This library is based on Flows
and Coroutines
and works with the provided DataStore Storage or even with a custom storage implementation. It supports LiveData
by default as Flows
can easily be converted to LiveData
. Preferences are elegantly declared via delegates
. Additionally the preference-screen module provides a DSL to easily set up RecyclerView
based preference screens. It also supports custom extensions for custom preference screens.
Following are the key features:
- define preferences elegantly via delegates
- flow and coroutine based
- allows to observe single / some / all preferences
- provides suspending update functions
- provides a DSL for a
based setting screen
With this library you can declare preferences via kotlin delegates
,and observe and update them via kotlin Flows
. This works with any storage implementation, an implementation for JetPack DataStore is provided already.
1/4 Define preferences:
object UserSettingsModel : SettingsModel(DataStoreStorage(name = "user")) {
// Basic
val name by stringPref("User")
val alive by boolPref(true)
val hairColor by intPref(Color.parseColor("#A52A2A"))
val age by intPref(40)
val income by floatPref(50000f)
val dayOfBirth by longPref(0L)
val doubleTest by doublePref(0.0)
// Sets
val childrenAges by intSetPref(setOf(20, 18, 16))
val childrenIncomes by floatSetPref(setOf(30000f, 10000f, 0f))
val childrenDaysOfBirth by longSetPref(setOf(0L, 0L, 0L))
// Enum
val car by enumPref(Car.Tesla)
// custom class - provide a custom converter (String <=> Class)
val testClass by anyPref(TestClass.CONVERTER, TestClass())
// NULLABLE variants
val nullableString by nullableStringPref()
val nullableInt by nullableIntPref()
val nullableFloat by nullableFloatPref()
val nullableDouble by nullableDoublePref()
val nullableLong by nullableLongPref()
val nullableBool by nullableBoolPref()
2/4 Observe/Read preferences:
// 1) simply observe a setting
UserSettingsModel.name.observe(lifecycleScope) {
L.d { "name = $it"}
// 2) direct read (not recommended if not necessary but may be useful in many cases => simply returns flow.first() in a blocking way)
val name = UserSettingsModel.name.value
// 3) observe a setting once
UserSettingsModel.name.observeOnce(lifecycleScope) {
L.d { "name = $it"}
// 4) observe ALL settings
UserSettingsModel.changes.onEach {
L.d { "[ALL SETTINGS OBSERVER] Setting '${it.setting.key}' changed its value to ${it.value}" }
// 5) observe SOME settings
.filter {
it.setting == UserSettingsModel.name ||
it.setting == UserSettingsModel.age
}.onEach {
// we know that either the name or the age changes
L.d { "[SOME SETTINGS OBSERVER] Setting '${it.setting.key}' changed its value to ${it.value}" }
// 6) read multiple settings in a suspending way
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val name = UserSettingsModel.childName1.flow.first()
val alive = DemoSettingsModel.alive.flow.first()
val hairColor = DemoSettingsModel.hairColor.flow.first()
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
textView.text = "Informations: $name, $alive, $hairColor"
3/4 Lifedata:
val lifedata = UserSettingsModel.name.flow.asLiveData()
4/4 Update preferences:
lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
UserSettingsModel.name.update("Some new name")
The Storage
is an abstraction to support any storage implementation. The datastore
module provides an implementation based on the Android JetPack DataStore.
Check out the corresponding readme here: DataStore Module README
Preference Screen
The preference-screen* modules allow you to create preference screens like following easily via DSL.
Explanations, code examples and more be found here: Preference Screen Modules README
Gradle (via- add jitpack to your project's
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
- add the compile statement to your module's
dependencies { // core module implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:core:" // data store module implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:datastore:" // screen modules implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:screen:" implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:screen-input:" implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:screen-choice:" implementation "com.github.MFlisar.MaterialPreferences:screen-color:" }
- Preference Types
- SeekBar Preference
- Collapse Preference - add sub items ONCE on click
- Dropdown Preference
- Spacer Preference
- Others
- Global Setting - enable title numbering (Count numbers of categories yes/no)
- use MaterialDialogFragments dialog fragments so that even the dialogs restore their state and remember temporary user changes inside the dialogs