5 Repositories
Android aop Libraries
Source++ is an open-source live coding platform. Add breakpoints, logs, metrics, and tracing to live production applications
Source++ is an open-source live coding platform. Add breakpoints, logs, metrics, and distributed tracing to live production software in real-time on-d
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
🔪 AOP development framework implemented through *Annotation + ASM + Gradle Transform API* for Android🤖
🔪 Android AOP 注解开发框架
简体中文 | English | Xerath 简介 AOP为Aspect Oriented Programming的缩写,意为:面向切面编程。 本项目为AOP思想在Android上的运用与实战,参考基于AspectJ的开源项目AopArms 旨在通过注解+Transfrom+ASM实现一套功能强大
FinalPermission 🔥这可能是用法最简单且功能强大的Android动态权限申请框架之一了🔥
Annotation based simple API flavored with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model
Let Annotation based simple API flavoured with AOP to handle new Android runtime permission model. If you check Google's Samples about the new permiss