77 Repositories
Android bash-script Libraries
Blaze is a Rust script that continuously monitors server resource usage and sends real-time summaries and alerts to a Discord channel via Webhook.
Blaze Blaze is a Rust script designed to run 24/7 on a server, providing a summary of resource usage every 30 minutes (configurable) to a Discord chan
nl-sh: Natural Language Shell
The Natural Language Shell integrates GPT4 or local GGUF-formatted models directly into the terminal experience, allowing operators to describe their tasks in either POSIX commands or fluent human language
Simple joke randomizer from bash.org.pl made as CLI Tool in Rust.
RBashOrg Simple joke randomizer from bash.org.pl made as CLI Tool in Rust. Description Main motivation of this project was to learn basic concepts abo
Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner
nrr Minimal, blazing fast Node.js script runner. Why? nrr initializes and resolves scripts way faster than package managers. It achieves this by provi
Harvest Moon: (More) Friends of Mineral Town event script compiler
mary This is a script compiler for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town for the GBA. The end goal is f
A tool that allows you to modify, edit, and recompile the AST script of Artemis engine.
Artemis AST Script Processor This utility offers a set of Rust functions to parse and manipulate Artemis AST-based scripts. Features Tokenization: Con
Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script
rust-script-ext Opinionated set of extensions for use with rust-script. Using rust-script to run Rust like a shell script is great! This crate provide
⚡️(cd with env) Is a configurable cd wrapper that lets you define your environment per directory.
⚡️cdwe (cd with env) A simple configurable cd wrapper that provides powerful utilities for customizing your envionment per directory. (For ZSH / BASH
Terminal command correction, alternative to thefuck written in Rust
Pay Respects Typed a wrong command? Pay Respects will try to correct your wrong console command by simply pressing F! 🚀 Blazing fast suggestion: You
My create new project simply (originaly in bash), in rust !
CNPS-Rust CNPS (Create new project simply) is a powerful tool built in Rust that simplifies the process of creating projects in various programming la
bevy_scriptum is a a plugin for Bevy that allows you to write some of your game logic in a scripting language
bevy_scriptum is a a plugin for Bevy that allows you to write some of your game logic in a scripting language. Currently, only Rhai is supported, but more languages may be added in the future.
ask.sh: AI terminal assistant that can read and write your terminal directly!
ask.sh: AI terminal assistant that read from & write to your terminal ask.sh is an AI terminal assistant based on OpenAI APIs such as GPT-3.5/4! What'
Effortlessly beautify your Spotify playlists with just a single, enchanting script 💫 🎵
harmonia harmonia, effortlessly beautify your Spotify playlists with just a single, enchanting script. 💫 🎵 HANDLE WITH LOVE: Since harmonia is bloss
Write simple proc-macros inline with other source code.
script-macro An experimental way to write simple proc-macros inline with other source code. Did you ever end up getting frustrated at the boilerplate
Animated app icons in your Dock that can run an arbitrary shell script when clicked.
Live App Icon for Mac Animated app icons in your Dock that can run an arbitrary shell script when clicked. Requirements macOS 13 (Ventura) or higher X
Ideas = Creations, a multi-language CMS(Content Management System) based on Rust Web stacks, with long-term upgrade and maintenance.
Ideas = Creations 中文 RustHub: Rust ideas yesterday, shining creations today! This repository holds source code used to run https://rusthub.org, it's
A small script in rust to get the cpu usage in %'s with a gradient color for the text
cpu_usage-polybar A small script in rust to get the cpu usage in %'s with a gradient color for the text To get it to work on your PC you will have to
Ask ChatGPT for a shell script, code, or anything, directly from your terminal 🤖🧠👨💻
ShellGPT Ask ChatGPT for a shell script, code, or anything, directly from your terminal 🤖 🧠 👨💻 Demo Install The binary is named gpt when installe
Fast KubeJS script manager. Includes version control and compatibility with KJSPKG packages.
CarbonJS A KubeJS script manager Features 🔥 Super fast ⚙️ Version control 📁 Constantly new scripts being added ✅ Easy to use 🧱 Compatibility with K
Simple node and rust script to achieve an easy to use bridge between rust and node.js
Node-Rust Bridge Simple rust and node.js script to achieve a bridge between them. Only 1 bridge can be initialized per rust program. But node.js can h
GPT-3 powered CLI tool to help you remember bash commands.
Rusty: GPT-3 Powered CLI Tool Convert natural language into executable commands directly from the terminal! Open source CLI tool powered by OpenAI (br
A `nix` and `nix-shell` wrapper for shells other than `bash`
nix-your-shell A nix and nix-shell wrapper for shells other than bash. nix develop and nix-shell use bash as the default shell, so nix-your-shell prin
A simple command-line calculator program writen with Rust.
Calculator.rs An simple command-line calculator program writen with Rust. Features Math functions support sin(1) = 0.84147098 Variable support a
Execute KDL files!
kdl-script A Compiler for KDLScript, the KDL-based programming language! KDLScript is a "fake" scripting language that actually just exists to declare
A standalone Luau script runner 🌙
Lune 🌙 A standalone Luau script runner 🚀 Use the ergonomics and readability of Luau for your shell scripts 🚀 ⚙️ Installation The preferred way of i
Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (Bash on Windows)
is-wsl Check if the process is running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (Bash on Windows) Inspired by sindresorhus/is-wsl and made for Rust lang. Ca
Fix the simple rust script as shown in README.md
Rust Fix Me Steps Create a Github account. (If you already have one no issues) Star this repository. Fork this repository to your Github account. Clon
A bit like tee, a bit like script, but all with a fake tty. Lets you remote control and watch a process
teetty teetty is a wrapper binary to execute a command in a pty while providing remote control facilities. This allows logging the stdout of a process
A command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by resholve
patsh A command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by resholve nix run github:nix-community/patsh -- -f script.sh Usage Usage: patsh [OPTIO
Fortipwn - Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust
fortipwn Forti CVE-2022-40684 enumeration script built in Rust. Uploads an SSH public key into authorized_keys, allowing an attacker to SSH into a ser
A domain-specific language for writing AIR constraints for Miden VM
AirScript A domain-specific language for expressing AIR constraints for STARKs, especially for STARK-based virtual machines like Miden VM. An in-depth
A domain-specific language for writing AIR constraints for Miden VM
AirScript A domain specific language to write AIR constraints for the Miden VM. NOTE: This project is in the initial stages of development. Overview A
Real-time stock tickers from the command-line. Written in Rust.
ticker-rs Real-time stock tickers from the command-line written in Rust. CLI tool using the Yahoo Finance API as a data source. It features colored ou
A little command-line script written in Rust to interface with Discord webhooks.
Rust Discord Webhook Agent This is a little "script" I wrote for practice with Rust and asynchronous operations within Rust. Getting started Clone thi
⚡️ NFT Snapshot script written in Rust for blazingly fast speeds ⚡️
⚡️ NFT SNAPSHOT ⚡️ This project uses rust's blazingly fast performance along with the ethers-rs library to read blockchain state. Setup You will have
🚩 Show sensitive command summary when open a new terminal
🚩 Show sensitive command summary when open a new terminal 👀 Clear sensitive commands from shell history 🙈 Stash your history command before present
Workflows make it easy to browse, search, execute and share commands (or a series of commands)--without needing to leave your terminal.
Workflows The repo for all public Workflows that appear within Warp and within commands.dev. To learn how to create local or repository workflows, see
A small script to facilitate the making of .src.spm.tar.gz packges
SPM-Helper Rust version: Installation PYTHON: install python and git Clone the repo with this command: git clone -b Python https://github.com/Soviet-L
Set Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single configuration file.
Xshe – Cross-Shell Environment Vars xshe allows for setting Shell Environment Variables across multiple shells with a single TOML configuration file.
An enhanced history(1) for bash
history This is a replacement for the history builtin in bash. It has a couple of additional features that relative to the one included with bash: Con
Workflows make it easy to browse, search, execute and share commands (or a series of commands)--without needing to leave your terminal.
Workflows The repo for all public Workflows that appear within Warp and within commands.dev. To learn how to create local or repository workflows, see
A Rust-based shell script to create a folder structure to use for a single class every semester. Mostly an excuse to use Rust.
A Rust Course Folder Shell Script PROJECT IN PROGRESS (Spring 2022) When completed, script will create a folder structure of the following schema: [ro
A handy way to handle sh/bash cli parameters
Argc A handy way to handle sh/bash cli parameters. How Argc works To write a command line program with Argc, we only need to do two things: Describe t
A cross platform reloading image viewer combined with a command executor
Watchout A cross platform reloading image viewer combined with a command executor. Watchout will do any of the following: Run a command when any file
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
A commmand line tool for uploading homework coded on the dcloud server onto specific google drive course folders.
Write a simple CLI script, that when given a 64-byte encoded string
Write a simple CLI script, that when given a 64-byte encoded string, it finds a suitable 4-byte prefix so that, a SHA256 hash of the prefix combined with the original string of bytes, has two last bytes as 0xca, 0xfe. Script should expect the original content of the string to be passed in hexadecimal format and should return two lines, first being the SHA256 string found and second 4-byte prefix used (in hexadecimal format).
Submit sbatch jobs without the need to create a script
ssubmit Submit sbatch jobs without having to create a submission script Motivation Install Usage Motivation This project is motivated by the fact that
A Rust library and cli for Wordle. Inspired by Wordle in Bash
A Rust library and cli for Wordle. Inspired by Wordle in Bash
A simple script (in Rust lang) to create HTML from SVD
A simple script to create HTML from an SVD file This is a simple script written in Rust language to create a single HTML file from an SVD file. It's r
Quick templates script for codeforces contests.
Codeforces Template Tool I created this tool to help me quickly set up codeforces contests/singular problems with templates. Tested for windows, shoul
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell
Use Git installed in Bash on Windows/Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) from Windows and Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
WSLGit This project provides a small executable that forwards all arguments to git running inside Bash on Windows/Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). T
Is it fast? Does it have an efficient runtime? Why is Bash so slow?
Testing Languages Is it fast? Does it have an efficient runtime? Why is Bash so slow? Usage Compile and execute the run.rs file to run benchmarks. rus
Fzf - A command-line fuzzy finder
fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder. It's an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command hi
Nvm - Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Node Version Manager Table of Contents Intro About Installing and Updating Install & Update Script Additional Notes Troubleshooting on Linux Troublesh
Rbenv - Manage your app's Ruby environment
Seamlessly manage your app’s Ruby environment with rbenv. Use rbenv to pick a Ruby version for your application and guarantee that your development en
Shellcheck - a static analysis tool for shell scripts
ShellCheck - A shell script static analysis tool ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts: The goals o
Cargo script subcommand
cargo-script cargo-script is a Cargo subcommand designed to let people quickly and easily run Rust "scripts" which can make use of Cargo's package eco
A CI inspired approach for local job automation.
nauman A CI inspired approach for local job automation. Features • Installation • Usage • FAQ • Examples • Job Syntax About nauman is an easy-to-use j
dye is a tool to easily color text in shell.
Dye dye is a tool to easily color text in shell. Usage See the gif below to see these commands in action. echo $(dye --red WARN) This tool will knock
❗️ Small script to view GitHub notifications in the terminal
github-notifications Small script to view GitHub notifications in the terminal Shows and color-codes the notification source, eg if you're the owner o
An elegant language for script-kiddies and terminal squatters.
Tonic An elegant language for script-kiddies and terminal squatters. About I started Tonic to complete the Advent of Code 2021. My eventual goal is to
Diplo is a script runner and dependency manager made in rust mainly for Deno.
Diplo is a script runner and dependency manager made in rust mainly for Deno. Documentation Tricked.pro/diplo Installing - windows installer Features
Rustification of the excellent GD Script Action RPG Tutorial by youtuber HeartBeast
Godot Action RPG w/Rust A GDNative implementation in Rust of youtuber HeartBeast 's great step-by-step turoial series creating a Godot Action RPG, usi
A script language like Python or Lua written in Rust, with exactly the same syntax as Go's.
A script language like Python or Lua written in Rust, with exactly the same syntax as Go's.
Bashly - Bash CLI Framework and Generator
Bashly - Bash CLI Framework and Generator Create feature-rich bash scripts using simple YAML configuration
Replace an app's icon from a png with a single terminal script. Made with Rust
Replace macOS App Icon Replace an app's icon from a png with a single terminal CLI. Made with Rust
A rust script to convert a better bibtex json file from Zotero into nice organised notes in Obsidian
Zotero to Obsidian script This is a script that takes a better bibtex JSON file exported by Zotero and generates an organised collection of reference
the file filesystem: mount semi-structured data (like JSON) as a Unix filesystem
ffs: the file filesystem ffs, the file filessytem, let's you mount semi-structured data as a fileystem---a tree structure you already know how to work
An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
navi An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line. navi allows you to browse through cheatsheets (that you may write yourself or download from
zoxide is a blazing fast replacement for your cd command
zoxide A smarter cd command for your terminal zoxide is a blazing fast replacement for your cd command, inspired by z and z.lua. It keeps track of the
Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language.
duckscript duckscript SDK CLI Simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language. Overview Language Goals Installation Homebrew Binary Release Ducks
comfy is a flexible command script manager / runner written in Rust
comfy is a cross-platform command script manager / runner tool, which allows you to run commands in the command line itself, but being these predefined in a portable and universal .comfy file.
An opinionated modal editor to simplify code editing from the terminal
(I'm currently refactoring the platform layer. So we have to first finish this cleanup before we're able to continue adding features) An opinionated m
A bash-like Unix shell written in Rust
Cicada Unix Shell Cicada is a simple Unix shell written in Rust. Documents Install cicada Environment Variables Cicada Builtins Completion RC File His
A faster way to navigate your filesystem
zoxide A faster way to navigate your filesystem Table of contents Introduction Examples Getting started Step 1: Install zoxide Step 2: Install fzf (op
A Linux script management CLI written in Rust
pier ~ A Linux script management tool A central repository to manage all your one-liners, scripts, tools, and CLIs. Add, remove, list, and run scripts