Secure Preference Manager for android. It uses various Encryption to protect your application's Shared Preferences.



Android Arsenal Travis CI ##Secure Preference Manager is a simple Library to help you protect your Shared Preferences. Secure Preference Manager for android. It uses various encryption techniques to protect your application's Shared Preferences.

##Setup Add jitpack to your project’s repositories.

repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url "" }

Then add Secure-Pref-Manager to your Module’s dependencies

dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.prashantsolanki3:Secure-Pref-Manager:0.25'


###Initialize SecurePrefManager anywhere before using it.

  • Basic Initialization
       new SecurePrefManagerInit.Initializer(getApplicationContext())
  • Recommended Initialization
  • AES Encryption by Default.
  • Auto Generated Key.
       new SecurePrefManagerInit.Initializer(getApplicationContext())
  • Advance Initialization: Only if you wanna add Custom Encryption Methods.
       new SecurePrefManagerInit.Initializer(getApplicationContext())
               .setCustomEncryption(new Encryptor(getApplicationContext()) {
                   public String encrypt(String s) throws Exception {
                       // Your Encryption Algorithm
                       return encryptedString;

                   public String decrypt(String s) throws Exception {
                       // Your Decryption Algorithm
                       return decryptedString;

Adding and Retrieving Preferences

  • Adding
  • Retrieving
        String userName = SecurePrefManager.with(this)

Hide Preferences from 3rd Party applications (EXPERIMENTAL)

  • Unhide Preferences when the activity starts
    protected void onStart() {
                .unhide(new HidePreferences.PreferenceUpdateListener() {
                    public void onFailure() {
                        Log.d("unhiding", "Failed");

                    public void onProgress(int p, int max) {
                        Log.d("unhiding", "Progress: " + p + "/" + max);

                    public void onSuccess() {
                        Log.d("unhiding", "Success");
  • Hide preferences when leaving the activity
    protected void onPause() {
                .hide(new HidePreferences.PreferenceUpdateListener() {
                    public void onFailure() {


                    public void onProgress(int p, int max) {


                    public void onSuccess() {


Have Fun!

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    Failed to resolve: com.github.prashantsolanki3:Secure-Pref-Manager:0.25+

    i have added maven { url "" } to maven and compile 'com.github.prashantsolanki3:Secure-Pref-Manager:0.25+' dependency to build.gradle

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  • Migrating old data that is not encrypted.

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