4 Repositories
Android saga Libraries
PoC 결과 사내 발표 자료 - Choreography Saga Pattern (with SQS, SNS)
PoC-Choreography-Saga-Pattern-Kotlin PoC 및 사내 발표 자료 - Choreography Saga Pattern (with SQS, SNS) 아쉽게도 Multi-Module은 아니고.. 그냥 나눠져 있던 프로젝트들을 한 폴더로 합치기만 했
This project explores the saga architecture for two patterns. The Choreograhy and the Orchestration
Newscast Explorer Technologies used Introduction In this project are going to explore a known EIP known as Saga. A saga is in its essence, a way to de
Saga pattern implementation in Kotlin build in top of Kotlin's Coroutines.
Module Saga Website can be found here Add in build.gradle.kts repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation("io.github.nomisr
Saga of Star wars - An Android sample repo showcasing Clean Arch with MVVM and Epoxy models
Star Wars Universe This is a showcase android application written in Kotlin and follows Clean Code architecture to showcase Characters from the StarWa