlin Multi-platform mobile technology
KNews The goal of this project is to build mobile apps that consumes HackerNews API with Kotlin Multi-Platform technology. About My idea is to build 2
An open source Hacker News client for Android.
Hacker News Come chat with us on Gitter.im! An open source Hacker News client for Android phones & tablets. Available on the Google Play Store How to