A sample demo app (two screen todo list app) which has Clean Architecture with MVVM , UI built with Jetpack Compose and includes Modern Android Development Best Practices with components as below:
- Jetpack Compose - UI (Includes - Text, Button, Dropdown Menu, Date Picker, Toggle Switch, RecyclerView, ConstraintLayout and Floating Action Button)
- Kotlin Flow
- Hilt - Dependency injection
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Room with Coroutines & Flow Support
- Jetpack Datastore - Proto DataStore
- Jetpack Compose Navigation - With SafeArgs
This App is inspired by Working with Proto DataStore Google Codelabs and includes Local Data Storage support - with Room as well as Proto DataStore.
- Room - Saves the Tasks created by User
- Proto DataStore - Saves User Preferences(SortOrder and ShowCompleted flag)