βš™ A beautiful and extensible API for bulding preferences screen



Material Preferences


πŸ’» Installation

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Add this in app's build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.imangazaliev.material-prefs:core:<version>'
implementation 'com.imangazaliev.material-prefs:dialogs:<version>'
implementation 'com.imangazaliev.material-prefs:date-time:<version>'
implementation 'com.imangazaliev.material-prefs:color-picker:<version>'

⚠ Attention! The package name has been changed from com.github.imangazalievm.material-prefs:xxx due to the transfer of the library to Maven Central.

⭐ Features

  • Convenient and extensible DSL
  • Flexible appearance settings
  • Unified view on Lollipop and Pre-Lollipop
  • Ability to use custom storage
  • Default prefs values
  • Light and dark themes

πŸ”₯ Usage

To start using the library you need to do 3 simple steps:

  1. Add MaterialPreferencesView in your layout
  2. Provide preferences storage:
    3.1 Default storage - DefaultPreferencesStorage
    3.1 Any custom storage which implements the PreferencesStorage interface
  3. Build prefs screen via MaterialPrefs DSL

If you want to use DefaultPreferencesStorage you have to provide initial values through DefaultValuesContainer.

Step 1 Place the MaterialPreferencesView in your layout:

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Step 2 Create prefs storage and provide initial values:

val defValues = defaultPrefValues {
    "my_string" to "Jhon Doe"
    "my_int" to 99
    "my_long" to 5L
    "my_float" to 2.5f
    "my_boolean" to true

val storage = defaultPrefsStorage("my_prefs", defValues)

Step 3 Add pref items via MaterialPrefs DSL:

prefs(prefsView, storage) {
    category("My category") {
         preference {
            title("My pref item")
            onClick {
                //my action

πŸ“„ Documentation

The library includes 4 modules:

  • core - contains main code: simple prefs, checkbox, switch
  • dialogs - dialogs prefs: single and multiple choice
  • date-time - date and time pickers
  • color-picker - color picker

Three last modules based on Material Dialogs library.


Simple preference:

preference {
    summary("My description")
    onClick {
        //my action


switch("my_key") {
    summary("My description")
    onChecked { isChecked ->
        //my action


checkbox("my_key") {
    summary("My description")
    onChecked { isChecked ->
        //my action

Label preference:

labelPreference("my_key", String::class) {
    onClick {
        //my action


Single Choice:

listSingleChoice("my_key", String::class) {
            ListItem("ar", "Arabic"),
            ListItem("en", "English"),
            ListItem("ru", "Russian")

Multi Choice:

listMultiChoice("my_key", String::class) {
    listValuesSerializer { it.joinToString() }
    listValuesDeserializer {
        if (it.isNotEmpty()) {
                .map { number -> number.trim().toInt() }
        } else emptyList()
            ListItem("one", "Item 1"),
            ListItem("two", "Item 2"),
            ListItem("three", "Item 3")

Text Input:

textInput("my_key") {
    onNewInput { 
        //my action       


Date picker:

datePicker("my_key") {
    val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy ", Locale.US)
    valuePresenter { formatter.format(it) }
    onValueSelected {
        //my action

Time picker:

timePicker("my_key") {
    val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm ", Locale.US)
    valuePresenter { formatter.format(it) }
    onValueSelected {
        //my action

Date and picker:

dateTimePicker("my_key") {
    val formatter = SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm dd.MM.yyyy ", Locale.US)
    valuePresenter { formatter.format(it) }
    onValueSelected {
        //my action


colorPicker("my_key") {
    val colors = intArrayOf(Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE)
    onColorSelected {
        //my action

Custom preference item

To create custom preference item you have to do 3 steps:

Step 1: Create preference view class inherited from PreferenceView or BasePreferenceView.

If your view inherited from BasePreferenceView you have to implement createValueView method:

class MyPreferenceView(
    context: Context,
    attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
    themeResId: Int = 0
) : BasePreferenceView(context, attrs, themeResId) {

    override fun createValueView(parent: ViewGroup): View {
        return parent.inflate(R.layout.my_pref_view)


Step 2: Create preference class inherited from Preference or BasePreference and implement 3 methods:

abstract class MyPreference(
    key: String,
    container: PrefsContainer,
    private val appearanceManager: PreferencesAppearance
) : BasePreference<MyPreference, MyPreferenceView, String>(
    container = container,
    key = key,
    appearanceManager = appearanceManager
) {

    override fun createView(): V {

    override fun loadValue(view: V) {
    override fun initView(view: V) {


Third generic parameter of BasePreference is a type of data, that will be save in the preferences, so it must be one of the following types:

  • String
  • Int
  • Long
  • Float
  • Boolean

Step 3: Create extension method for MaterialSettings:

fun myPreference(builder: PreferenceBuilder<MyPreference>) {
    MyPreference(container, appearanceManager)
        .also { addPreference(it) }
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