4 Repositories
Android constraints Libraries
OptaPlanner www.optaplanner.org Looking for Quickstarts? OptaPlanner’s quickstarts have moved to optaplanner-quickstarts repository. Quick development
Dependency Constraints in Gradle
Dependency Constraints in Gradle More in my twitter thread on this: https://twitter.com/jeoj/status/1470845889166159873 Sample of how to define depend
Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab(Lesson 2: Layouts(Constraints Layout))
ColorsMyView Finished code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab(Lesson 2: Layouts(Constraints Layout)) Introduction The ColorMyViews app is inspire
High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires.
Parsix High level parsing to ensure your input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires. It is highly inspired