Android app which fetches a sample movies list to display. Built using Kotlin and latest Android tech stack, with an approach to clean architecture.



This is an Android app which fetches a sample movies list to display. Built using Kotlin and latest Android tech stack, with an approach to clean architecture.


  • Search by movie genre and title, with InputFilter/SearchView.
  • Request caching for fetching movies sample & images, for 10 minutes. This is implemented with a custom CacheControlInterceptor.
  • Portrait/Landscape support - more item rows on landscape, less on portrait.

Technologies & Patterns Used

  • MVVM pattern with lifecycle components
  • Data binding
  • Coil for image loading
  • Coroutines for asynchronous calls
  • Okhttp3/Retrofit2 for network requests
  • Gson for parsing
  • Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection & also used in UI (Instrumentation tests)
  • Mockito/io.mockk for unit tests
  • Timber for logging

Running the app/tests

This project should build & run fine on latest versions of Android Studio IDE. To run tests -

  • Unit Tests:
    • ./gradlew testDebugUnitTest and/or ./gradlew testReleaseUnitTest
    • You can also run the com.moviessampleapp test package directly from Android Studio.
  • Automation Tests (run with a connected emulator or device):
    • adb shell am instrument -w -r --no-window-animation -e package com.moviessampleapp -e debug false com.moviessampleapp.debug.test/com.moviessampleapp.HiltTestRunner
    • You can also run the com.moviessampleapp.ui androidTest package directly from Android Studio.

Screenshots & Videos

Portrait screen -


Landscape screen -


Short video of the app -

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