Google Play - Android Market statistics app

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App andlytics


This repository contains the source code for the Andlytics Android app.

Please see the issues section to report any bugs or feature requests and to see the list of known issues.

Alpha/Beta Versions

Join the G+ community and register as a tester to get latest alpha/beta versions:

Nightly builds

You can check which commit it's build from at and it'll get updated everynight just past midnight (GMT +1)


 Copyright 2012 Timelappse
 Copyright 2012 Andlytics Project

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.


Andlytics collects statistics from the Google Play Developer Console. It lets you track active installs, total installs, ratings, and comments for all your Android apps that are published on Google Play.

Andlytics can also collect AdMob statistics, including revenue, requests and impressions. It supports background syncing of stats and notifications for when changes occur.

Google does not provide a public API for collecting statistics. Therefore, if Google makes a change to the site it may cause Andlytics to stop working. In that case please be patient while we try to catch up.

Andlytics is open source, please feel free to contribute via GitHub.

Andlytics is not associated with Google in any way.

"Google Apps for Business" and Multi-connected developer accounts are not supported yet. If you have one of these accounts, contact us via GitHub and help us to add support.

On some devices AdMob accounts keep disappearing, moving Andlytics from sdcard to internal storage might fix this.

For AdMob accounts that are linked to a Google Account you can find the API password on the Account Information page

Keywords: Developer console, developer tools, android developers


Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.

The 'master' branch should always be in a stable, tested, and ready to go state so that we can implement quick fixes when Google breaks the 'API'. Therefore, all pull requests should be based on, and targeted to, the 'dev' branch.

When submitting code, please try to be consistent with the code around you. As a general rule:

  1. Use Tabs, not spaces
  2. Aim for a maximum line length of 100, unless it looks better being on a single line

Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, unit/integration tests are welcomed and appreciated, but will be thoroughly reviewed and discussed.

Translations should be done via


git clone<git_account>/andlytics.git


git remote add upstream

git checkout master git pull upstream master && git push origin master git checkout -b readme-update

Create a Pull Request to submit your changes

Building your own version

Add the package name and your signing certificate hash to Google APIs console. See attached image: api-console


Find us on Google+

  • Support Android Developer Console v2

    Support Android Developer Console v2

    Sign up for the new console here. Note that Google lets you switch between the old and new so you can still access the old one via Andlytics.

    Branch containing work towards it link.

    Wiki documentation for it link.

    opened by AndyScherzinger 111
  • Release v2.1.0

    Release v2.1.0

    Hi everybody!

    We all made some decent progress on the feature set of Andlytics and I agree with @willlunniss that a new public release on the market will be good to show that we are making process for those not checking gitbub.

    I just updated all the translation files so we should be good to go.

    A Tag has been created: (Thanks @willlunniss for pointing that out!)

    So the preparation is done.

    @willlunniss @devwom @nelenkov @fda77 @easye1161 - Please vote if you think we should release 2.1.0

    opened by AndyScherzinger 87
  • Release 2.2

    Release 2.2

    I think we are pretty much ready for 2.2. But before that, I think it would be wise if everybody synced their forks with the dev branch (especially as a lot of the code has been mass formatted) and then tested all the awsome new changes for at least a day. But otherwise we should be ready for releasing 2.2.

    Some point that we need to convey to users: *Preferences have to be re-configured (some remain the same, but it is best to say you have to do all of them) *New zipped import/export requires extra steps to import old versions

    I guess the import/export change should be in the description for the next month or so. Preferences should be fine to just have a note in the change log.

    Changelog: *New account management *Split preferences into general and account specific (you will need to re-configure all your prefrences) *Improved notification options and new JB notifications *New zip based import/export to make it easier to share stats between devices *Added a toggle to hide AdMob for unconfigured apps *Lots of smaller UI changes and general improvements

    Once we are happy we can then in the dev branch: *Bump the version *Add the changelog

    Then merge into the master branch and tag it.

    opened by willlunniss 64
  • Blue styling

    Blue styling

    I am working on redesigning the app to be blue-ish and match the ICS styling. This has the advantage that we have a mayor redign which also show the change in development and hopefully also the drive behind the new OSS project.

    Will add a pull request as soon as I am done and probably some screenshots.

    opened by AndyScherzinger 53
  • Notification API?

    Notification API?


    Is there a set API for the notifications? I have an app that we want to create a plugin for that will allow for highly customizable notifications. We are in the process of developing several plugins and this is one I wanna do. Once plugged into our app, it would let you set app specific popup/audible notifications. Say you want to definitely be notified about a specific app, but not necessarily others...then you set a custom alert. Or of course, general alerts.

    Anywho...feel free to check out the app. Proceeds are going to a cancer patient in need, so it isn't a total shameless promotion.

    opened by ghost 48
  • Support for Multi Developer Account

    Support for Multi Developer Account

    Basic support is done, but need to do more to really finish this properly

    • [x] Fetch apps for multi-developer accounts
    • [ ] UI for switching between different consoles/filtering
    • [ ] Refactor the DB
    opened by brunomendola 46
  • Improve export/import, add stats sync across devices

    Improve export/import, add stats sync across devices


    • export as a zip and add a zip handler to make it easier to import from Dropbox et al. A hacked up implementation here:

    • Save data to Google Docs/Drive and autosync devices. Also makes it easier to visualize custom using graphs, etc.
    opened by nelenkov 37
  • Code Style Guidelines

    Code Style Guidelines

    At a minimum we should decide on: Intent: Tabs/spaces - appears to be tabs atm Line length: 100 chars? - no particular one atm Variable names: currently class wide private/static ones are not differentiated, I'm personally a big fan of AOSP mPrivate sStatic but moving to that would require changing the existing code as it is modified which is a bit of a pain. So it might be worth sticking with what it is for now.

    opened by willlunniss 33
  • No published apps found

    No published apps found


    I love this app, it is so usefull. Unfortunately after a few days all of a sudden it stopped working, Everytime I tried to update it gave me the "no published apps found" message.

    Tried unsitalling, and reinstalling, tried deleting and re-syncing the gmail account. Tried using a different phone, etc and no avail. Nightly build or the latest uptade released to the Google Play Store did not help either.

    I'm at a loss, I really wanted this app to work since its fantastic for keeping track of my app's ratings and downloadand there is nothing like it.

    I also get sometimes the "authentication failed" error but if I click the re-sync icon, it syncs OK again,only that it still doesn't find my apps anymore.

    Regards, Carlos.

    need more info 
    opened by cmsc 32
  • Fetching data with PHP

    Fetching data with PHP


    I've been really impressed by your app so far, and what it's able to do, and I thought that maybe you could give me some piece of advice. If you can't, that's okay :)

    I've been looking for a solution all over the internet, and you are quite my last hope to achieve this project.

    I'm currently developping, for private use, a website which would allow my friends (or other people) to watch the statistics of the mobile applications which I developped, statistics which would be fetched from Itunes Connect, and Google Developper Console.

    So far, I've managed to do interesting things for the Itunes part of the work (fetching data, getting it into a database... basic stuff you would say) because there are scripts and API existing, that I can tweak to fit my needs. But I can't figure how to gain access to the Developer Console's data.

    Right now, I'm looking for guidelines so I could figure out how to get data from the Google Developer console, which seems quite not friendly for this special use.

    I already tried to send POST requests (based on what I sniffed looking at the console) after authenticating in PHP via Oauth 2 process. I couldn't test my authentication because I didn't know what requests I should use. And since there isn't any API to allow me to communicate with Google for this developer console, I'm stuck.

    I've read your information/TODO page about it, but it seems like the login part is still on the high level to do list... :(

    I don't know if you've made recent progress about all this stuff, but I'd be glad to have any further information, since you look quite documented on the subject.

    Keep up the good work! :D

    opened by cfecherolle 32
  • Add an option to disable auto-refresh in onResume

    Add an option to disable auto-refresh in onResume

    This came in via comments on Google Play

    Please add an option to disable auto-refresh every time the app becomes visible. This is very annoying on slow connections.

    This could be done quite easily with another general option so we do not auto-refresh and only refresh based on the refresh rate that has been configured. This also happens when you switch accounts via action bar.

    opened by AndyScherzinger 32
  • Refactor Internal Setter smell in BaseActivity class

    Refactor Internal Setter smell in BaseActivity class

    Hi, I'm Emanuele Iannone, a master student at University of Salerno. Since my bachelor's thesis I have been working on a code smell refactoring plugin called aDoctor, which is able to identify and fix energy-related problems in Android apps. I launched it on your project, finding different instances of code smells. I chose one of them and let the plugin automatically fix it. In this case I chose Internal Setter, that is present when non static method calls a setter method of an instance variable instead of directly changing its value. These kind of smell may have a non trivial impact on energy consumption, as shown in this paper: Besides, this kind of refactoring does not impact on the functionalities of your app, so it is totally safe. Let me know if you are interested in this refactoring proposal.

    opened by emaiannone 1
  • [Google Accounts] Information about your Andlytics app

    [Google Accounts] Information about your Andlytics app

    On March 18, 2019 I received the following email from Google Accounts <>:


    We're contacting you because you are an active user of the Andlytics Android app. We've found that Andlytics requests access to more of your data than they need for their stated purposes. Although we don't suspect malicious intent, such requests violate our User Data Policy.

    As part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen your data privacy, we will reduce the ways in which Andlytics can access data from your Google Account. This change will go into effect starting March 25, 2019.

    As a result of this change, some Andlytics features could stop working for you. We've reached out to the Andlytics app developers about the upcoming change, and they may update the app to request your data in safer, more transparent ways.

    You can always view, manage and remove apps you’ve given access to your account by visiting your Google Account page.

    Thanks, The Google Accounts team

    How are you going to address the case?


    opened by johnjohndoe 13
  • Downloads fell to 0

    Downloads fell to 0


    A month or so ago my total downloads fell to 0. I've tried deleting all data and resyncing but all of the rest comes in save for the downloads and active installations.

    What could be the cause ?



    opened by paoloasioli 1
  • No data ratings text refers to downloads

    No data ratings text refers to downloads

    The first time one installs the app no data is loaded. When you visit the "ratings" tab of a random app there is a text hint shown:

    Andlytics collects data over time. to see a meaningful chart come back as soon as more data is available.

    Usually download stats are updated every 24 - 48 hours.


    The text should not refer to "download stats" but to "rating stats" since the "ratings" tab is selected as highlighted in the screenshot above.

    opened by johnjohndoe 0
  • Adaptive icons

    Adaptive icons

    Would you be interested in adding support for adaptive icons to Andlytics?

    I've drawn up a couple of versions, the first is trying to keep in line with the current logo. The second is my own adaptation. Let me know if you'd be interested in either - I can create a pull request or just attach pngs.

    opened by BoondoggleLabs 2
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