4 Repositories
Android cubesat-payload Libraries
Remote Administrator Tool [ RAT For Android ] No Port Forwarding
XHUNTER RAT for Android 💀 · Telegram · ⚖️ Legal Disclaimer: For Educational Purpose Only Usage of XHUNTER for attacking targets without prior mutual
Library to simplify and speed up the creation and work with adapters with payload.
Novalles Library to simplify and speed up the creation and work with adapters with payload. How to use Annotate your UI model with UIModel Annotation.
Android camera and serial communication utility that interacts with another device via a USB connection.
PVIT-Payload-Source Android camera and serial communication utility that interacts with another device via a USB connection. PVIT = Palos Verdes Insti
Handy library to send & receive command with payload between subscribers for Android.
Commander Handy library to send & receive command with payload between subscribers for Android. Features Subscription based No dependency on Framework