Crossword library for Android


Build Status Sonatype Nexus (Releases) License


Ararat is a crossword library for Android, written for and used by alphacross. It includes:

For a demonstration, see the included demo app.


The sample crossword included in the app is Double-A's by Ben Tausig.

Quick Start

Add dependency to app/build.gradle (check to make sure you're using the latest version):

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.0xe1f:ararat:1.0.15'

Add view to your layout:

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Initialize the view in OnCreate():

val crosswordView = findViewById<CrosswordView>(
crosswordView.crossword = readPuzzle()

Existing puzzles are usually read from a stream, e.g.:

fun readPuzzle(): Crossword = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.puzzle).use { s ->
    buildCrossword { PuzFormatter().read(this, s) }

For the activity to respond to soft keyboard changes, set android:windowSoftInputMode to adjustResize in the manifest:

<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
          android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" />

Keyboard Support

CrosswordView was designed to work with the Android soft keyboard. Unfortunately, with the exception of maybe Google and the AOSP codebase, virtually no one follows the rules of Android IME, including many third-party manufacturers and authors of soft keyboards. They will often mistakenly assume that any view has full support of things like autocorrect and swiping - concepts that don't work in the limited scope of input needed for crosswords, and will ignore any attempts to disable those features.

If you're serious about your own crossword app, your best long term bet is to use your own KeyboardView and have it provide the input instead.


Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Akop Karapetyan

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  • Not able to import some .puz files

    Not able to import some .puz files

    Attempting to import a few of the puzzles from the top of the above URL into Alphacross 1.80 results in some failures. I presume they are Across Lite compliant.

    Works: 586 590

    Doesn't: (Import failed - format not recognised) 585 587 588 591

    opened by markclowes 3
  • Fix .puz parsing bug

    Fix .puz parsing bug

    Hi, I saw on your Twitter feed that you were having trouble keeping up with maintenance on Alphacross, so I figured I'd send you a PR instead of only reporting this bug.

    In PuzFormatter.kt the Across parsing logic uses <= but the Down parsing logic uses < for some reason, and this breaks puzzles that have a two-letter-long Down clue at the bottom of the grid:

    |Across Lite|Alphacross| |-|-| |acrosslite|alphacross|

    You can go here to download the puz file in the screenshots if you want to see the repro yourself and confirm the fix.

    Thanks for Alphacross, I use it every single day!

    opened by rileynull 2
  • How can I compare the user inserted data with solution

    How can I compare the user inserted data with solution

    After a user completes the crossword I want to compare the user submitted answer with the solution. I want to check how many of his answers were right/wrong. How to do that ??

    opened by abhay222 2
  • Alphacross

    Alphacross "notes" panel not scrollable

    I'm not sure if this is the right place, considering this is merely a repo for the library under alphacross, and not alphacross itself, but I think this is worth a shot.

    Is the "notes" section of a crossword (the one you get by pulling the bottom bar up) not scrollable, or is this an issue on my end? There are some crosswords (mostly imported ones) that have more text there than fits on screen, and I don't see a way to access those contents elsewhere in the app either.

    If it's not an issue on my end, could it be made scrollable?

    opened by MIC132 1
  • Switch from accross to down and vice-versa

    Switch from accross to down and vice-versa

    After all, thanks for this great/usefull work.

    I wanna know how to shitch from accross to down words and vice-versa when the user click on a button.


    opened by levilliard 1
  • [question: alphacross] how to import .puz files?

    [question: alphacross] how to import .puz files?

    Hi. Sorry to bother you. I just installed alphacross v1.96. So far, it looks perfect.. exactly what I wanted. I do have one question though. The description says that it can import external puzzles in .puz (Across Lite) file format.. but I don't see any UI that would allow me to do so. I was hoping that you would be so kind as to quickly explain how to do so.


    • Should they be added to one of the directories under: /data/data/org.akop.crosswords/?
    • Is there a way to read them directly off of an external SD card?

    Much thanks!

    opened by warren-bank 1
  • Add unicode support to PuzFormatter

    Add unicode support to PuzFormatter

    Litsoft seems to have switched to using UTF-8 for text fields since version 2.0 of their format.

    AFAICT, major publishers (vz. NYT, LAT, Universal) all still use(d) version 1.3, so this doesn't come up too often, but Crosshare does use the 2.x era format for their puz exports. Their import logic checks whether the version field is at least version 2 in order to interpret the file as UTF-8. I'm not sure where that info came from (@mdirolf ???) but I don't think it's just a Crosshare idiosyncrasy. E.g. there's this tweet from the official Litsoft account.

    Trying to parse these UTF-8 -encoded puzzles as ISO-8859-1 results in a garbled mess. A handful of the puzzles I've seen are borderline unplayable, with clues made up entirely of emojis for example. But here's a relatively straightforward example of the fix:


    Some notes on code minutiae:

    1. I don't think the old verRev line made sense. version.length could never not be 4 - Java counts nulls as part of the string. In any case it was unused so I deleted it.
    2. As soon as we open an InputStreamReader, it's going to suck the whole file into its character decoding buffer. At that point it's too late to open another reader with a charset different from the default. And you can't change the charset of an open reader. So when do we open the reader? It seemed easiest to just wait until we've gotten to the point of reading the version, but that did require duplicating the ensureSkip extension method so that we can skip directly on the InputStream.
    3. I have no idea whether the 2.0 format is supposed to support UTF-8 grids or just clues/titles/descriptions/authors. This code assumes that the grid itself is also UTF-8, but if that's incorrect then this might break things for weird puzzles with special characters in the grid. In particular, I don't think scrambled files would auto-descramble correctly in the presence of special characters in the grid.
    opened by rileynull 0
  • PuzFormatter doesn't account for non-alpha characters

    PuzFormatter doesn't account for non-alpha characters

    PuzFormatter doesn't detect non-alpha characters during solution-reading phase, which prevents entry of non-alpha characters (effectively rendering the puzzle unsolvable).

    Sample puzzle:

    opened by 0xe1f 0
  • LA Times 03-03-2017

    LA Times 03-03-2017

    LAT puzzle for March 3 is being read/written incorrectly:

    Specifically, numbers are often zero, and cell selection is broken.

    opened by 0xe1f 0
  • PzzlFormatter fails to parse horizontal-only words

    PzzlFormatter fails to parse horizontal-only words

    PzzlFormatter errors out when parsing cells that start an "across," but not "down" and vice versa, e.g.:

    opened by 0xe1f 0
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