Based on Flym and Sparse RSS, this checks RSS/Atom news feeds, polling for updates from the device on a regular basis. Fetched items are available for offline reading.

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App spaRSS


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RSS reader with all articles content in app.

Table of Contents


spaRSS is a light, modern, totally free (no ads) and opensource project which keeps you inform by fetching your websites/blogs and displaying them in a mobile-optimized way. It is based on the "Flym" RSS reader.
It DOES NOT synchronize with any online feed reader.


  • easily add new feeds thanks to the Google News or search feature (you can also subscribe to a new one from the browser via the share feature)
  • light and dark themes
  • offline reading including images and private news
  • import/export the feed list from OPML
  • retrieve the full text of the feed when the content is truncated
  • star your favorite entries
  • search into your articles
  • filter your feed by keywords or regular expressions
  • custom widgets

Feedly users: you can export your feeds to OPML at this address ( and then import them into spaRSS

Why spaRSS ?

spaRSS is a fork of Flym. It uses the same license (GPLv3) and has quite the same behavior. So why I created this fork ? , the official maintainer and developer of Flym has decided to not maintain his app as much as before. (see ).
However, as Flym is a great app, and I wanted to add some features (like the Authentication Cookie, see ), I decided, with the OK of FredJul to start the fork.
Everyone, included FredJul is free to contribute or to use the spaRSS code for his own app, if it's GPLv3 compliant.
So if he decided to re-start on his app, I'll be very happy to help him to push all the modifications included in spaRSS into Flym.

How to contribute ?

If you have any idea to improve spaRSS, feel free to add it here.
You can also help me for current existing ones on which I need help here.
Want to help translating? Join us at Weblate!


GitHub project:
spaRSS is a fork of Flym


Lecteur de flux RSS récupérant périodiquement le contenu des articles.

Table des matières


spaRSS est un lecteur de flux RSS qui permet la lecture d'article complet sans avoir à ouvrir un navigateur externe.
Tout le contenu de vos sites d'actualités préférés sera disponible directement dans l'application, sans avoir besoin d'être connecté à Internet au moment de la consultation.
Il ne se synchronise pas avec les lecteurs RSS en ligne.


  • ajout rapide de flux via GoogleNews et la fonctionnalité de recherche
  • ajout de flux par le menu partager des navigateurs
  • thèmes foncé et clair
  • lecteur hors-ligne des articles complets, avec images, y compris pour les site nécessitant un compte utilisateur.
  • import et export de la liste des flux au format OPLM
  • indiquez en favoris vos articles préférés
  • recherche parmi les actualités
  • filtre par mot clé ou expression régulière
  • widget

Pour les utilisateurs de Feedly, l'export de vos flux RSS est possible en visitant :

Pourquoi spaRSS ?

spaRSS est un fork de Flym. La licence utilisée (GPLv3) est la même pour les deux applications, et le fonctionnement général de Flym et spaRSS est pratiquement le même. Donc, pourquoi j'ai décider de créer un fork ? , le développeur et mainteneur officiel de Flym a décidé, par manque de temps, d’arrêter (temporairement ?) le développement de Flym. (cf ).
Flym étant une application très pratique, et pour laquelle je voulais ajouter/proposer des nouvelles fonctionnalités (comme l'authentification par cookie, cf ), j'ai décidé, avec l'accord de FredJul de démarrer le fork.
Tout le monde, et en particulier FredJul est libre de proposer et de contribuer à spaRSS, et d'utiliser le code de spaRSS dans sa propre application, tant que la GPLv3 est respectée.
Donc, si FredJul décide de re-travailler sur Flym, je l'aiderai volontiers à intégrer dans Flym, si il le veut, les modifications intégrées dans spaRSS.

Comment Aider ?

Vous pouvez proposer des idées ici ou consulter celles pour lesquelles j'ai besoin d'aide ou de ressources . Vous voulez aider à traduire spaRSS ? Contribuez sur Weblate !


Projet GitHub :
PlayStore :
F-Droid :
spaRSS est un fork de Flym


Αναγνώστης ροών ειδήσεων (RSS) με αποθήκευση του περιεχόμενου των άρθρων.



Το spaRSS είναι ένα έργο ελεύθερου λογισμικού, ελαφρύ, μοντέρνο, εντελώς δωρεάν, χωρίς διαφημίσεις, που σας κρατά ενήμερο κατεβάζοντας νέα από τις ιστοσελίδες και τα ιστολόγια των προτιμήσεων σας και τα προβάλει με βελτιστοποιημένο τρόπο στην android συσκευή σας. Ο κώδικας του είναι βασισμένος στον κώδικα του αναγνώστη ροών ειδήσεων "Flym". Δεν συγχρονίζεται με όλα τα RSS.


  • Εύκολος τρόπος να προσθέσετε νέες πηγές ειδήσεων χάρη στο Google News και την λειτουργία αναζήτησης (μπορείτε επίσης να εγγραφείτε σε μια ροή από τον browser μέσω της λειτουργίας διαμοιρασμού ("share"))
  • Φωτεινή και σκοτεινή προβολή (themes)
  • Δυνατότητα ανάγνωσης για όταν είσαστε χωρίς σύνδεση, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των εικόνων
  • Εισαγωγή / Εξαγωγή της λίστας των ροών από και σε OPML μορφή αρχείου
  • Κατέβασμα του πλήρες κείμενου των άρθρων όταν είναι σε περιορισμένη μορφή
  • Σήμανση των αγαπημένων σας άρθρων
  • Ανεύρεση μέσα στα άρθρα
  • Φιλτράρισμα των ροών σας με λέξεις-κλειδιά ή "regular expressions"
  • Παραμετροποιήσιμα widgets

Για τους χρήστες του Feedly: Μπορείτε να εξάγετε την λίστα των ροών σας σε OPML - από αυτή την διεύθυνση ( - και να τα εισάγετε στο spaRSS

Πως να συνεισφέρω

Αν έχετε οποιαδήποτε πρόταση για τη βελτίωση του spaRSS, παρακαλώ να τη προσθέσετε εδώ.
Μπορείτε επίσης να με βοηθήσετε στα θέματα αυτά.


GitHub project:
Το spaRSS είναι ένα "fork" του Flym


Leitor de RSS que recupera periodicamente o conteúdo de artigos.



O spaRSS é um leitor de feeds RSS que permite a completa leitura de artigos sem a necessidade de abrir um navegador externo. Todo o conteúdo de seus sites de notícias favoritos estarão disponíveis diretamente no aplicativo, sem que precise estar conectado/on-line no momento da consulta.
Este aplicativo NÃO sincroniza com leitores de RSS on-line.


  • adicione facilmente novos feeds a partir do Google News ou do recurso de busca de feeds
  • adicione feeds a partir da funcionalidade de compartilhamento dos navegadores web
  • tema claro e escuro
  • leitura desconectada e completa de artigos, incluindo imagens e websites privados
  • importa e exporta lista de feeds no formato OPML
  • marque artigos favoritos
  • busque em artigos
  • filtre artigos por palavra-chave ou expressão regular
  • widgets

Usuário de Feedly: visite este endereço para exportar seus feeds para OPML e importá-los no spaRSS

Como ajudar?

Se você tem uma sugestão para melhorar o spaRSS fique à vontade para adicioná-la aqui.
Você também pode me ajudar com as sugestões já encaminhadas clicando aqui.


Projeto no GitHub :
PlayStore :
F-Droid :
spaRSS é um fork de Flym


RSS-Reader, welcher den gesamten Artikelinhalt innerhalb der App darstellen kann.



spaRSS ist ein schlankes, modernes, komplett freies (keine Werbung) Opensource Projekt, welches dich informiert hält, indem es deine Webseiten/Blogs abruft und diese für Mobilgeräte optimiert darstellt. Das Projekt basiert auf dem "Flym" RSS-Reader.

Es findet KEINE SYNCHRONISATION mit einem Online-Feedreader statt!


  • Auf einfache Weise neue Feeds hinzufügen dank der Google News bzw. Suchfunktion (Es ist auch möglich über die Teilen-Funktion des Browsers einen neuen Feed zu abonnieren.)
  • Helle und dunkle Stile (Themes)
  • Offline Lesefunktion inklusive Bilder und privater Nachrichten
  • Import/Export der Feed-Liste via OPML
  • Den kompletten Text abrufen, auch wenn der Feed-Inhalt gekürzt ist
  • Beiträge können als Favoriten markiert werden
  • Artikel durchsuchbar
  • Feeds mittels Keyword oder regulärem Ausdruck filtern
  • Anpassbare Widgets

An Feedly Nutzer: Es besteht die Möglichkeit Feeds im OPML-Format auf dieser Webseite ( zu exportieren und anschließend in spaRSS zu importieren.

Zum Projekt beitragen

Wenn du eine Idee zur Verbesserung von spaRSS hast, dann zögere nicht diese hier hinzuzufügen.
Du kannst mich auch bei bereits bestehenden Punkten unterstützen, bei denen ich Hilfe benötige. Schau dafür einfach mal hier vorbei.


GitHub Projekt:
spaRSS ist ein Fork von Flym


RSS čítačka s kompletným obsahom článkov v aplikácii



spaRSS je nenáročný, moderný, úplne zadarmo (bez reklamy) a opensource projekt, ktorý vás udržuje informovaných načítavaním vašich webových stránok, či blogov a zobrazuje ich optimalizovane pre mobilné zariadenia. Je založený na RSS čítačke "Flym".
NESYNCHRONIZUJE SA so žiadnou on-line čítačkou zdrojov.


  • jednoduché pridávanie nových informačných kanálov vďaka Google News alebo vyhľadávanie (možné aj z prehliadača pomocou funkcie Zdieľať)
  • svetlé a tmavé témy
  • offline čítanie vrátane obrázkov a súkromných správ
  • import / export zoznamu kanálov z / do OPML
  • načítanie celého textu kanálu, keď je obsah skrátený
  • označenie obľúbených položiek hviezdičkou
  • vyhľadávanie článkov
  • filtrovanie zdrojov podľa kľúčových slov alebo regulárnych výrazov
  • vlastné widgety

Užívatelia Feedly môžu exportovať svoje zdroje do OPML na tejto adrese: ( a potom ich importovať do spaRSS

Prečo spaRSS?

spaRSS je forkom (pokračovaním) projektu Flym. Používa rovnakú licenciu (GPLv3), a má celkovo rovnaké správanie. Tak prečo som potom vytvoril tento fork? , ktorý oficiálne udržiava a vyvíja Flym sa rozhodol nepokračovať vo vývoji svojej aplikácie v takom rozsahu ako predtým. (viď
Avšak, keďže Flym je skvelá aplikácia a ja som chcel pridať niektoré funkcie (ako je napríklad overovanie pomocou súborov cookie, pozri, rozhodol som sa, so súhlasom od FredJula, pre vytvorenie forku.
Všetci, vrátane FredJula môžu slobodne prispieť alebo použiť spaRSS zdrojový kód pre svoje vlastné aplikácie, pokiaľ budú GPLv3 kompatibilné.
Takže ak by sa rozhodol k obnoveniu práce na jeho aplikácii, veľmi rád mu pomôžem zaradiť všetky zmeny obsiahnuté v spaRSS do jeho aplikácie Flym.

Ako prispieť?

Ak máte akýkoľvek nápad na zlepšenie spaRSS, neváhajte a pridajte ho sem.
Môžete mi tiež pomôcť s momentálne existujúcimi problémami tu.
Chcete pomôcť s prekladom? Pridajte sa k nám na Weblate!


GitHub projekt:
spaRSS je fork aplikácie Flym

  • [FR] per-feed expire time

    [FR] per-feed expire time

    It was: I still desperately need it: Have per-feed setting on how long to keep entries. That's because some feeds get overflowed very quickly and some are not while having a long history. So one expire time for all feeds is inappropriate. I now have "Do not delete" and Flym got very slow at 70M+ data size.

    opened by ildar 18
  • Please add an option to always and immediately retrieve the full text

    Please add an option to always and immediately retrieve the full text

    @Etuldan :

    Thank you very much for forking Flym and continuing it's development! Much appreciated.

    I've got a feature request:

    Currently you always have to tap on "Retrieve the full text" for every single feed entry.

    This can be quite annoying.

    Could you please add an option to always and immediately retrieve the full text?

    It would be much appreciated.


    opened by wp9015362 16
  • Looking for new logo

    Looking for new logo

    At the moment, spaRSS use Flym images (with minor changes, as I don't have much time to change them and I have absolutely no artistic talent)

    I'm looking for one logo (source SVG format required) that should be free (free to use, free to distribute, free to modify, ...). The artist will be mentioned on the credits list of spaRSS. I can pay (if it's reasonable) for the job if the final product satisfy the above conditions.

    help wanted 
    opened by Etuldan 15
  • "Import from OPML" does not let you select OPML file directly

    @Etuldan :

    When I was using Flym (now spaRSS) for the very first time, the following issue was confusing me a lot:

    When you tap on "Import from OPML", spaRSS opens some kind of file manager, which allows you to browse through the internal storage.

    What I was expecting is, that I could browse to an OPML file and select (tap on) it, to make spaRSS import it.

    But contrary to my expectations, this was not how it worked.

    Instead, you actually can't select any file directly and even OPML files are grayed out.

    At first I thought the OPML file that I had exported to the phone previously might be incompatible with spaRSS or maybe corrupted and therefore grayed out.

    But then I noticed that if you press the back button, the file manager closes and then you suddenly can select the OPML file via another dialog.

    So, basically you have to select the desired folder with the file manager thing first, then you need to press the back button and then you can select the file via another dialog.

    This is extremely unintuitive IMHO.

    Now that I know how it works, it's kinda okay, but if there is any way this could be improved, it definitely should be improved IMHO.

    In case this should be important:

    The phone is a LG G2 running the stock LG Android 5.0.2 Lollipop ROM.


    opened by wp9015362 14
  • New new entries button is buggy, worthless and looks really wrong (solution inside)

    New new entries button is buggy, worthless and looks really wrong (solution inside)

    @Etuldan :

    No offence, but, the new new read entries button (the bell icon with the counter), which was introduced in version 1.10.3, looks incredibly ugly and out of place.

    First of all, the icon is not only bigger in size than the other icons, it's also variable in size which looks very buggy, see following screenshots:

    Image Image

    As you can see, the counter also does not fit the icon, it exceeds the icon size.

    I am wondering:

    Why do we need a new entries counter?

    If there are new entries, then I don't really care how many new entries there are. I'd rather care about how many unread entries there are.

    You could put the unread count in the title of the action bar.

    So, let's say there are 100 unread entries for example. Then the title of the action bar would be:

    Entries (100)

    If there are 50 unread entries, then the title of the action bar would be:

    Entries (50)

    and so on...

    Why do we need a button to show new entries?

    Actually I think it's really annoying to always have to press that button to make the new entries show up in the entries list.

    This button is absolutely worthless when thinking about it (IMHO)!

    It would be much better if new entries would immediately land in the entries list without having to press such an annoying button first.


    Could you please remove the new entries button and new entries count and instead make the action bar title show the unread count and make new entries show up in the entries list immediately?

    It would be much appreciated.


    opened by wp9015362 13
  • [Feature request] Support for HTTP authentication

    [Feature request] Support for HTTP authentication

    Please, add support for HTTP authentication feeds. At least, try to save the feed url as "http://user:password@feedurl" don't work in 1.10.0.

    opened by Bishop341-B 10
  • Filter problem

    Filter problem

    I made a filter for a feed but filter doesn't work. I choose to Accept feed with the SV word at title.

    Also in the middle of the screen there is No rules message but the rule is over there.

    bug question 
    opened by ntoulasd 9
  • App crashes when marked as 'Protected App' in Cyanogenmod 12.

    App crashes when marked as 'Protected App' in Cyanogenmod 12.

    Hey there. Seems to be an issue with both Flym and SpaRSS. When set as a protected app in Cyanogenmod, either tapping on an article, trying to view the about page or tapping on a feed from the 'pencil' view in the sidebar, the app crashes with the message "unfortunately SpaRSS has stopped working". Not really sure what the app is trying to access and thus protected mode is preventing it from using, though it seems to happen in only those three cases, regardless of the feed URL.

    Cyanogenmod Nightly Build 2015-01-29. LG G3 d851. Android 5.0.2.

    opened by anoadragon453 9
  • Cache off the app growing

    Cache off the app growing

    In daily use the cache of the app grows more and more. It blocks a great amount of memory on my device. Would it be possible to include an option "delete cache-files older then x days"? Or maybe link the cache to the existing option for deleting old feeds?

    opened by Etuldan 9
  • Can’t process feeds since 1.11.0 update.

    Can’t process feeds since 1.11.0 update.


    Since the 1.11.0 update, spaRSS can’t refresh the feeds (neither auto nor manual). For each feed, it says “Error: The feed can not be processed.”

    I rebooted the device and cleared the spaRSS cache but nothing changes.

    Nexus 7 (grouper), OmniRom 4.4.4.

    opened by Pwney 7
  • spaRSS does not adhere to Google Material Design Color Palette

    spaRSS does not adhere to Google Material Design Color Palette

    @Etuldan :

    The Google Material Design Guidelines come with a Google Material Design Color Palette, see:

    spaRSS currently uses the following colors:

    <color name="light_theme_color_primary">#247ab0</color>
    <color name="light_theme_color_primary_dark">#175073</color>
    <color name="dark_theme_color_primary">#175073</color>
    <color name="dark_theme_color_primary_dark">#ff10364e</color>
    <color name="dark_background">#FF000000</color>
    <color name="light_background">#FFFFFFFF</color>
    <color name="floating_action_button_disabled">#ff0b2535</color>
    <color name="dark_text">#FFFFFFFF</color>
    <color name="light_text">#FF000000</color>
    <color name="group_text">#BBBBBB</color>
    <color name="separator">#515151</color>

    Apart from white, none of those colors adhere to the Google Material Design Color Palette.

    Also, the floating action button uses the same color as the primary color.

    This is not allowed according to the Google Material Design Guidelines. According to the Google Material Design Guidelines, a proper accent color needs to be set up for action buttons, switches, sliders and so on. And it may not be the same color as the primary color, see:

    Could you please fix all of that and make spaRSS adhere to the Google Material Design Color Guidelines:



    opened by wp9015362 7
  • How to close nested feed folder on left?

    How to close nested feed folder on left?

    SpaRSS seems to be what I was looking for except that it seems to automatically expand every rss folder on the left.

    I just need to make the nested folders expandable and retractable, possible in SpaRSS?

    opened by causeburn 0
  • Roundrobin sorting option

    Roundrobin sorting option

    I first wrote this issue for the original Flym repo, but since that's been archived I figured I'd add it here as well to see if this is something anybody would like:

    It would be great if there was an option to sort the feeds in a Round Robin way.

    So basically if I have posts from A, B and C instead of sorting newest to oldest you would sort them like this:

    A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2...

    The reason I would love this feature is because I have some feeds which rarely get published (e.g. Arch Linux news) and some that are filling up my news feed (e.g. Stack Exchange favorite tags). It gets annoying having to go through 5-6 Stack Overflow posts in a row to get to something from another source, and I also never get to see any posts from Arch Linux since they are very far down the list.

    With this new sort order I would be able to read posts from all my sources regardless of how many each post.

    opened by KNejad 0
  • WebView crash on device orientation change when reading an article.

    WebView crash on device orientation change when reading an article.

    WebView crash on device orientation change when reading an article.

    Screen Shot 2020-07-02 at 11 39 53 PM

    07-02 23:39:46.758  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: -----BEGIN BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----
    07-02 23:39:46.758  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: V WebView:52.0.2743.100
    07-02 23:39:46.758  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: O A x86 02 i686 Android/aosp_x86/generic_x86:7.0/NBD92G/jhuao04182357:eng/test-keys
    07-02 23:39:46.758  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: G OpenGL ES 2.0 (4.1 INTEL-10.36.19)|Google (Intel Inc.)|Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 550)
    07-02 23:39:46.760  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: H 12C00000 BFFE3000 005D 1557C000 3D756000 0C:14 0D:06 0E:01 0F:02 11:03 12:04 13:04 14:09 15:0B 16:0B 17:0B 18:09 1B:01 1C:01
    07-02 23:39:46.760  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 0 8C774D3C 8C774000 00002000
    07-02 23:39:46.761  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C774000 01FFFFFF00000000006BB08289EAFD94E8E9529622E72796FFFFFFFF0000000026FA8196291F569351ECFD949C2A769688A1648BC040778CE8E952964A4BFF945853DF9988A1648B40BB778561BE0195C440778C08B27785D07F7F8D0000000078436396B840778CC040778C79BE0195C040778C00000000B840778C4408749574A1648BE25B5837B691B54055087495C040778CB840778C22E727969A067495C840208C40CB724A74A1648BBEB31995000000009E8A2394E8E9529622E7279600000000784363960000000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000078C5AC4A0000000032390E9500000000000000009F8A2394902A769600000000000000000000000000000000802E0E9500000000000000000000000000000000
    07-02 23:39:46.761  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C774180 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
    07-02 23:39:46.761  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C774300 030000009C2A76962C43778CFE0974954043778C589381962C43778C01070000E8191088E044778CE044778C0045404AFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000001017B8B000000000500000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF080000001D00000000000000FFFFFFFF250000000F000000350000009C01000000000000FFFFFFFF0000000040CB724A00000000000000000000C0FFFFFFDF4101010D95000000000500000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF080000000F00000000000000FFFFFFFF170000001700000000000000FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFF00000000808A094C0000000060B7258CD04B404A40F8404A08000000030000000000000000000000000000000140404A0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001500000002000000010000000200000000000000000000000200000001017B8B000000000000000000E97B8B000000003047778C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000BC44778CE044778C2B0974952ED83895
    07-02 23:39:46.761  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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
    07-02 23:39:46.762  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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    07-02 23:39:46.762  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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
    07-02 23:39:46.762  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C774C00 09B51C949C2A769624D04C8A83521C9420D04C8A000000003B461D949C2A769600000000484C778C404C778C74561C94484C778C48070000404C778CBB607BA920D04C8ACC7F679D0000000070327FA9C0687D8DB0977EA9A84C778CBB607BA900AC9A8C000000000624EA3CA35A7BA96067B0824067B082B0811A8770677F8D4CCFB382B0977EA90624EA3CB0977EA9C4687D8D8CAC9A8C40DF5C878C4C778C4C4C778CB0977EA94B07169470327FA9C0687D8DB0977EA9084D778CA35A7BA900AC9A8C000000004B0716949C2A769600CFB3820000000000000000B0977EA9007981969C2A769624E40F877B4B189524E40F8728E40F87440000004D6778A928E40F8748000000440000000079819624E40F873E000000D004238C883E1895D004238C24E40F8728E40F87263E18950700000014CF80F8784B638B49076895FAFFFFFF28E40F870F3E18959C2A76960000000028E40F87080000004D6778A9E44D778C9C2A76961B0768959C2A7696E44D778C0000000000D5858B3D096895
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    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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
    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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
    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C775B00 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    07-02 23:39:46.763  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C775C80 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    07-02 23:39:46.764  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C775E00 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    07-02 23:39:46.764  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: S 8C775F80 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad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    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 8AD09000 00000000 00039000 9DD49E76EE7764E7DCEC536CB15D14840
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 8C54A000 00000000 00004000 C08DDB4FCE02A6975A555D86D9C881EE0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 906CA000 00000000 02000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
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    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 997D7000 00000000 00020000 959380A732E50CDF3AD125DD81AA4F300
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9980C000 00000000 0000E000 931D644C3EC15179B54A2E0E6505770C0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9981D000 00000000 00012000 334E16F57839CFD0F1825346156093FE0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 99832000 00000000 00016000 25CBAA996ADF9EDA0139F7E4AC8B2A6C0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9984A000 00000000 00003000 B2A9B44E98958EF92F88E67868FF0C560
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 99850000 00000000 00034000 C06907C0B83F4711D11B6AE7DA8F91BE0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 99887000 00000000 00008000 62338DC1AB2D91C035F2592974FB267F0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 99891000 00000000 0002D000 DDBAAB7266E2AFA3EA7F733C284A06F20
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 99E32000 00000000 00002000 5A18791166F2CB7437D154194C316B9A0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9B10D000 00000000 0001D000 E2D667647D0AA65C87C9CEB01615C9A30
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9B12D000 00000000 00025000 A4158B4412A7D92CA5011AEA18B0D2C80
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9B155000 00000000 00030000 078E717670F80D57B4BBF65510A42D510
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9B188000 00000000 00025000 7BA21429B2D4E3EDC1EE521CA2FA957D0
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C409000 00000000 0000F000 B6DCAB2A99EBD37B141FA724328E19F10
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C475000 00000000 00028000 3281519268BB70BAEA50A61AA61AF8A80
    07-02 23:39:46.765  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C4A9000 00000000 0007C000 F8BB2F473E6B34E261F90741702D98CE0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C52B000 00000000 00011000 DD47204FF3DA9A76861BEB93434292CD0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C53E000 00000000 0001F000 FCACDC36ECD08C64819BC6B9AF18D4720
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M 9C5FE000 00000000 00002000 78110C8F33CA4846FD5A57DD9E0891A20
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A054A000 00000000 004AF000 DF90E58462A8B53BBC9402ED4259233C0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A0A09000 00000000 0012B000 0416E3B068CBCD816FF68D7E41A735790
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A498C000 00043000 0002D000 000000000000000000000000000000000 system@framework@android.test.runner.jar@classes.dex
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A56C5000 00000000 0072E000 F52E069590FBD4DD5AC9F3BDEC6A53420
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F54000 00000000 00001000 257E3017C5545B3D186656C92E2FD46B0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F57000 00000000 00008000 C611B4A68241FA132B4F3B2C80B8A4040
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F61000 00000000 0001E000 1041582B798FC81F5B7ACD22636AA9580
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F81000 00000000 00004000 BAD54C1C6E2298596549309B9B0AB9D70
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F87000 00000000 0000F000 F590066DE942CB9CD185679B721C80B50
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F98000 00000000 00004000 D76A19A529BD3DD1FDF39EC7BB1A40170
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5F9B000 00000000 00043000 F7A7AC9B632B6218CBF22A37DBBDAC0E0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5FE4000 00000000 00007000 2B9D71ADFB4E479A2CA67FDABF4772890
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A5FED000 00000000 0001B000 FB55C5D7F18D83D14305AF3473C707880
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6019000 00000000 0000B000 50E81E3E03C7F06D40A4C535455B68900
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6026000 00000000 00003000 909A4E0E06DD2DD34293A1120F58B3C20
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A602B000 00000000 0003C000 4FFBCD728070FB6C48015B87BF93D1900
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6059000 00000000 001D5000 041A5EC9CBA38F0BBD94FDF477B0D3470
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6247000 00000000 00008000 2DBB4E8763DA0E421682AB869A0EA2FA0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6251000 00000000 00001000 CE8A7A566386F370290B6FACB494B3870
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6254000 00000000 00002000 16DBF6F65B290E8D45F6AAAC8A4C61EC0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6251000 00000000 00251000 F9D45C4D3B8AAA828DF17BB08AA5C5410
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A64AE000 00000000 00011000 599B329DB92DB803094D655C0E8A78B80
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A64C1000 00000000 00016000 154F8F9A1A807E861F91DF0789364B540
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A64D9000 00000000 0004C000 BD946E7A943CA2480ABA3378A8140E250
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6521000 00000000 00184000 43EAFE510125CA56F76CA8FF537671920
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A66B3000 00000000 00010000 316BAE0C03DCFB2473F04394B0A77B5E0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A66C5000 00000000 00003000 7B4BE888131C939523EB3B297458EE960
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A66CA000 00000000 00006000 95AC8509C384260EE6F194E27DC184970
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A66D0000 00000000 000ED000 ECE5527A0B618678A32BF948A57121930
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A67C4000 00000000 00002000 8B0DEEAE076AAAD924522589D1D2FEBE0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A67C8000 00000000 00024000 4469DCB3518D8BED6085551559E7A8AD0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A67EF000 00000000 0001E000 7F843C1E5254E64FDFDAC9F38F2C3E020
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A680F000 00000000 00036000 3ADD2F9E4606C3EF89E1C3796959480C0
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A683F000 00000000 0008A000 01A4255F8C49B49A5DDE8D5C4EEB6D610
    07-02 23:39:46.766  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A68D7000 00000000 0005F000 6EAF03EB0123C6249D0CBA4DAB279E000
    07-02 23:39:46.768  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A6938000 00000000 000C4000 92C8D9A76EC338B7A1BDB9F744AD4AAA0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A69C7000 00000000 0160F000 F31A554F2CDFA8A1C03B6F08C48E4B590
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A80B7000 00000000 00058000 C2A5EEE748F97DBD1884FF40F6147EE00
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8116000 00000000 00004000 82D9B53FD6BD57AD89EB0B54A22432A20
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A811C000 00000000 00028000 82212718B2AB0EA184F398606676E5BE0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A814B000 00000000 00116000 B3577188AA6C967150DB0F2925CDF63F0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8264000 00000000 0003E000 D27AE9745B2D0C6851D68D5E9EF4A2520
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A82A7000 00000000 0001D000 2895B377E718C08DB98D67DCBB60B3730
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A82B5000 00000000 00682000 508F753041B062119BC0B216D433A23C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A895F000 00000000 00108000 13B09CE67048E7725AC33F75224F45150
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8A73000 00000000 0001D000 A57FF6092D411464E4B04500DB2D65FE0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8A94000 00000000 00022000 9DB060546FB073480A366439A45E2E2E0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8AB9000 00000000 00023000 93430E65799F971217348EA2A9A022D30
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8ADE000 00000000 00003000 0E013FAF21BE4F47F1F9454A19A8382C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8ADE000 00000000 00055000 6AD7E25B69FA448DA9A02E28D9D2DEB60
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B3E000 00000000 00002000 7C28C071E48CD3A6A29EDD0F7670A3600
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B42000 00000000 00012000 949A4937F65041B94518069D1B0CBBE60
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B56000 00000000 00003000 177320C690FB175A9387BC3DA6F8535D0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B5B000 00000000 00035000 133C675E592D5D06D5C0E3CC6316BEE10
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B92000 00000000 00005000 70DE492B1F1006993C306747BBD52EFA0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8B98000 00000000 00025000 D1C8002D3F247B2B7D878A27AA5F0B8C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8BC2000 00000000 00008000 EA60FFD9E8A95AB275F66EDB9F8155BB0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8BCA000 00000000 00020000 95E56C8162AFACC185BF59FA0F9DCDA40
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8BF1000 00000000 00012000 27B22A7FB101778E0668501DDE3B7BD50
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8BED000 00000000 0013B000 6AE408DCE04763A2C911EC7A330A20E50
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8D4B000 00000000 00002000 15A6C99A5025B8B3D186169177E7614C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8D4F000 00000000 0000B000 C3B7438A8DA4FCCBEE67C0819E5233830
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8D5C000 00000000 00006000 A7F51514BB7CE5A5148F925B2A3605D50
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8D64000 00000000 00004000 D6C4524EB76EE6BB83B108C958C694790
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8D6A000 00000000 0005D000 B4263DE3DEF8B7D8BAD6A754606BC7850
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8DCA000 00000000 00078000 41BFD47786D36E2BFCC1441AB375835A0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8E46000 00000000 00009000 A786BB9538D761AE4A0605E78DF950200
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A8E4B000 00000000 00527000 E2DD42126022C34A4491FD37FAEE12610
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9383000 00000000 0000B000 DA74D618635F23AEFCE129227F3C0E960
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9390000 00000000 0002C000 AB59F9B6AC791C048BBF20D2802AB5A30
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A93B9000 00000000 0007F000 1D6F6F66518CED019A77077512C80F3C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9443000 00000000 00009000 B6CDCC9339B235728DAB8B14970918690
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A944E000 00000000 00015000 0D5D0F89CE3508B55C7ED2EB9F68C9C20
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9466000 00000000 00049000 3D39B9CA541373AE92C3B28364FFBEDA0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94B1000 00000000 00023000 4CF3089E3E4C2E87A93BC9E23D3FCCE30
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94D6000 00000000 0000A000 DA31064484A0FAD5D3C5FFFE305120D60
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94E2000 00000000 00007000 D3CBCEB5E5768F27858A1E2EBE1DDB590
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94EB000 00000000 00001000 7B9E7D64E41DFACB00D4A2C1AFEEE3D10
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94EF000 00000000 00004000 90219136146FA3C97B7A0B3F3C72B26F0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A94F6000 00000000 00061000 09EF586BA87FE870D810D87D9578D4E00
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A955B000 00000000 00046000 A1F2ADC3E3E482FD3CE68F6E8638BED10
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A95A4000 00000000 00021000 2563B093FC0FE25C7D3A82368EB28B9C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A95C8000 00000000 00001000 67B8FCECDCAABC65FDF7723DBAE5825C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A95CC000 00000000 0004F000 059F446B5D3F0EBC5B069007B07A91250
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A961E000 00000000 00013000 F65FFA9EE0DC45B4CBD1B9D84C6E02F30
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9635000 00000000 000D7000 2A9E490AB4C351BE19731A1D759CDC840
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9711000 00000000 000D5000 607A1844841BBCBAC6ECDC95CB0490130
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A97E5000 00000000 0019E000 8D7E686F0E93EAE2DF8F4E887F1F9B6E0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9994000 00000000 0002C000 CAC10B08EC1B64C4AD441FD32EBB5CA60
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A99C5000 00000000 00009000 1EF54C94C13BD59F41C534424BFFA58A0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A99CF000 00000000 00013000 4B003AE2270A55B26B847C59E72F158C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A99E4000 00000000 000CF000 A996335F320E960FAFCE5A8F145FC18C0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9AB8000 00000000 00002000 5ACB05FC02FC1D8449DFEBD2E810BC3B0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9DC2000 00000000 0003C000 26DA0A8E937E07BEC22BE270F23ADEE40
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9E1B000 00000000 0003A000 F270F6152EEF1FC65D13DF318504101E0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9E5D000 00000000 00008000 889076586566749B0D960F430C757E8B0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9E66000 00000000 00013000 9293D831C0BDC7D5D8A2A34022F9B41E0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9E7D000 00000000 00015000 0D59A59D06C5FC1596DE260F7F0E05B50
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9E94000 00000000 0001E000 BE3E2B1D443D17C1A1F6FA28AFE7A7970
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9EB4000 00000000 0001A000 401D5B560C965417CE2D09EAC5E937390
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9F16000 00000000 00012000 1EDA54FEB2C0B3C8703EE2657CE2F2820
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9F5C000 00000000 00003000 E6FE57982A14DC927C8535855E9025DC0
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M A9F67000 00000000 00002000 37B6D591D68529FBCFBCA54B1BF638A20
    07-02 23:39:46.771  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA052000 00000000 00002000 0CE41131E2FAAB802465B28D1982D87A0
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA056000 00000000 00001000 A302A9FB7DBF2E44875B91CF401D8B8D0
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA088000 00000000 00001000 3FB76F196AED696C15FE26EBD2BAA39F0
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA08B000 00000000 0000F000 1224598BFB2C75AE384E9477E9FC23810
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA18D000 00000000 00001000 103AE5C8080CCAC175AC31F85B49E2E40
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: M AA18E000 00000000 000CB000 5C0C089727EB2849E33792CE09A0FB5D0 linker
    07-02 23:39:46.772  4932  4072 F google-breakpad: -----END BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----
    07-02 23:39:46.790  4038  4072 W google-breakpad: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
    07-02 23:39:46.790  4038  4072 W google-breakpad: Chrome build fingerprint:
    07-02 23:39:46.790  4038  4072 W google-breakpad: 1.0
    07-02 23:39:46.790  4038  4072 W google-breakpad: 1
    07-02 23:39:46.790  4038  4072 W google-breakpad: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
    07-02 23:39:46.794  4038  4072 F libc    : Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL), code 2, fault addr 0x956806fb in tid 4072 (Chrome_InProcRe)
    07-02 23:39:46.794  1181  1181 W         : debuggerd: handling request: pid=4038 uid=10029 gid=10029 tid=4072
    07-02 23:39:46.870  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'Android/aosp_x86/generic_x86:7.0/NBD92G/jhuao04182357:eng/test-keys'
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'x86'
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : pid: 4038, tid: 4072, name: Chrome_InProcRe  >>> org.chromium.webview_shell <<<
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : signal 4 (SIGILL), code 2 (ILL_ILLOPN), fault addr 0x956806fb
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   :     eax fffffffa  ebx 96762a9c  ecx 00000001  edx fffffffa
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   :     esi 8c774de4  edi fffffffa
    07-02 23:39:46.872  4933  4933 F DEBUG   :     xcs 00000073  xds 0000007b  xes 0000007b  xfs 0000003b  xss 0000007b
    07-02 23:39:46.873  4933  4933 F DEBUG   :     eip 956806fb  ebp 00000000  esp 8c774d3c  flags 00210286
    07-02 23:39:46.874  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : 
    07-02 23:39:46.874  4933  4933 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
    07-02 23:39:46.874  4933  4933 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 023b66fb  /system/app/webview/webview.apk (offset 0x801000)
    07-02 23:39:47.547  1181  1181 W         : debuggerd: resuming target 4038
    07-02 23:39:47.557  1488  1516 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_01 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
    07-02 23:39:47.571  1488  1977 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 13
    opened by geniuslittleteddy 1
  • [Abandoned] Is spaRSS still maintained?

    [Abandoned] Is spaRSS still maintained?

    The last commit in this repository which is not a translation is beafe17f4c70357afd39b0a5f5b1bc0a0055f829 from Jun 19, 2016.

    The last version released is the latter "Version 1.11.8".

    The development is obviously dead like asked in #259 on Feb 26, 2017. This makes the critic on Flym is obsolete.

    Why spaRSS ?

    spaRSS is a fork of Flym. It uses the same license (GPLv3) and has quite the same behavior. So why I created this fork ? , the official maintainer and developer of Flym has decided to not maintain his app as much as before. (see ).
    However, as Flym is a great app, and I wanted to add some features (like the Authentication Cookie, see ), I decided, with the OK of FredJul to start the fork.
    Everyone, included FredJul is free to contribute or to use the spaRSS code for his own app, if it's GPLv3 compliant.
    So if he decided to re-start on his app, I'll be very happy to help him to push all the modifications included in spaRSS into Flym.

    Personally I prefer to use spaRSS in favor of Flym because it has some nice features I miss in Flym. Also other forks like ReadifyRSS do not fill the gap.

    opened by tasmo 4
  • How to add default rss feed with always retrive full text?

    How to add default rss feed with always retrive full text?

    i already did default rss feed with database exec but its only showing me feed,its not retriving full text and images... database.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + FeedColumns.TABLE_NAME + " (" + FeedColumns.URL + "," + FeedColumns.NAME + ") VALUES ('" + "url" + "','" + "text" + "')");

    maybe some FeedColumns.RETRIEVE_FULLTEXT ??? but how?

    opened by seri0099 0
Flym News Reader is a light Android feed reader (RSS/Atom)

BEWARE: The original developer stopped the development of the app so I'm starting to work on it to improve it and maintain it. Flym News Reader Light

null 0 Jul 26, 2022
Sparse-Matrix - Sparse Matrix Calculator in Kotlin Tornadofx

Sparse-Matrix Sparse Matrix Calculator in Kotlin Tornadofx Calculator capabiliti

null 9 Dec 19, 2022
A news application through which you can learn and browse all the news that interests you by choosing the country and type of news with the ability to browse and add some news to your favorites

MY-NEWS-Android A news application through which you can learn and browse all the news that interests you by choosing the country and type of news wit

Mahmoud ELramady 0 Nov 11, 2021
Continuously archive RSS feeds to various different backends

RSStore Continuously archive RSS feeds to various different backends. Aka I try

//todo 0 Dec 18, 2021
Android News App built in kotlin with implementation of MVVM architecture, android navigation components and retrofit. Displays news to users allowing them to share and save news.

News-App Android news app built in kotlin that fetches news data from news api with Retrofit and displays news to users. This App follow MVVM architec

Raj Manjrekar 16 Dec 29, 2022
A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially made with HUAWEI APIs

HuaweiGlobalNewsApp A news app made using android studio in Java with features like favourite news, Location detector for local news, and especially m

Christian Imanuel Hadiwidjaja 1 Oct 30, 2021
News-App - A news app Which displays news with the help of JSON data

News-App This is a news app Which displays news with the help of JSON data

Lalith Sharma 0 Feb 16, 2022
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.

A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.You can search news on any topic.Used all latest stuffs in android like Navigation Component, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Room DataBase, Kotlin Corutines etc

Aman Bhatt 2 Oct 20, 2022
An app that calculates which fuel is cheaper for the user, the basis used for the calculation was the famous formula ValorAlcool / ValorGasolina

An app that calculates which fuel is cheaper for the user, the basis used for the calculation was the famous formula ValorAlcool / ValorGasolina

Henrique Marinho Teixeira 2 Jan 19, 2022
An app that is a one-stop destination for all the CS enthusiasts, providing resources like Information scrapping techniques, best YT channels, courses available free-of-cost, etc. & knowledge about every domain and field that exists on the Internet related to Computer Science along with News, Jobs, and Internships opportunities in these domains along with valuable tips and hacks from mentors for a particular domain.

An app that is a one-stop destination for all the CS enthusiasts, providing resources like Information scrapping techniques, best YT channels, courses available free-of-cost, etc. & knowledge about every domain and field that exists on the Internet related to Computer Science along with News, Jobs, and Internships opportunities in these domains along with valuable tips and hacks from mentors for a particular domain.

CSwala 48 Nov 26, 2022
SimpleToDo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item.

SimpleToDo is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item.

null 0 Jan 3, 2022
Todo List Application is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item

Todo List Application is an android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting an existing item

null 0 Jan 22, 2022
Readow - Readow RSS Reader application. It’s fast and clean, giving you the freedom to enjoy your favorite news

Readow Readow RSS Reader application. It’s fast and clean, giving you the freedo

Pradeep Hr 7 Sep 20, 2022
A collection of custom Android/Kotlin lint checks we use in our Android and Kotlin code bases at Slack.

slack-lints This repository contains a collection of custom Android/Kotlin lint checks we use in our Android and Kotlin code bases at Slack. This repo

Slack 119 Dec 20, 2022
This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication.

Movie-API This is a Movie API app in which data is fetched online from the TMDB site using API authentication. MVVM model is used for Database Managme

Atishay Jain 1 Dec 4, 2021
The News App has been carried out within the framework of the MVVM architecture, information about news is obtained by consulting an API, it is built usisng Jetpack Copose, Coroutines, Dependency Injection with Hilt and Retrofit

Journalist The News App consists of an application that displays the latest news from EEUU from an API that provides official and updated information.

null 0 Nov 3, 2021
An android app make a one-stop solution for finding the desired reading or research partner, sell their own products, and also be a tutor

The purpose of this project is to make a one-stop solution for finding the desired reading or research partner, sell their own products, and also be a tutor.

Md.Asraful Islam Asif 4 Dec 14, 2022
Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.

Newesy is news app which uses NewsAPI to fetch news.The main aim of this app was to learn Modern Android Architecture (MVVM).It uses MVVM,Kotlin-coroutines,Room,ViewModal,Retrofit,GSON and Navigation graph

SHANTANU RATHOD 7 Oct 29, 2022
This is a News Application for android mobiles, fetching news through Guardian API.

News-In-Hand This is a NEWS FEED APP which gives a user regularly-updated news from the Internet. To achieve this, I use the Guardian API. This is a w

Bhramar Virmani 1 Nov 5, 2021