5 Repositories
Android flowlayout Libraries
Vega-Scroll-Layout-Library - It is is a lightweight animation flowlayout which fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling : http://www.tellmehow.co/vega-scroll-layout-android-slider/
Vega-Scroll-Layout-Library It is is a lightweight animation flowlayout which fade and shrink the head itemView when scrolling. See demo here Idea abou
A flow layout for Android with auto-spacing.
FlowLayout A FlowLayout for Android, which allows child views flow to next row when there is no enough space. The spacing between child views can be c
FlowHelper FlowHelper 可以帮助您迅速构建Tab,比如热搜、搜索记录、与ViewPager搭配的工具类; 注意注意注意!!! 提问题的时候,请遵循以下标准 现象: 操作步骤,应用场景 对应代码: 贴图或者贴代码 机型或版本: 可选 后面对描述不清的问题,不予理会,精力有限,感谢理
Linear layout, that wrap its content to the next line if there is no space in the current line.
Android flow layout Introduction Extended linear layout that wrap its content when there is no place in the current line. [] (https://travis-ci.org/Ap
Android implementation of FlowLayout. Layout arranges its children in multiple rows depending on their width.
FlowLayout FlowLayout is an opensource Android library that alows developers to easily integrate flow layout into their app. FlowLayout is an layout t