416 Repositories
Android advent-of-code-2021 Libraries
Intelij IDEA plugin for displaying a code mini-map similar to the one found in Sublime
CodeGlance Plugin Repository: http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7275 Latest build: https://github.com/Vektah/CodeGlance/releases InteliJ plugin that
An experimental library for dealing with legacy code
All Super experimental! no guarantees to the public API surface. At the moment, this project is the outcome of the limitations of my search skills. Bu
Rolling Scopes School - Android 2021 - Stage 1 - Task 2 - Quiz
rsschool2021-Android-task-quiz Rolling Scopes School - Android 2021 - Stage 1 - Task 2 - Quiz ☝️ Во втором практическом задании создадим приложение-кв
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room
TrackMySleepQuality - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 6.1 Room Introduction TrackMySleepQuality is an app for record
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev-tools
A curated list of standards, tests and benchmarks that can be used for testing and evaluating dev tools Contribution Add the description of the benchm
log4shell detector similar to log4jscanner, log4j-detector etc but built with ProGuardCORE
Log4Shell detector Yet another log4shell detector, similar to log4jscanner, log4
Object-streams - An experimental library for dealing with legacy code
Object Streams Super experimental! no guarantees to the public API surface. At t
Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE with full source-tree context.
String Manipulation IntelliJ plugin - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/2162 Sponsored by Manage pull requests and conduct code reviews in your IDE
An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code.
InspireWritingPlugin An IntelliJ IDEA plugin is used to inspire you to write code. Whenever you write code that exceeds the specified character, the p
This application was built as a part of the Android 📱 Study Jam 2021
This application is build by Prince And Team as a part of Andriod Study Jams Facilitator : princekhg@gmail.com Problem Statement: As there’s a rise in
Inventory-App - Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin
Inventory - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction
Android library for phone number verification feature in your app. Automatically copies verification code from SMS right into the app. Made by Stfalcon
SmsVerifyCatcher A library for implementing interception of SMS with a verification code using a few lines of code. Who we are Need iOS and Android ap
Code scanner library for Android, based on ZXing
Code scanner library for Android, based on ZXing Features Auto focus and flash light control Portrait and landscape screen orientations Back and front
CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way.
CodeView (Android) CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way. Description CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
Library that allows you to easily and quickly create forms in Android with little code
NexusDialog Simple Form Generator for Android NexusDialog is a library that allows you to dynamically generate forms in Android with little code. It's
A simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.
Convalida Convalida - (Italian for "validation") Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android. Documentation G
Bus Scheduler - The source code for the Bus Scheduler app codelab
Bus Scheduler App This folder contains the source code for the Bus Scheduler app
Source code of SmartPack-Kernel Manager, the Ultimate Tool to Manage your Kernel
Introduction Welcome to the development center of SmartPack-Kernel Manager, a heavily modified version of Kernel Adiutor originally developed by Willi
AR Core Flutter - An arcore flutter plugin on which i add some contribution based on my personal requirements and updated the code
arcore_flutter_plugin Thanks to Oleksandr Leuschenko for inspiration and his pre
Community-driven collection of Jetpack Compose example code and tutorials
Jetpack Compose Playground Introduction 🙋♂️ This is an Jetpack Compose example project. I'm collecting a bunch of sample codes for Jetpack Compose.
Intellij-angular-split-buttons - IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angular component files to quickly open the code
Angular Split View Buttons IntelliJ Plugin for adding hovering buttons to Angula
NguyenThienAn06105 - This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the …
MLX90640-HeatCamera This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the result. There
Pin-view - A Kotlin library that integrates a customized Pin code View to your project
PinView - Kotlin library A customizable Pin Code entry view that can be used as a user login authentication method in your project. Installation in pr
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition These instructions will help you build IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition from source code, which is the basis for Intell
Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
detekt Meet detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. It operates on the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin co
Country-code-picker-compose - An android library Jetpack Compose which provides an easy way to search and select country or country phone code
CountryCodePickerJetpackCompose Country Code Picker by Jetpack Compose How to ad
An android library to measure code execution time
An android library to measure code execution time. No need to remove the measurement code, automatically becomes no-op in the release variants. Does not compromise with the code readability and comes with features that enhance the developer experience.
ViewBinding, ViewModel Sample code
Sample_viewBiningK viewBinding, viewModel 샘플코드입니다. 코드출처 app: "모던 안드로이드 아키텍쳐 - Room + LiveData + ViewModel 대통합(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUbiWZ2g
Kotlin code completion, linting and more for any editor/IDE using the Language Server Protocol
Kotlin Language Server A language server that provides smart code completion, diagnostics, hover, document symbols, definition lookup, method signatur
Bytecode to source converting Java & Kotlin code into JavaScript, C++, D, C#, PHP, AS3, Dart and Haxe and run it everywhere.
JTransc (Java Trans Compiler) is an AOT (ahead of time compiler) that compiles .class and .jar files into a target programming language / executable bundling all the required dependencies in a single file or folder, without requiring a jitter or an external runtime.
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc
gRPC Kotlin Coroutines, Protobuf DSL, Scripting for Protoc Community Contributions are Welcomed ℹ️ | Docs are being expanded and moved to Readme.io Qu
A sample code taking picture in android with app permission and simple ui
Android Taking Picture Sample Just sample code taking picture in android with ap
Starter code for the third independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Lunch Tray - Starter Code Starter code for the third independent project for And
Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a Vie
Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler
Λrrow Meta Functional companion to Kotlin's Compiler Getting started Λrrow Meta is a meta-programming library that cooperates with the Kotlin compiler
Library for executing .kts files from regular Kotlin code
KtsRunner KtsRunner is a light-weight tool that allows the execution of .kts (Kotlin Script) files from ordinary Kotlin programs. It's enabled by JSR
Kotlin language support for VS Code
Kotlin Language Syntax support for the Kotlin programming language. This extension adds basic features to help make writing Kotlin much more pleasant
Type-safe library for work with Telegram Bot API
TelegramBotAPI Hello! This is a set of libraries for working with Telegram Bot API. Examples There are several things you need to do to launch example
A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.
Kotlin for LaTeX Listings Currently, I am writing my bachelor thesis with Kotlin and need to document some code in LaTeX. The lstpackage does not supp
A kotlin library for refactoring code. Port of GitHub's scientist.
Scientist A kotlin library for carefully refactoring critical paths in your application. This library is inspired by the ruby gem scientist. How do I
A Gradle plugin to apply ktfmt to your builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse 🧹🐘
ktfmt-gradle 🧹 🐘 A wrapper to apply ktfmt to your Gradle builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse. How to use 👣 ktfmt-gradle is d
Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin as a plugin to detekt.
detekt-hint (Attention: Looking for developers) Detection of design principle violations in Kotlin added as comments on pull requests. Getting started
Solution to the 2021 Advent of code challenge in Kotlin. aoc-2021-in-kotlin
advent-of-code-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by aniobistanley using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBr
Json Schema as code, autocomplete for your data model!
Overview Smartype is a powerful code generation tool that allows you to get the most out of the time you spend organizing and defining the structure o
An attendance recorder app for teachers. Its a part of Android Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA
Attendance-Pad An attendance recorder app for teachers, build for Android using Kotlin. This project is a part of Andoird Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA.
My solutions for advent of code challenges 2021.
advent-of-code-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by hiteshchalise using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBr
Jetbrains advent of code 2021 in kotlin
jetbrains-advent-of-code-2021-in-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by matvs using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delive
Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code.
HtmlToComposeWebConverter Intellij Idea Plugin that can convert HTML to Compose for Web code. Turn this: Into this: Show some ❤️ and star the repo to
Integrated code framework based on Kotlin, provides many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
Integrated code framework based on Kotlin, provides many useful extensions for standard library and some frameworks.
Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
Simpler Android Scaloid is a library that simplifies your Android code. It makes your code easy to understand and maintain by leveraging Scala languag
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word is a sample project that presents modern, 2020 app
Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack compose for web
AdventOfCodeComposeWeb Visualizing some advent of code puzzles using Jetpack com
Tkhwang advent of code kotlin template
tkhwang-advent-of-code-kotlin-template Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin pro
Tackling some of the challenges in Advent of PBT 2021
AdventOfPBT Tackling some of the challenges in Advent of PBT 2021 Implementations using jqwik and Kotlin. Day 1: Subject: lastIndexOf and my solution
🎄 Advent of Code puzzles solved live on Twitch! 🎄
Kotlin-AOC-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by Stuie using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In thi
Advent of Code 2021 🎄🎁
aoc-2021-in-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by pientaa using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. I
SJTU CS175 2021 Fall: Final Project
CS175 Final Project CS175 Final Project: Canvas Mobile App Homework Submission Simulator Author: Siyuan HUANG (519030910095) Overview: Long disgusted
Course project of CS175, Practice on Android Application Development, Autumn 2021.
NaiveGator Qi Liu, Yunfan Qing, Yazhou Tang, and Yuncheng Yang. (Arranged alphabetically by last name initials.) Course project of CS175, Practice on
auto-pipeline is a source code generator, it will generate your component's pipeline
auto-pipeline 🚀 auto-pipeline is a source code generator, it will generate your component's pipeline, help you to keep your project smaller, simpler,
Advent Of Code 2021
Advent Of Code 2021 https://adventofcode.com/2021/ Tech Kotlin 1.6 Gradle 7 JUnit 5 Requirements JDK 12 How to run a day program? Simply execute follo
This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introd
Auto-pipeline: a source code generator, it will generate your component's pipeline
auto-pipeline 🚀 auto-pipeline is a source code generator, it will generate your
Solution code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: Tip Calculator app
Tip Calculator - Solution Code Solution code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: T
The Official App for DroidKaigi 2021
DroidKaigi 2021 official app Guides Development Features Design Try it out Contributing Requirements Tech Stacks Kotlin Multiplatform Jetpack Compose
Android Reverse-Engineering Workbench for VS Code
APKLab The ultimate Android RE experience right inside your VS Code. APKLab seamlessly integrates the best open-source tools: Quark-Engine, Apktool, J
A form creating, filling and management application built with latest dependencies and best code practices
🦉 Teamscope-sample-app A form creating, filling and management application built with latest dependencies and best code practices 🏗 STRUCTURE The pr
Aarogya Setu Android app native code
Aarogya Setu Android app Aarogya Setu is a mobile application developed by the Government of India to connect essential health services with the peopl
scrambling code portion of TNoodle
TNoodle-LIB TNoodle is a software suite that contains the official WCA scramble program. It consists of the core scrambling code (primarily written in
Bitocle is a simple android app which allows you to view your source code in GitHub.
Bitocle是什么? Bitocle是一款简单的用来查看自己托管在GitHub上的代码的安卓应用。 版本号:2.2 Release 下载链接:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.mthli.Bitocle 支持安卓4.0及
An Interpreter/Transpiler for the Folders esoteric programming language, a language with no code and just folders
Folders2kt 📁 An Interpreter/Transpiler of the Folders esoteric programming language, a language with no code and just folders, written in Kotlin Show
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet
MarsRealEstate - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet Introduction MarsRealEstate is a
Missing safe arguments generator for Compose Navigation
Safe Arguments Generator Yet another attempt to add safe arguments to Compose Navigation. Why Since routes in Navigation Component don't support safe
Lemonade App Starter Code
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Lemonade is a simple beverage characterized by its lemon flavor. 🍋 Click to select a Lemon 😋 🤤 and then squeez
A bare minimum proof-of-concept for Log4j2 JNDI RCE vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228/Log4Shell)
Log4j2 RCE Vulnerability POC A bare minimum proof-of-concept for Log4j2 JNDI Remote-Code-Execution vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228). This is intended fo
Burp extension to scan Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) vulnerability pre and post auth
Log4J Scanner Burp extension to scan Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) vulnerability pre and post auth. Disclaimer I am not responsible for your actions, bur
Share Wi-Fi passwords with QR codes or NFC tags
WiFiKeyShare WiFiKeyShare lets you easily share your Wi-Fi password by generating a QR code or by writing it to an NFC tag. The format of the string e
Dev Journal is a note taking app made for the 7 days of code challenge for the first phase of the ALC with Google Scholarship.
Dev Journal Dev Journal was made for the 7 days of code challenge for the first phase of the ALC with Google Scholarship. Features Sign In with E-mail
Markdown for Android, supports TextView && EditText (Live Preview), supports code high light.
RxMarkdown RxMarkdown is an Android library that helps to display simple markdown text in android.widget.EditText or android.widget.TextView, at same
Project developed for monitoring hard braking zones as a scientific initiation at Facens in the period 2021/2022
@hard-braking-zones/location Project developed for monitoring hard braking zones as a scientific initiation at Facens in the period 2021/2022. Install
Advent of Code in Kotlin. Jetbrains challenge.
aoc-kotlin-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by xreaper95 using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In
This tool patches the CVE-2021-44228 Log4J vulnerability present in all minecraft versions NOTE THIS TOOL MUST BE RE-RUN after downloading or updating versions of minecraft as its not a perminent patch
WARNING THIS EXPLOIT EFFECTS BOTH CLIENTS AND SERVERS There is currently a exploit going around that affects all versions of Minecraft this exploit ab
Solutions to advent of code 2021 in the gen-Z programming language known as kotlin
Advent Of Code 2021 - Kotlin Edition How to run? Get the kotlin SDK using the sdkman tool: https://sdkman.io/sdks#kotlin Run the commands: ./gradlew
This folder contains the source code for the Bus Scheduler app codelab
Bus Scheduler App This folder contains the source code for the Bus Scheduler app codelab. Introduction The Bus Scheduler app displays a list of bus st
Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin
Inventory - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This app is an stater code for an Inventory tracking app. Demos how t
AoC in Kotlin for 2021
aoc-kotlin-starter Starter template for solving Advent of Code in Kotlin Features Gradle setup so you can run a specific day or all days on the comman
Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin
Inventory - Starter Code Starter code for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This app is an stater code for an Inventory tracking app. Demos how t
My attempt at completing Advent of Code for the first time, might also learn Kotlin while doing so.
AdventOfCode2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by debskipawel using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains.
Kotlin Tutorials for new learners.
Kotlin Programming Tutorial for Beginners Learn Kotlin Programming, its basics and Fundamentals from scratch. Topics to be covered Overview Course int
Sample Code for fake Kotlin library written in Java
Jatlin このリポジトリは ブログ記事 のためのサンプルコードです。詳細は記事をご覧ください。 プロジェクト構成 :java-lib にKotlinに偽装したJavaファイルが含まれます。 :kotlin-lib は :java-lib をビルドしたJARファイルをKotlinから読み込んで実行
Advent of code challenges completed in Kotlin
aoc-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by adeelcodes using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this
Solutions for Muetzilla's Advent Calendar
Solutions for Muetzilla's Advent Calendar Link To the Advents Calendar Content Solutions for Muetzilla's Advent Calendar Content Problem 1 Problem 2 P
🎄 Solutions to Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin 💜
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin These are my solutions to Advent of Code 2021 using the Kotlin language. Each day has its own subpackage. Try the proble
Solving all 25 days of the AOC 2021 event here: https://adventofcode.com
advent-of-code-2021-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this repo
Advent of Code 2021 - Kotlin solution
aoc21-kt Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by bubblefoil using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this
Source code behind the site kobweb.varabyte.com
Kobweb Site This is a Kobweb project for generating the Kobweb site itself. The goal of this site will be to highlight the features provided by the fr
My advent of code 2021 solutions.
Advent of code 2021 These are my kotlin solutions for however long I manage to take part without giving up. How to run Add a Config.kt file locally an
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin, solved by myself. Focus on code readability. With GitHub Actions all puzzles are executed and their solutions printed
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin Focus on Code Readability. With CI Solution Printing. Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by michaeltr
Advent of code 2021, Kotlin
aoc-2021-kotlin Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by almar using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In thi
Advent of code 2021 (unofficial) in Kotlin for Educational Plugin on Jetbrains IntelliJ IDE.
Kotlin Advent of Code 2021 (unofficial) DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with the official Advent of code event or website. To open this course, you ne