5 Repositories
Android noso-coin Libraries
MobileMiner is a NOSO miner for android, based on Consominer and Noso-2m
MobileMiner-Noso MobileMiner is a NOSO miner for android, based on Consominer and Noso-2m Running MobileMiner You just need to download the latest ver
NosoWallet for android, based on NosoLite of noso project
NosoWallet-Android NosoWallet for android, based on: https://github.com/Noso-Project/NosoLite Running NOSOmobile You just need to download the latest
LAB : Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin
LAB - Criando um app de conversor moedas/cambio com Kotlin. Projeto da DIO. Melh
Coin Stalker App is an android application that displays current crypto currency rates.
Coin-Stalker Coin Stalker App is an android application that displays current crypto currency rates based on modern Android application tech-stacks an
Vkontakte API bot for trading VK Coin
Sweet Coin Market Vkontakte API bot for trading VK Coin. Please star this repo if you like ⭐ It's motivates me a lot! Yes, you can use the source code