5 Repositories
Android covid19 Libraries
Covidapp - The COVID-19 crisis and social distancing had a significant impact on our lives
Covid App The COVID-19 crisis and social distancing had a significant impact on
Membuat Aplikasi Pendaftaran Vaksin dengan Android Studio
Pendaftaran-Vaksin Membuat Aplikasi Pendaftaran Vaksin dengan Android Studio Tutorial Build with Android Studio https://youtu.be/O0_3KCrCS8M Tutorial
💉🤖 Bot for the German "ImpfterminService - 116117"
💉 🤖 Impf-Bot Searches the official "ImpfterminService - Der Patientenservice 116117" for free Corona vaccination slots. It can search multiple locat
Android Application to track Covid19.
Covid-19 Tracker A Java based app to track Covid-19. This app is made with the main motive of spreading awareness and providing statistical data relat
The REST API backend server for the Jalgaon CoHelp application.
API Service - Jalgaon CoHelp The REST API backend server for the Jalgaon CoHelp application. 🛠Technology / Tools used Kotlin: Programming language f