Android-Study-Jams - Timely is basically an application which displays Live Time-Table for different semesters in Bhilai Institute Of Technology



Timely Android Application

        ( University/College Application )

Brief :

Timely is basically an application which displays Live Time-Table for different semesters in Bhilai Institute Of Technology, Durg which also contains some advance features like student's database, website of institute, Student's ERP and Notification reminder about the next period etc.

Problem Statement :

Over a long period, we have been noticing that the students of our college are facing some kind of problem. The problem is that while attending classes either in Online or Offline mode, the students as well as teachers often forget about the time as they go deep into the topic. This creates an issue for the next teacher as he/she will get less time to teach. Moreover, we have to regularly check the college's website for any updates which we generally forget to do so. Technology plays a vital role in day-to-day life activities which in turn made great changes in many work fields and out of them Mobile Application is one of the major developments. A Mobile Application can be used effectively for this job as they are widely used and are known for easy access.

ScreenShots :

Video Recording :


Proposed Solution :

This project proposes a “Live Time-Table” to remind the students about next-period by sending them a notification.
Its features include :-

  • Full Time-Table, so no need to check anywhere else.
  • Notification Reminder, about next period and time left for the current period.
  • Student's Profile, works on realtime database.
  • College website alongwith student's ERP.

It accepts student data allowing them to register to the application. This application uses realtime database because no delay can be handled in such situation. Google's Firebase and Live Data is used for accuracy. Currently the app works for Bhilai Institute Of Technology, Durg only. The project's scope is to extend it for other institutions in future in collaboration.

Functionality & Concepts used :

The App has a very simple and interactive interface which helps the students get notification accordingly. Following are few android concepts used to achieve the functionalities in app :-

  • Notification Manager : Function which sends notification as per time.
  • Navigation Components : Opens a drawer and shows menu options.
  • Viewmodel : To make it more interactive and responsive.
  • RecyclerView : To present the list of different periods we used the efficient recyclerview.
  • Coroutines : To perform asynchronous programming in our app.
  • LiveData & Room Database : We are also using LiveData to update & observe changes in the time-table according to real time and update it to local databases using Room.
  • Firebase : For user data, authentication and also for storing data of time-table.

Application Link & Future Scope :

The app is currently in the Beta testing phase with BIT-Durg institute's students of Computer Science & Engineering branch, later all branch will be added. You can access the app from the apk file here:
Timely App's zip file

Once the app is fully tested and functional in our institute, we will plan to talk to neighboring colleges to propose this app idea and collaborate with them on this. We aim that by next year most of the colleges in our district will use such application for students' ease.

Constraint :
This app runs for minimum API-26 and currently works for the time-table of CSE Department from BIT-Durg and contains the database only for 3rd, 5th and 7th Semester. The app sends notification only when you are in Home Page.

This project was developed under Android Study Jams organised by Google Developers Student Club, BIT Durg.

Developed By :

Saurabh Yadav
Krish Chopra
Shubhankar Tiwary
Chaitanya Rao

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