12 Repositories
Android ecommerce-ui Libraries
Android eCommerce storefront app based on Shopemaa eCommerce Platform.
Shopemaa Android Storefront Android eCommerce storefront app based on Shopemaa eCommerce Platform. Platform Shopemaa Shopemaa provides On-demand onlin
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM, LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component, Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
Ecormmerce app built using Android latest UI framework - Compose UI and data coming from Fake Store API
BuyCart π Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose consuming FAKE STORE API I am trying to learn and follow some standard Android architecture
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
A basic template ecommerce application with payment integration made using Android Architechture componets
ShopIt ShopIt is a basic template ecommerce application with payment integration(RazorPay), made using Android Architechture componets and Material Co
WatchStore Ecommerce app using MVVM, Kotlin, Firebase Firestore, Coroutines, Dagger Hilt
WatchStore Sanple App Like Ecommerce App Developed using Kotlin. Features used: Firebase Firestore Navigation Component. MVVM Architecture RecyclerVie
eCommerce app developed with Android Jetpack and Kotlin
garden-shed eCommerce app developed with Android Jetpack and Kotlin This is my first mobile application. Garden Shed is a simple application for buyin
New style for app design Online Flora Go Go App UI made in Jetpack Compose. π π
JetComposeLoginUI New style for app design Online Flora Go Go App UI made in Jetpack Compose. π π (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Material Comp
New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.ππ
JetSunglassUI-Android New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose. π π (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Mater
Online Furniture Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.
JetComposeFurnitureShopUI-Android Online Furniture Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose with clean architecture... π π (Navigation Components, Dagger
πA Minimal Expense E-Commerce App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture components [Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, etc..] with MVVM Architecture. β
E-Store A Simple E-Commerce App π± built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture π . Made with love β€οΈ