Home / Android Kotlin
856 Repositories
Kotlin Plugin Provides Kotlin libs and some features for building awesome Kotlin plugins. Can be used instead of CreeperFace's KotlinLib (don't use to
GUESS THE NUMBER KOTLIN App Content https://streamable.com/w6t0d4 App code (Main
Toaster-Library Library For Toast with different colors To get a Git project int
A Gallery app developed using kotlin and MVVM architecture Loading image from un
WokManagerSample WorkManager ,One time,Sequential Execution, Periodic time Execu
Kotlin Init Coroutines Jugando con Corrutinas en Kotlin Acerca De Distintos ejemplos de uso de Corrutinas y Concurrencia en Kotlin Suspender vs Bloque
CriptoApp an application for tracking the value of crypto currency API https://m
Fracdustry Reimagined Download Thank you, MikhailTapio. This mod is open source and under a permissive license. As such, it can be included in a
Mars Rover Kata Develop an API that moves a rover around on a grid. Rules: You are given the initial starting 2D point (x,y) of a rover and the direct
ExampleMixinMod Example mod with Mixin to help you to get started with creating a mod with mixins. For usage of mixins, see here. Also, remember to tu
Implementing Login on Android with FirebaseUI This is part of Android Kotlin developer Course which implements Login on android with Fire BaseUI. Lice
LogIn_Application reusable login template I started this project to learn Kotlin & Android additional features. This is LogIn Template App as part of
Minecraft Starship Plugin An open-source plugin that accommodates starships on minecraft servers. 'A shameless rip-off of Star Legacy's plugins.' Mine
ApliKTest11 Application with Kit of questions and Knowledge Test for the preparation of the Saber Test. Description A mobile application developed for
Jatlin このリポジトリは ブログ記事 のためのサンプルコードです。詳細は記事をご覧ください。 プロジェクト構成 :java-lib にKotlinに偽装したJavaファイルが含まれます。 :kotlin-lib は :java-lib をビルドしたJARファイルをKotlinから読み込んで実行
Dokka plugin template This repository provides a template for creating Dokka plugins (check the Creating a repository from a template article). TL;DR:
jetpack-work-manager-playground Basic Android app to use Jetpack WorkManager API features Jetpack WorkManager Playground Demo app Jetpack WorkManager
Gestor Gestor is an innovative open-source application for universal Minecraft mod management. About It combines three types of tools into a single ap
template-kmp-library Kotlin multiplatform library template. Has a baseline setup for a multiplatform library supporting all kotlin targets except depr
github-actions-cd-template-jvm A Template for a Github Actions Pipeline for building and publishing Gradle-JVM Applications It build a executable shad
Order PiQR Order picking with QR codes Open the project in Android Studio and run. First step was to create a new simple project in Android Studio. Th
For mobile app program project
Following android studio basic course, this is my second (and bit more complicate this time) "practice on your own" project. In few words, it is an an
DaggerToHilt Overview This repo provides a real example of using Hilt for dependency injection. It hits endpoints provided by the Movie Database, and
Code4Lyst Android application showcasing the MVVM architecture, Clean code using Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow and databinding. App Architecture MVVM CleanC
FlairFramework This is an android framework for build complex application with different architectures (MVC ready/MVP/MVVM/MVI ets). It's create on to
MVI Architecture Android Beginners: Sample App This repository contains a sample app that implements MVI architecture using Kotlin, ViewModel, LiveDat
Stfalcon Fixturer A Utility for developers and QAs which helps minimize time wasting on writing the same data for testing over and over again. You can
Kotlin multiplatform code reuse shared-domain : common domain logic & orchestration can generate reusable for jvm & js targets unit tests are run agai
AboutMe Finished code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab(Lesson 2: Layouts) Introduction In the AboutMe app, you can showcase interesting facts a
Detekt custom rule template This repository is a template. You can use it to generate your own repository to write and share your custom rules. How to
Interactive Login Paper plugin that extends AuthMe (or AuthMeReloaded) with interactive third-party logins. Currently supports Discord as an external
Shoe Store project first Attempt User Info: email: mostafa.n3ma@gmail.com password:12345 I had problem to select the home Screen for the navigation gr
Project 1 - SimpleToDo Name of your app is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including add
EasyPrefs Adapter library for SharedPreferences which reduces boilerplate needed to store simple data, but open enough to not interfere with your own
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
A furry-themed assembly language and interpreter written in Kotlin. Inspired by Furcode, the Synacor challenge, and JVM bytecode. I spent multiple hou
Koin Compiler - Sandbox The goal of Koin compiler & Annotations project is to help declare Koin definition in a very fast and intuitive way, and gener
#Android Kotlin ViewModel ve Livedata Görsel Kaynak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suC0OM5gGAA Temiz kod mantığı ve bu mantık doğrultusunda geliştir
JavacordKT_Tutorial Folgen Folge 1: Einrichtung » Download Zip oder Code ansehen Folge 2: Annotations » Download Zip oder Code ansehen Folge 3: SlashC
General purpose parsing framework. Simplify parsing of text. Allows capture complex nested formats with simple and human-readable syntax.
#Description Demo automation project for iOS and Android platforms. #TechStack Java Maven Appium Xcode Android Studio CucumberJUnit Gherkin Plugins fo
CleanArchitecture is a sample project that presents a modern, 2021 approach to Android application development. The goal of the pro
RSocket messaging services communication RSocket, WebFlux, Reactor, Kotlin, Coroutines edge-service -~- web-service -~- coroutines-service -~- r
Exercises for Functional Programming in Kotlin with Arrow-kt Exercises and practice code for Functional Programming learning in Kotlin with Arrow Requ
KaMP Kit Welcome to the KaMP Kit! About Goal The goal of the KaMP Kit is to facilitate your evaluation of Kotlin Multiplatform (aka KMP). It is a coll
SwipeDirectionViewPager Introduction Custom ViewPager that allows to block swiping right or left where the ViewPager child fragments set the scroll di
MinSDK 14+ Download Gradle Add to project level build.gradle allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Pragmateam code challenge server (Kotlin) Please refer to the provided document for the code challenge requirements. Framework & languages This projec
Simple Currency Converter Simple Currency Converter Android App by Isaev Semyon An example of a test task for creating a simple currency converter app
Room - SleepQualityTracker app This is the toy app for Lesson 6 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity. SleepQualityTracker The Sl
View-ViewModel-Communication A simple project that describes the relationship between the view and it's viewmodel in android development In MVVM archi
currency-converter This is an Android Based Application for helping users convert between currencies. The project is part of our Android Jam Series La
PokeApi App This repository contains the source code for the PokeApi Android app.