419 Repositories
Android audio-plugin Libraries
An example for who are all going to start learning Kotlin programming language to develop Android application.
Kotlin Example Here is an example for who are all going to start learning Kotlin programming language to develop Android application. First check this
💫 A Gradle Plugin to generate your networking code from Swagger
Swagger Gradle Codegen A Gradle plugin to generate networking code from a Swagger spec file. This plugin wraps swagger-codegen, and exposes a configur
Android + Kotlin + Github Actions + ktlint + Detekt + Gradle Kotlin DSL + buildSrc = ❤️
kotlin-android-template 🤖 A simple Github template that lets you create an Android/Kotlin project and be up and running in a few seconds. This templa
Android library that creates app shortcuts from annotations
Shortbread Android library that generates app shortcuts for activities and methods annotated with @Shortcut. No need to touch the manifest, create XML
Intellij Idea, Android Studio plugin for generating Kotlin data classes from JSON. Helps to avoid writing boilerplate code for model classes. Supports annotations for Gson, Moshi, Jackson.
JSONToKotlinClass Intellij Idea, Android Studio plugin. Plugin generates Kotlin data classes from JSON text. It can find inner classes in nested JSON.
Gradle plugin to deploy Android Snapshot Versions
Android Snapshot Publisher is a Gradle plugin to prepare and distribute Android Snapshot versions to multiple distribution sources in a simple and com
Android part of the Android Studio(IntellijIDEA) OkHttp Profiler plugin
OkHttpProfiler Android Library Created by LocaleBro.com - Android Localization Platform The OkHttp Profiler plugin can show requests from the OkHttp l
Android Plugin Framework
Android Plugin Framework This project is pre-mature and may be changed very frequently. Introduction Android Plugin Framework (APF) aims to providing
🚀Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
JsonToKotlinClass Hi, Welcome! This is a plugin to generate Kotlin data class from JSON string, in another word, a plugin that converts JSON string to
A plugin system that runs like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load apk plugins which runs natively on Android system.
Android Dynamic Loader Android Dynamic Loader is a plugin system. The host application is like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load plugi
! Usage examples for Android Maven Plugin
Android Maven Plugin - Sample Projects WARNING This project is deprecated. All sample projects for the Android Maven Plugin as of version 4.0.0-rc.1 a
A quick and easy database manager plugin library for your DBFlow databases.
DBFlowManager A quick and easy database manager and viewer plugin library for your DBFlow databases to view, insert, delete, update the tables directl
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog  .
HoldingButton Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK). Getting s
User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors
SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Flutter Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Flutter ap
:sound: [Android Library] Easily generate pure audio tone of any frequency in android
Android library to easily generate audio tone in android. Generating pure tone of an specific frequency was never that easy. ZenTone does all the heav
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android This project aims to provide pretty cool equaliser for any Android audio project. Made in [Yalantis] (ht
A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality.
iiVisu A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality. Demo Setup Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog  ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Android-CustomView-blue.sv