A small and simple OkHttp wrapper to ease scraping. Mostly for personal use.
- Document scraping using jsoup
- Json parsing using jackson
- Easy functions akin to python requests
Getting started
In app/build.gradle repositories:
maven { url '' }
In app/build.gradle dependencies:
implementation 'com.github.Blatzar:NiceHttp:0.1.3'
Scraping a document
val requests = Requests()
val doc = requests.get("").document
// Using CSS selectors to get the about text
Parsing json
data class GithubJson(
val description: String,
val html_url: String,
val stargazers_count: Int,
val private: Boolean
val requests = Requests()
val json = requests.get("").parsed<GithubJson>()
Using cache
(This should work, but I have had issues getting cache hits when testing)
// Just pass in a
val cache = Cache(
File(cacheDir, "http_cache"),
50L * 1024L * 1024L // 50 MiB
val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
val cacheClient = Requests(okHttpClient)
cacheClient.get("...", cacheTime = 1, cacheUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS)