This project provides declarative camunda delegates for Spring based application




  • Declarative style for delegate code
  • Generated delegates documentation and templates for camunda modeler(this feature is not production ready)
  • Compatibility with JavaDelegate


  1. Project complied with Camunda version 7.13.
  2. Spring Boot 2.5.2
  3. Kotlin version 1.5


Add dependency in gradle

implementation(group = "", name = "camunda-delegator-spring-boot-starter", version = "version")

Activate library by camunda plugin BpmnParserCamundaPlugin with other plugins

    fun processEngineConfiguration(
        processEnginePlugins: List<ProcessEnginePlugin>
    ): SpringProcessEngineConfiguration {
        val customEngine = SpringProcessEngineBpmnParseConfiguration()
        return CamundaSpringBootUtil.initCustomFields(customEngine).also {
            it.isJobExecutorActivate = false


    fun processEngineConfiguration(
        delegatorExpressionManager: ExpressionManager,
        delegatorBpmnParseFactory: BpmnParseFactory
    ): SpringProcessEngineConfiguration {
        val customEngine = SpringProcessEngineBpmnParseConfiguration()
        return CamundaSpringBootUtil.initCustomFields(customEngine).also {
            it.isJobExecutorActivate = false
                BpmnParserCamundaPlugin(delegatorExpressionManager, delegatorBpmnParseFactory)


Camunda JobExecutor cannot be activated before application started it fully. Your can activate job executing on event ApplicationStartedEvent(delegators init on this event).

class JobExecutorActivationListener(
    private val jobExecutor: JobExecutor
) {

    fun startJobExecution() {


class ProductGeneratorDelegate {

    @SingleResultVariable(name = "product")
    fun generateProduct(
        @Variable(name = "product") product: String
    ): Product {
        return Product(product)

See wiki for more information.


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