4 Repositories
Android spacex Libraries
Space x app fetching data from api using apollographql, databinding, navigation components and hilt for DI.
Space-X Space-X is an android application that displays the list of launches from the Space-X API using ApolloGraphql inclusive of their launch site a
SpaceX App For Android
SpaceX-Android Features Show Space X company Information in the header Show list of all rocket launches Filter launches based on year, launch success
Display's information about SpaceX crew members and ships by consuming a rest api and storing the data to display when the user is offline.
Space-X App Display's information about SpaceX crew members(look for ‘Crew’ section in rest api docs) and ships (look for ‘Ships’ section in rest api
Test app to retrieve the spaceX Info based on the Rest API
DeepamSpaceX Test app to retrieve the spaceX Info based on the Rest API. S.O.L.I.D Design principle MVVM Pattern Retrofit with Coroutines Clean code a