Bitcoin Market Bitcoin Market app shows you the current Bitcoin market price and price chart of different time intervals
Tech stack and whys - Kotlin - Google officially supports Kotlin on Android as a “first-class” language and it has a lot of benefits
- MVVM Architecture - Modern, maintainable, and Google suggested app architecture
- Dagger Hilt - Easy implementation and less boilerplate code than Dagger2
- Coroutine & Flow
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Moshi
- Jetpack Components - Compose, ViewModel and more
- MPAndroidChart
- Lottie
- Truth & Mockk - For more readable unit tests
Contribution All contributions are welcome! Feel free to jump to the issues and pick one for yourself! Please write a comment inside of the issue before you start working.
Credits - Thanks to CoinMarketCap for the design
- Thanks to Rohith R Krishnan for the loading animation