Kobweb Site
This is a Kobweb project for generating the Kobweb site itself.
The goal of this site will be to highlight the features provided by the framework and the place to read documentation about it.
Build Docker image and push to GCR
Make sure the Dockerfile is downloading the latest kobweb binary and do a export. For some reason export didn’t work inside docker container, so we do it here before building docker image
kobweb export
Build docker image
docker build -t kobweb-site .
Incase you first want to make sure the website runs locally
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it kobweb-site
Gcloud config to push the image to google cloud registry
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth configure-docker
Tag the image- kobweb-example-website-1 here is the GCP project id
docker tag kobweb-site gcr.io/kobweb-example-website-1/kobweb-website
Push the image
docker push gcr.io/kobweb-example-website-1/kobweb-website
Deploy the docker container on Google Kubernetes Engine
Deploy for the first time
Go to the project kobweb-example-website and open cloud shell OR set up gcloud locally. If you’re setting up locally on your computer, make sure
gcloud auth list
shows the correct active account -
Create GKE cluster in the specified zone and GCP project
gcloud container clusters create kobweb-site-cluster --zone=us-west1-a --project=kobweb-example-website-1
Fetch cluster endpoint and auth config
gcloud container clusters get-credentials kobweb-site-cluster --zone us-west1-a --project=kobweb-example-website-1
Create a new deployment
kubectl apply -f gcp-deployment-config.yaml
Verify deployment created
kubectl get deployment
Verfiy pod created
kubectl get pods
create a static IP address named kobweb-site-ip
gcloud compute addresses create kobweb-site-ip --region us-west1 --project kobweb-example-website-1
To find the static IP address you created, run the following command, Copy the 'address' to use as load-balancer-ip in the next command:
gcloud compute addresses describe kobweb-site-ip --region us-west1 --project kobweb-example-website-1
Copy pod name from previous command and create/expose the service on port 80, this will generate an external IP where we can access the website
kubectl expose pod <POD_NAME> --port=80 --target-port 8080 --name=kobweb-site-service --type=LoadBalancer --load-balancer-ip=<STATIC_IP>
Verfiy service created and copy the external IP. It can take a few seconds for this IP to show up
kubectl get services
Set horizontal autoscaling on the deployment, set the maximum number of replicas to 10 and the minimum to 2, with a CPU utilization target of 50% utilization
kubectl autoscale deployment kobweb-site --max 10 --min 2 --cpu-percent 50
Go to the web browser and open the external IP, it should show the website. It can take a few seconds to show up though because it's finishing up running
kobweb run
internally at this point. You can go to the GCP console to see the deployment logs.
Kubernetes Engine->Workloads->kobweb-site->Logs