4 Repositories
Android cucumber Libraries
Kotlin cli maven spring failsafe findbugs cucumber mockito junit car data
Kotlin cli maven spring failsafe findbugs cucumber mockito junit car data
A POC for spring app using testng, cucumber, findbugs, and jacoco framework with failsafe and surefire plugins.
A POC for spring app using testng, cucumber, findbugs, and jacoco framework with failsafe and surefire plugins.
A library that makes it easier to write high quality automated acceptance tests
Getting started with Serenity and Cucumber Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high quality automated acceptance tests, with power
Android library that allows you to run your acceptance tests written in Gherkin in your Android instrumentation tests.
Green Coffee Green Coffee is a library that allows you to run your acceptance tests written in Gherkin in your Android instrumentation tests using the